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1、2022年考博英语-福建师范大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题Environmentalists may get off on terrifying climate change, but most people just turn away. “If it was really so bad, theyd do something,” says one colleague. The human tendency to convince yourself that everything is OK, because no one else is worried, is d

2、eeply seated.Our tendency to shrug off responsibility seems to hold true even when we ourselves are in danger. John Darley and Bibb Latane asked a series of college students to sit in a room and fill out a questionnaire. When smoke started to pour into the room through a vent, the others, all actors

3、, ignored it and went on writing calmly. Ninety percent of subjects copied the actors, even when the smoke became so thick that they could barely see and were coughing. But subjects who were alone in the room, under the same conditions, almost all reported the smoke as an emergency. That is an aston

4、ishing finding that the inaction of other people can make us underestimate threats to our own safety.In the past few weeks we have been told, by reputable sources, that the oceans are warming faster than anyone predicted. That species are becoming extinct a hundred times faster than fossils record.

5、That we are approaching tipping points that may make climate change irreversible. This stuff makes me feel pretty desperate. I would think that other people would worry too. But then I go to the office, and to friends houses, and no one mentions it. Nor do the politicians. Despite the noise from gre

6、en groups, we look for get-out clauses. We blame other countries or big corporations. The part of our brain that is programmed to imitate dominates the part cued to self-preservation especially when the threats are complex and long-term.Could we send the herd in the other direction? Maybe. Ten years

7、 after Darley and Latanes smoke experiment, another professor Arthur Beaman showed its films to his students. He explained the psychology. And in future those students were, apparently, almost twice as likely as others to react to help other people.In January I counted a Toyota Prius hybrid car on a

8、lmost every one of the rich streets in a part of London just east of my house. Yesterday I did another count. They seemed to have increased to two or three. That is the power of imitation, for people who can afford it. But how do you get other people to imitate behavior that is less visible: buying

9、less, traveling less or changing their electricity supplier? The answers must surely lie in social etiquette. If we are programmed to act like lemmings, then we must give some people incentives to break out and publicize their activities.The smoke is coming up through the vent. If enough people star

10、t talking about the smoke, perhaps others will start to see it too. And if enough people act, the rest may follow. For that, it seems, is human nature.1.It can be inferred from the first two paragraphs that people tend to( ).2.In face of environmental degradation, most people are ( ).3.Professor Art

11、hur Beamans experiment shows that( ).4.The author suggests that in order to counter climate change,( ).问题1选项A.be optimistic about changes occurring aroundB.turn a blind eye to the approaching threatsC.have their judgments influenced by othersD.wait for someone else to act first问题2选项A.feeling unable

12、to assume such a big responsibilityB.endeavoring to find out its causesC.imitating others inactionD.trying to protect themselves问题3选项A.its human nature to shrink from responsibilityB.environmental education should begin with the young peopleC.there will be many more who are ready to help othersD.pro

13、per guidance can make people more concerned about climate change问题4选项A.more attention should be paid to psychological aspectsB.imitation should be minimized or avoidedC.more popularization should be done about its dangerD.some restrictions should be made on peoples spending pattern【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:

14、D第4题:A【解析】1.推理判断题。文章第一段和第二段主要讲了人的从众性心理,第一段借助同事说的If it was really so bad, theyd do something(如果真的那么糟糕,他们会做些什么)来表示人们总是指望其他人去行动;通过第二段中的“烟雾实验”对比的结果可知,其他人的不作为会使我们低估对我们自身安全的威胁,因此D选项“等别人先采取行动”符合题意。2.推理判断题。由文章第三段中的内容可知,面对环境恶化,除了来自环保主义的声音,没有人提及关心这个严峻的问题,采取不作为的态度。这个深层次的原因是The part of our brain that is program

15、med to imitate dominates the part cued to self-preservation especially when the threats are complex and long-term.(与大脑中提醒我们自我生存的那一部分相比,我们大脑中用来模仿他人的那一部分占了上风。当我们面临的威胁复杂且具长期性时,更是如此)可知C选项“效仿他人的不作为”符合题意。3.推理判断题。文章第四段讲述了教授通过让学生观看影片并用心理学知识加以解释,会使这些学生将来的行动的积极性提高,可推测在正确的引导下,人们行动的积极性可以提高,根据文章提到气候变化,因此D选项“适当的指导可以使人们更加关注气候变化”最为恰当。4.主旨大意题。文章首先通过分析指出,从众心理使人们面对气候变化缺乏行动,然后指出正确利用从众心理可以使人们行动起来,全文一直都是从心理角度来提出解决气候变化的问题,因此A选项“应该更关注心理学层面”符合题意。2. 单选题When you pack the pears, please be careful so that they wont get ( ).问题1选项A.bruisedB.blushedC.injuredD.mature【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。bruise意为“撞伤,擦伤”;blush意为“脸红,羞愧”


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