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1、一、基础训练1)单项选择1. You _ hand it in at once, you may hand it in tomorrow.(A) neednt (B) may not (C) cant (D) must not2. That must be a mistake. No it _ a mistake. (A) must not be (B) neednt be (C) cannot be (D) would not be3. You _ go now. Its getting late. (A) had rather (B) would (C) had better (D) wo

2、uld4. Since the bus is crowded, we _. (A) had better walk to home (B) have better walk home (C) had better walk home (D) had better to walk home5. You _ come in now, Mary! Its getting cold! “I _ go on playing in the garden. (A) had better.had better (B) would rather.had better (C) had better.would r

3、ather (D) had better.would have better6. When I was a boy, I _ chocolate. (A) would like (B) was used to like (C) should like (D) used to like7. I wasnt supposed to go to the movies, but I _ myself. (A) cannot help (B) couldnt but (C) had to help (D) couldnt help8. Looking at my determined face, the

4、 big boy _ pick up the fight. (A) dares not (B) dare not (C) doesnt dare (D) dares not to9. He began to write two hours ago. He _ have finished the article now. (A) must (B) ought (C) ought to (D) had to10. You _ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do. (A) neednt to come

5、 (B) dont need come (C) dont need coming (D)neednt come11. _ you be here at eight oclock tomorrow morning? (A) Would (B) Should (C) Can (D) Could12. _ I have a talk with the Party Secretary now? (A) Will (B) Did (C) May (D) Can13. You _ read that article if you dont want to.” (A) neednt (B) mustnt (

6、C) havent (D) cant14. When the storm comes all windows _. (A) ought to close (B) ought to be closing (C) ought to be closed (D) ought to closed15. I _ me what happened. (A) would like you tell (B) would like you to tell (C) would like you telling (D) would like you that you tell16. I hope you can vi

7、sit my country soon, because_ to show you some of the beautiful places near my home. (A) I like (B) Id like (C) I will like (D) I shall like17. She _ for yesterdays test, but she didnt. (A)should have studied (B) would study (C) might be studying (D)must have studied18. He _ breakfast at eight ocloc

8、k when he lived alone. But nowadays he _ it at seven. (A) was used to have . is having (B) was used to having .is having (C) used to have . has (D) used to having .was19. In the old society Grandpa Zhou _ to work long hours a day. (A) was working (B) was having (C) had (D) has20. Everybody _ in bed. (A) has to spend some time (B) have to spend some time (C) has to spend sometimes (D) have to spend sometimes



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