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1、人教版八年级英语上册导学案Unit one Where did you go on vacation?Period Three一、学习目标1复习巩固一些描述旅游购物常用的形容词exciting expensive delicious cheap ,terrible boring friendly kind nice bad 2学会用英语交谈假期的情况(以对话或自述形式)。3.掌握和运用下列句型:1).Where did you go on vacation? -I stayed at home .2). Where did Tina go on vacation? -She went to t

2、he beach.3). How was your/her/his vacation?来源:Zxxk.Com4).what did you/he/she do?5).Did you/he/she?6).How were the?二、课前自主学习:(一)预习指导1.朗读本课时1a单词,仔细观察单词中各字母的发音特点并记忆,然后按好坏分类(1b):2.朗读学习目标3所列的句型3. 结合和运用学习目标3所列的句型和问题谈论自己的假期。(对话或自述/编)。(二)预习检测: 1.把下列单词按要求归类:exciting expensive delicious cheap ,terrible boring

3、friendly kind nice clean,beautiful wonderful dirtyJ:_L:_2.选用第1题的单词描述自己假期旅游中如下所列有关项目的情况(没有旅游的可以虚构):the vacation:_ the people_the food _the stores/shops_the park /farm/mountains_ the weather_ 四、课堂学习流程:(一)检查预习检测(二)独学:内容为:(1)自读本课时相关单词及句型(2):自我检查预习任务的完成情况 (三)对学:对子之间相互检查独学的内容发现不会的马上交流探讨。(四)群学-合作学习,勇敢质疑:内容

4、为:(1)主要由各组探讨1、2环节中大家不会(读、/懂)的内容,(2)操练本课时的重点句型(见学习目标),(3)如何展示,在组内预展示好。(四)展示1.词汇PK:补充并朗读描述旅游购物常用的形容词,多而优者胜。2.句型朗读大PK:先组内补充完整学习目标3 的句型,然后朗读竞赛。3. “介绍我的假期”大PK:可用对话和自述形式进行。4听力训练:1c、1d的录音完成有关任务。五、反馈检测来源:学&科&网(一)句型转换。1. We played football yesterday afternoon. (划线提问)_ _ you _ yesterday afternoon?2. My vacati

5、on was great. (划线提问) _ _ your vacation.3. I went to summer camp during my holiday. (划线提问)_ did you _ during your holiday?4. His sister had a party yesterday evening. (划线提问)_ _ his sister _ a party?5. I saw the math teacher in the office a moment ago. (改为一般疑问句)_ you _ the math teacher in the office a

6、 moment ago?6. The shops were too crowded. (划线提问) _ _ the shops?(二)选择题( )1.He helped me my lost book. A. foundB. find C. finding ( )2. We had great fun _ in the water. A. play B. to play C. plays D. playing( )3. Yesterday afternoon , we _to the park. A. went B. go C. goes D. goed ( )4. How were the

7、people? -They _ unfriendly。 A. was B were C. are D. is( )5.She didnt _ me it . A. told B. tell C. telling D tells(三)用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I _ (eat) a big pizza yesterday.2.There_ (be) many sheep on the farm last year.3. I _ (watch) a cartoon(卡通片) on Saturday.来源:学。科。网4. Her father _ (read) a newspaper last night.来源:Z_xx_k.Com5. We _ to zoo yesterday, we _ to the park. (go)6. _ you _ (visit) your relatives last Spring Festival?来源:Zxxk.Com7. _ he _ (fly) a kite on Sunday? Yes, he _.



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