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1、毕业论文抽油机功率平衡系统的设计系 别自动化工程系专业名称测控技术与仪器班级学号5061025姓 名任姗指导教师金伟2010年6月15日 东北大学秦皇岛分校毕业设计(论文) 第 53 页抽油机功率平衡系统的设计摘 要我国的油田多为低渗透的低能、低产油田,大部分油田要靠注水压油入井,再靠抽油机把油从地层中提升上来。以水换油、以电换油是我国油田的现实,电费在我国的石油开采中占了很大比例。因此石油行业十分重视节能。在我国石油开采中,机械采油井占绝大多数,其中有杆采油占总机械采油的90%以上,所以研究有杆抽油设备的节能对于减少能耗具有重大意义。由于抽油机载荷的不平衡性,使电机大多数情况下处于轻载状态,


3、态不平衡时,可以根据上述的扭矩变化情况来重新调整它的平衡。整个设计的核心是平衡的计算,在不增加成本的基础上,通过调整平衡块的质量和半径,使抽油机处于平衡状态,实现了节能增效。因此,本成果对调整抽油机平衡有很强的实际意义,成本不变的同时增加了其可行性。关键词: 抽油机,平衡,功率,扭矩 The Design of Pumping unit Power Balance SystemAuthor:RenShanTutor:JinWeiAbstractThe oil fields in our country are low-press and low-yielding .in most cases,

4、 ,the oil enters into the well under the press produced by water,and then elevated from the stratum up to the ground.the reality of Chinas oil fields is that we obtain oil production by means of injecting water and consuming a lot of electricity,so electricity fee takes a large proportion.So the oil

5、 industry attaches great importance to energy conservation.In the petroleum exploitation of China, the overwhelming majority of oil production wells is mechanical The quantity of rod-having pump unit is over over ninety percent of the whole quantity of the equipments of oil extraction in oil field.T

6、herefore the study of pumping equipment to reduce energy consumption plays an important role.As the pumping load is out of balance., in most cases the motor is in light-load condition, so it is of lower efficiency and higher electricity consumption rate. The balance of pumping units is very importan

7、t for energy saving.This article is aimed at increasing the pumping power utilization rate and reducing energy consumption through the adjustment of the pumping units.First of all, on the basis of rod-having pump systems structure and working principle we complete the balance of the conventional pum

8、ping analysis and calculation according to the balance conditions and balance standard Then, we simplify the whole system as an equivalent dynamic model to analyze the torque changes on the basis of the beam pumping unit for dynamic analysis and the mechanics principle of mechanical systemWhen the p

9、umping unit changes the balance point,we readjust the balance of pumping units on the basis of the torque changeFinally, we set up a monitoring system pumping operation,the core device of which is Jie Nite and we can monitor the pumping unit of current,voltage, power factor, power and other paramete

10、rs by the system.Based on the measured parameters we can observe the pumping units working state.When the working state is out of balance, we can readjust its balance according to the torque change .The core of the design is the balance computation ,and without additional cost the balance can attain

11、 by adjusting the distance from the crank pin to the balance blocks .then we achieve the goal.Thus, the result for the adjustments of the pumping unit balance is of great practical significance with costs unchanged and its feasibility increased.Keywords: pumping unit, balance,power, torque目 录1 绪论11.

12、1 抽油技术的工业背景及发展11.2 调节抽油机功率平衡的意义41.3 国内外抽油机功率平衡研究现状51.4 本文设计的目的及方法72 基于工作原理的功率平衡方法82.1 游梁式抽油机82.1.1 游梁式抽油机的结构82.1.2 游梁式抽油机工作原理82.2 无游梁式抽油机92.2.1 无游梁抽油机的结构92.2.2 无游梁式抽油机工作原理102.3 平衡调节方式113 抽油机的平衡分析与计算143.1 抽油机平衡准则143.2 抽油机静态平衡分析计算163.3 游梁式抽油机扭矩平衡分析计算183.4 抽油机曲柄平衡的调节214 抽油机功率平衡的调节系统234.1 数据采集系统硬件简介244.

13、1.1 Micrologix1100简介244.1.2 捷尼特简介254.2 系统软件简介274.2.1 RSlogix500编程软件274.2.2 RSlinx Classic284.2.3 GridVis软件简介284.2.4 MSG指令简介304.2.5 数据采集编程实现324.3 功率平衡调节实例32结论35致谢36参考文献37附 录39附录A39附录B53附录C541 绪论1.1 抽油技术的工业背景及发展随着人类对石油研究的不断深入,到了21世纪,石油不仅成为现代社会最重要的能源,而且其五花八门的产品已经深入列人们生活的各个角落,所以,石油被人们称为“黑色的金子”、“现代工业的血液”





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