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1、北京语言大学大学英语(三)20秋作业4答案注意:图片可根据实际需要调整大小Mechanics _ a concept in physics.A.isB.areC.wasD.wereHe lived in a mountain hut which was _ the village.A.nearB.detached fromC.closeD.pided fromTodays weather is _ worse than yesterdays.A.veryB.muchC.very muchD.much tooI was always taught that it was _ to interru

2、pt.A.rudeB.coarseC.roughD.crudeThe baby is hungry, but theres _ milk in the bottle.A.littleB.a littleC.fewD.a fewIts difficult to _ her from her sister.A.differB.distinguishC.said toD.spoke toEggs, though rich in nourishments, have _ of fat.A.a large numberB.the large numberC.a large amountD.the lar

3、ge amountHis wife is constantly finding _ with him, which makes him very angry.A.errorsB.shortcomingsC.faultD.flawYoung people are not _ to stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in.A.gladB.contentC.confidentD.generousSince they speak different languages it is really hard

4、 for them to _ with each other.A.understandB.expressC.communicateD.goMy father seemed to be in no _ to look at my school report.A.feelingB.attitudeC.emotionD.moodThe young lady coming over to us _ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!A.must beB.can beC.would beD.could beHe seems too

5、_ to do the heavy work.A.oldB.ancientC.fewD.littleIt is important that the hotel receptionist _ that guests are registered correctly.A.make sureB.has made sureC.made sureD.must make sureNancy is _ girl.A.a eighteen-year-oldB.an eighteen-years-oldC.a eighteen-years-oldD.an eighteen-year-oldI dont ant

6、icipate _.A.that he comeB.his comingC.for him to comeD.to comeIf I hadnt stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you _ now.A.couldnt have smiledB.wouldnt be smilingC.didnt smileD.wont smileHad you come five minutes earlier, you _ the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it.A.would catc

7、hB.would have caughtC.could catchD.should catchIt was essential that the application forms _ back before the deadline.A.must be sentB.would be sentC.be sentD.were sentThose gift of rare books that were given to us were deeply _.A.appreciatedB.approvedC.appealedD.applied【参考答案已附】参考答案:A参考答案:B参考答案:B参考答案:A参考答案:A参考答案:B参考答案:C参考答案:C参考答案:B参考答案:C参考答案:D参考答案:A参考答案:A参考答案:A参考答案:D参考答案:B参考答案:B参考答案:B参考答案:C参考答案:A



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