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1、被动语态专项训练(一) 将下列句子改为被动语态1.Mr Geencans thraing rm eery day. Miss Li taches us English. She doesnt spkFrench.4.est sed or adotor ghno.5. bd n made the works wrklong hus. The calli jcet in English.7 e must water te tres a fen aosible. We shuld trndn te rado withe ay isasep.(二)用括号内所给动词的对的形式填空 1heartatbri

2、g _(make)wood.2nlish _ themot wide _ (peak)lanuagein thwld.3.ea _(row)i hesohast China Where _theolf fs _(e)by the farmer? 5.l h work ust _(fnsh)efre Wednedy. 6.Books anmagazs can _ (nottke)o of te adingroo 7Can ce (grow)n winter? 8.Te w tacher (give)a wa welcome by th studet (三)、选择填空*1.hebir le hgh

3、er nd hige tillitoul ologe _.A. e us . C. was een D. be see2veryoneat t part _ aeent. A. ivs B. asiving C.wa to gve D.was gve*. errileaci_ ar oschlstera.A.wa hppeig was happened C.ha apeed D. happned4 Whois the boo_?A. riting Bwrtt C. ittenwih D. wtn b*. My famiy had som hotos_ lst Suday. A.tooBtaki

4、ng C. totak . ta*. Ak him how h _. Aspn on the e B. did hmeal costC.washe ea ned .did hpay fr he al7 May or houses _or teahers ice atyea. A. ar building B.bit Chae buil he n bi8Dont worry. All the hildren _by th nuss. are ell takna of B.tke god ca of C. retake go cre D tak g care 9. -Mst od eopl_ o

5、poitely? - Ye, ou_.A. spek,mus B. soke, eed C.be soken, must D. e spoke,ned10. _ the Part_ on Jul , 192? Di, fond B Ws, ound . Did, e founded D. Was, foned*1 _ no to thaaybecse the road _A.old, isbeing bui . ad told, s buidingC.as old, isbuilt .wre told, wasbeing built*2.Tre wasomehing wrnwith i bka

6、ndheha to sto_.A. he t eair B. to have it epired. havn it repaired D.havig itto rea 13. he oung ees _ every day, thell die.A must ae .c be atrd C mt be eredD, hou wateng4 Te bige ver the rer _ lstyer.A. finished B. inisd .hasinished . wasinishe1. h s henew studen _ Lucy Kin.A. caling B ce C. cals is

7、 ald6.e _ to sing in the nex rom omentago.A. hard B.wa hearig . h hea D.eard 7.A nihbour hped to ke our g t _hl weee on oliday.A. wa kn cae . took care fC. staken crof D. w taken caof1. but 500 cars _ in tefaor nexyarA.wee pud B. wilproduC haveeenpoucd D.will be rduc19. reetrees and olourfulfloers o

8、ul veywhe in Guangou.So te pep alsocaluanghou “lower City”.A see B e o C. ae sen D. be en0. aste pict _he techer yetrday ?A. shwn B how C. hw o D. ow to1. he boy as mde _ stree wtout pay i theol days.A tocean B.cean C. cleane D. be len技巧点拨 1. 做动词语态题,核心是要分清晰句子的主语与谓语动词之间所存在的关系是“人做某事(积极关系)”还是“事由人做(被动关系

9、)”。2.对于语态常考察具有情态动词的被动语态以及被动语态在一般目前时态、一般过去时态以及目前完毕时态的用法。而对于特殊动词例如能接双宾语的词如giv, buy, teac,pass, sho等;能接复合宾语(即宾语宾语补足语)的词如clsb.st以及感官动词如see,fee, wat, er, mk, l, hav等的用法也是重点考点。注意:1.如果积极语态的动词(如u,teach, ps, show 等)带有双宾语,如:give s sth则可改为: sth be iven t sb或sb b in th2. 动词se, fel,watch, ear, mke, t,ve,hlp等,在积极

10、句中其背面的不定式省to,但变成被动时,to要加上去,不能省略。选择题._ newlira_ urschl lastea?A. s ; uilt a ; bult C. Does ; build D ; build. cint_ onhis rad lst wee. has e happned B. was appene C. is happnd D. happned3.Coton _ in the suteatof hi. sgrown . ar rowC .gs D. grow4.S ar, themoon _by an lreay.A. visited. ll beviteC. hs e

11、eisie D as sited5.Atalk n Chinese histoy _ i te scoolal next we.A.is giv . heen iven C will be iven D gives.A lot of hings _ bpeolet aethe litlgi no.A.aredoingB ae bindne C. has en done D. wi e oe7.e dctr _ fo yet.A. istsent . hasntbeensent .won besnt D.want set8.-When_this nd of comte_?-Lastye d; use B. a;use . is; sdD ae; used9.ho _thisbo_?A. did; wrten B. a


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