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1、本科生毕业论文轻载室内数控云台设计The design of the underloading numerical control sputnik for indoor学生姓名所在专业机械设计制造及其自动化所在班级申请学位工学学士指导教师职称副指导教师职称答辩时间目 录目 录设计总说明.Iintroduction.II1 前言1 1.1 概述.1 1.2 数控云台的工作原理和特点.11.2.1 数控云台的工作原理.21.2.2 智能高速云台的优点.22 设计方案的确立2 2.1 数控云台的技术指标.2 2.2 数控云台的设计方案.22.2.1 数控云台设计方案的提出.22.2.2 数控云台设计

2、方案的论述.33 机械部分设计43.1 脉冲当量和个传动比的确定.43.2 步进电机的选用.43.2.1 传动系统等效转动惯量的计算.43.2.2 负载转矩的计算.53.2.3 步进电机的选用.63.3 Z方向齿轮减速机构传动系统设计.6 3.3.1 选定齿轮的类型、精度、材料、齿数.6 3.3.2 按齿面接触强度计算.63.3.3 按齿根弯曲强度计算.83.3.4 几何尺寸计算.93.3.5 验算.93.4 X方向齿轮减速机构传动系统设计.93.4.1 选定齿轮的类型、精度、材料、齿数.93.4.2 按齿面接触强度计算.93.4.3 按齿根弯曲强度计算.93.4.4 几何尺寸计算.113.4

3、.5 验算.11 3.5 轴的设计.123.5.1 Z方向轴的设计123.5.2 X方向轴的设计13 3.6 轴承的选用.143.6.1 Z方向轴承的选用.143.6.2 X方向轴承的选用144 系统控制部分设计.154.1 控制系统的功能与设计要求.154.2 总体方案的设计.164.3 系统中关键器件的选用.16 4.3.1 微处理器.16 4.3.2 看门狗电路.164.4 可靠性设计.17 4.4.1 容错设计的一般思想.17 4.4.2 系统的自诊断设计.17 4.4.3 自诊断的软件实现.18 4.4.4 系统的抗干扰设计.184.5 软件设计.22鸣 谢.28参考文献.29设计总


5、简单的介绍。同时本设计还对数控云台的系统数控部分进行了设计,包括系统中关键器件的选用、可靠性设计和软件设计。 本设计主要参照江西科学技术出版社所编写的中国机械设计大典的标准,按照标准化、通用化、原则进行设计。关键词:数控技术 ;闭路电视系统 ; 数控云台 ; 步进电机IIINTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTIONComputer Numerical Control (CNC) had widely used along with advancement of mechanical manufacturing technology and development of production

6、, it improves the product quality extremely. This graduation project is to design a numerical control (NC) sputnik of the closed-circuit TV system .The project based on the working conditions, the mechanical guideline, the design parameter and the primary technical requirements .Structural design is

7、 a scientific of the numerical control sputnik important performance indicators, including the selection of the magnetic stepping motor and internal structure design. The magnetic stepping motor is cloud billiards organization key parts, speaking generally, aim at currently at home and abroad the ma

8、gnetic stepping motor technique measure good main index sign of electric motor is its credibility.the intellectual spherical sputnik for indoor was applied to the project. The spherical husk can reduce dust and all kinds of disturbances, it is easy to be maintained, it can spy in any hidden place. I

9、n horizon, it can successively scan a round in non-step timing, and have the function of Preset Positions. The project introduces the driving principle construction features and the function of NC sputnik. It simply introduces magnetic stepping motor. This design returned the system of the numerical

10、 control sputnik cloud pedestal to numerical control part to carry on a design in the meantime, including the key spare part in the system to choose to use,the dependable sex design and software design.This design is standardized byChina mechanical design canon edited by Jiangxi technology publish c

11、ompany. The design is carried by standard and general.KEYWORDS: CNC technology ; Closed-circuit TV system ; numerical control sputnik ; magnetic stepping motor广东海洋大学2006届本科生毕业论文轻载室内数控云台设计机械设计制造及其自动化,2002121315,廖柳春,指导教师:张建,林菁毕业设计说明书1 前言1.1 概述云台是承载摄像机进行水平和垂直两个方向转动的装置。云台内装两个电动机。这两个电机一个负责水平方向的转动,另一个负责垂直方向的转动。水平转动的角度一般350。,垂直转动则有土45,土35土75等等。水平及垂直转动的角度大小可通过步进电机进行调整。云台的分类大致分为室内用云台及室外用云台。室内用云台承重小,没有防雨装置。室外用云台承重大,有防雨装置。有些高档的室外云台



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