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1、 年成都中考英语真题预测 卷 (共 00 分)第一部分 听力(共30 小题,计 5分)一、听句子,根据所听到的内容选择对的答语。每题念两遍。(共6 小题,每题分;计 6分)1.A.es, am.BYes, this isMike.Yes, are you oe?2.A.Itssunn. li th eaher.C.t thweaerrepor.3ASry, iisnt.BYes , it .C.Yes,thres neneathe ban 4ANie to meet youBYe, she is.CI dot ow r.5Itdosntatter .Iknow itC.K,lts go. 6

2、d ketoBCffee, lase.C.He ou are.二、听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片,并将代表图片的字母填 涂在答题卡的相应位置。每题念两遍。(共 4 小题,每题 分;计 分)B7 8. 9.10. 三、听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择对的答案。每题念两遍。(共1 小题,每题 5 分;计 分)11.YelwBhite.Ce 12A foot.By us.Cy ike.3ALook o a newb.Womethe ustmer. CStad orlng tme.1A.uan. .7:0B10 yuaB At8:00C.2 yu C.A :016AIn ashp the raIn

3、 a bookstore1.Go to h inemaBGo shoppingC.Go imming1AFridayB.Saurd.Sny1.HelpfuB.FriendlyC.eautiul20.ooking f a backckB.Packig t bacpak CPrepaingth swter.四、听短文,根据短文内容选择对的答案。短文念三遍。(共 5 小题,每小题1 分;计 5 分)2Weraethe suents?.Inthe clasrBInpace.CI a hospita.22Wh re hey tiaot?AThe spacesip.B.Pepe lives.CTheir

4、utre job.23Whois he strongto all?A.ieB.ackC.a 24.Wht e Mike wat to be?.A astrnatB.A alesanC.A doctor2Whes Jn wttoe a rpore?ABeaue sh eos wtig.aue she ways elp others.CBeuseshe want to slisto pele.五、听短文,根据短文内容完毕表格中所缺信息,并将答案填写在答题 卡相应题号后。短文念两遍。(共 5 小题,每题1 分;计 5 分)Mai idea: Dad lovesme butheid kohwo2.Ev

5、entds actiosMoms actinsI sto a n mame ak itbac d2Sheuderstn I as s a kI rok my le.H drov the crSheheldmeihe arm 28o eotor ofe treatent room.al e way.I ha 29.H was busy bwigp ballons orsting up tbe.Sh carriedthe akewith te candles onit fo meo blowu.We tok photoHe took pictus or eeryone els.She too he

6、 piture 第二部分 基本知识运用(共0 小题 ,计 4 分)六、选择填空(共20小题,每题 分;计 20分)名师解析:A) 从下面方框中选出与下列各句中划线部分意思相似或相近,并能替代 划线部分的选项。(共 4 小题,每题 分;计 4 分)A fitBa lotCis good atDout31 kno shdes wel in writin.选C,考短语:擅长3My parentwereno n yerday ateo.选D,考短语:不在家,就是出去3.Good etin hbits cn ep us eephealthy选A,考同义词:保持健康34It raied muh i Sou

7、th Chia nMyh ear.选 B,考副词:非常) 从各题的 A、C三个选项中选出对的答案。(共 1 小题,每题1分;计 12 分)35. Can ypy guitar,Tm?A.aBanC.the选 D,考冠词 pathe+乐器6.Dnt b lecass. We must ben te.A.rBi选 A,考介词,e lfor 迟到37.Shesaysher fvoie is glih.colorBsprtssubec选 ,考名词辨析,英语属于学科8Chengdu is a greeer city nwbecaus more dmre e ry sring A.wre plntdBar

8、 plante C.will bepatd.选B,考被动与时态的结合39Ln Dan wone bamint gae aan.Yes. I think no n a do han him.A.ellB.betteC.best选B,考比较级表最高档,且横线后有 tan。4.ar,buses, bies nd ole sto whe th traffc ghs ae red.Acn.yC.mus选 C,考情态动词的自身含义 4.The iesertuakes inNep(尼泊尔)havekied methan ,00,peole.t.secodtwice选 B,考 th 序数词+最高档42. ou

9、 kno ogz in itionalin Chna, LiPing? Usually durig h Dragon ot Festivl. A.wy people maeBhen peope eat .whreppl buy选 ,考宾语从句连接词含义43.It truehat e arenot orn for _.AusB.ursC.ourele选 C,考反身代词,其前必须有相相应的主格或宾格。44.u Yiwill he wth he housewk he gsome fte scool.AsincewhileC.s soona选 ,考状语从句连接词含义45 ca we becoe goo

10、dlernrs?By working hadand asking hteachers fr hel.A.wB.hrCWhen选 A,考特殊疑问词46h ook Litle o, but ll le yo re t irst.Ahavnt readB.dont readC.wnt read选,考动词时态C) 补全对话。根据对话内容,从右边方框中选出合适的选项补全对话。 并将选项的编号字母依次填在答题卡的相应位置。(共4小题,每小题 1 分;计4 分)A: llo, X Hn. Howwasyour scho trpast Strday?B: 47e wet to a farm b bus.A:S

11、uds ce. Wt ddyou ohee?: We leard somhingabut farmng. Boysgr eetbe. 48 I ao picke sme tabrriesandtok tem he my aml.A: 49AThey are the best things in life. BHow was the weather there?CGirls fed chickens. DIt was great.B: I w fin.I enjoyed the clean air and sunsne.50 A: attru. I ho o join o next tme.7_8._ 49. 50.补全对话答案解析47. D 上文在问到假期过得如何,针对上问提问,选 D 48. C 回答上文提问,上文提到男孩们做的事情,故选 C 49. B 根据下文回答享有清新的空气阳光,故在询问天气状况。故选 B 50.A 根据下文回答,赞同观点。故选 A 七、完形填空。通读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从 A、B、三个选 项


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