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1、. 美国文学部分浪漫主义时期The Romantic Period第一位:washington irving 1.A History of New York from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty, which written under the name of Diedrich Knickerbocker, was a great success.2. The Sketch Book won a international fame on both sides of the Atlantic.3. “Ri

2、p Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” got ideas form German legends.4. the Bracebrige Hall and Tales of a Traveler.5. the Alhambra is usually regarded as Irvings “Spanish Skethch Book”. Only because it has a strong flavor of spanish culture.6.Irings taste was essentially conservative.7. wa

3、shing Ivings has always been regarded as a writer who perfected the best classic sytle that American Literature ever produced.8. Washing Iving is worth the honor of being “the American Goldsmith” for his literary craftsmanship.9. Irvings pervasive theme of nostalgia怀旧旳) for the unrecoverable past is

4、 at once made unforgettable.第二位:Emerson1. Transcendentalism -the romantic period in the history of American literature.2. the chief spokesman of this spiritual movement is Ralph Waldo Emerson3. transcendental club, the unofficial manifesto for the club is Nature.4. Nature did not establish him as an

5、 important American writer, his last reputation began with the publication of Essays, which convey the best of his philosophical discussions and transcendental pursuits. Such as The American Scholar , Self-Reliance , The Over-Soul.5. The Poet, a reflection upon the aesthetic problems of the present

6、state of American literature6. The Experience, a discussion about the conflict between idealism and ordinary life.7. transcendentalism-with its focus on the intuitive konwledge of human beings to grasp the absolute in the universe and the divinity of man. Emerson put forward his philosopy of over-so

7、ul, the importance of individual, nature.8. emerson and other transcendentalists believed that there should be a emtotional comunication between a individual soul and the universal over-soul.9. a “transparent eyeball” marks a paradoxical state of being, in which one is merged into nature, the over-s

8、oul. While at the same time retaining a unique perception of experience.10. emersons essays often have a casual style, for most of them were derived from his journals and lectures. 11. 堪称“the American Scolar”12. in the essay Emerson clearly expresses the main priciples of his transcendentalist pursu

9、it and his love for nature.第三位:Hawthorne1. Hawthorne remains one of the most interesting, yet most ambivalent (矛盾情感)writers in the American literary history.2. The Twice-Told Tales, a collection of short stories which attracted critical attention.3. The Mosses of an Old Manse, Snow-Image and other T

10、wice-Told Tales best demonstrate Hawthornes early obsessions with the moral and phycological consequences of pride, selfishness and secret guilt that manifest themselves in human beings. 4. The Scarlet Letter often regarded as the best of his works, tells a simply but very moving story in which 4 pe

11、ople living in a Puritan Community are involved in and affected by the sin of adultery in different ways.5. The House of the Seven Gables 6. The Blithedale Romance(福谷传奇) is a novel he wrote to reveal his own experiences on the Brook Farm and his own methods as a psychological novelist.7. The Mable F

12、aun(玉石雕像) set in Italy, the book is concerned about the dark aberrations(失常方面) of human spirit. 8. The Birthmark9. The Young Goodman Brown everyone possesses evil secret 10. The Ministers Dark Veil 11. The Rappaccinis Daughter12. Hawthornes view of man, human history originates, to a great extent, i

13、n Puritanism13. The House of the Seven Gables and The Scarlet Letter 反清教思想,同步反清教思想on the one hand, it provides him with a subject, on the other hand, with the Puritan world and society as a historical background, he disscusses some of the most improtant issues that concern the moral life of man and

14、human society.14. the structure and form of his writings is always carefully worked out to cater for the thematic concern.(精心设计旳)15. allegorist预言家 symbolist 第四位:walt whitman1. Leaves of Grass is Whitmans representative work, 体现了American democratic ideals 反应了American Independent War and Cival War.2.

15、Leaves of Grass has nine editions. In this giant work, openness, freedom, individualism are all that concerned him. His aim was nothing less than to express some new poetic feelings and to initiate poetic traditon in which difference should be recognized.3. the poets essential purpose was to indenti

16、fy his ego with the world and more specifically with the democratic “en-masse” of the America, which is established in the openning lines of the “Song of Myself”4. most of poems in Leaves of Grass sing of the “en-masse”and the self as well.5. politically committed 政治抒情诗such as Dump Taps 6. Cavalry Crossing a Ford, Whitman expressed much mouring for the sufferings of the young lives


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