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1、英文短篇唯美美文:英文美文短篇阅读能力在英语的听说读写译五项基本技能中的重要性不言而喻。下面是WTT带来的短篇英文唯美美文,欢迎阅读!短篇英文唯美美文篇一萨马兰奇辞世:北京奥运萨翁致全球青年的一封信A universal meeting of young people from throughout the worldWe all look forward to the first Olympic Games in China ne_t August.We all look forward to sharing the unique celebration that China and Bei

2、jing will stage for “One World, One Dream”。I should like to pay tribute to the new initiative of Civilization Magazine in publishing, not only in English and French, but also for the first time in Chinese, the manuscript of the “Olympic Manifesto” by Pierre de Coubertin, thus reminding us what the O

3、lympic Games are all about and disseminating the Olympic ideals and values of friendship, peace and universality among the Chinese people and the people from all over the world。The following pages will undoubtedly help us to know and understand even better how the visions and ideas of the young Fren

4、chman Pierre de Coubertin still remain relevant today.This book is a tribute to the man who, on the evening of 25 November 1892, launched his idea of reviving the Olympic Games, which the Greeks had instituted in 776 B.C.and ended in 392 A.D。On 23 June 1894, in the great hitheatre of the Sorbonne in

5、 Paris, Pierre de Coubertin succeeded in meeting a global challenge by gaining the approval of the participants in the International Congress for the revival of the Olympic Games and the creation of the International Olympic mittee as well as the organisation of the first Games in 1896 in Athens, Gr

6、eece, the birthplace of Olympism。I would like once again to congratulate Civilization Magazine for this mendable project and an authentic document of great value, thus illustrating the essence of the Olympic Games: a universal meeting of young people from throughout the world, with the same goal and

7、 the same enthusiasm。As Coubertin said: “humanity must draw from the heritage of the past all the strengths that can be used to build the future.Olympism is one of those.”By Juan Antonio SamaranchThe International Olympic mittee Honorary President短篇英文唯美美文篇二带上至亲至爱When I was a kid, I remember my dad u

8、sed to sing an old, WWI song, “Pack up your Troubles,” while he was getting dressed for work in the morning.The lyrics from the chorus of the song play in my head often when Im packing for a trip-“Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile.”Lately, with TSA regulations seeming

9、ly changing daily, packing my kit bag with clothes, toothbrush and Ziploc-baggie of three-ounce bottles seems more like trouble than fun, fun, fun.For my friend, Vikki, though, what to pack isn't as important as whom to pack.She takes her family and friends everywhere.Vikki took her mother skiin

10、g in Mammoth last November and she took my mother-in-law to the ruins of Machu Picchu and Rome.Vikki has taken numerous people to e_otic places like the outback in Australia, and the Greek Islands-all posthumously and in her bag.You see, Vikki collects prayer cards from funerals and memorials of her

11、 loved ones and takes them with her wherever she goes.The cards, some with watercolor images of Jesus and others with pictures of a deceased friend and “in loving memory” printed beneath, are bound together with a rubber band and stashed somewhere in Vikkis carry-on.I'm fascinated by this practi

12、ce and ask her about it often.I like to keep tabs on the number of cards she carries as it increases.At last count Vikki was toting around forty people.Ive often thought that when the tally reached fifty-two, Id propose some kind of card game we could play.My husband, Larry and I sometimes travel wi

13、th Vikki and her husband, Bill, so we could while away the hours on trains and boats by playing some modified version of war, poker, or go-fish.Obviously, Im not as sentimental about Vikkis collection as she is, but on a trip two years ago, I witnessed the power of those prayer cards.Larry and I wer

14、e in Peru with Vikki and Bill.We had just finished dinner at a restaurant in Aguas Calientes, when Vikki slid a small card across the table to Larry and asked, “Would you like to have your mom with you tomorrow when you climb Machu Picchu?” Larry was visibly moved by the gesture and slipped the pray

15、er card from his mothers funeral into his shirt pocket.When we walked the ancient, Incan ruins the ne_t day, Larry had his mom with him and I could sense the joy he felt in her presence.It was then I realized the enormous happiness Vikki must feel, having some forty loved ones near her at all times.

16、With all the rules today about what travelers cant bring on a flight, maybe wed all be a little more pleasant if we focused on the things we can bring and make sure they are what make us happy or at least smile, smile, smile.短篇英文唯美美文篇三下午如何才能不瞌睡呢?If a 20-minute nap, a cup of joe, and more shuteye at night were in a cage match, who would win for reducing that classic afternoon “dip”? The answer is: (in order of effectiveness


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