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1、2022年考博英语-燕山大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Peter had his piano _ yesterday and the result is excellent.问题1选项A.tunedB.turnedC.tiedD.wound【答案】A【解析】【试题解析】考查动词辨析。A选项tuned“(为乐器)调音,校音”;B选项turned“(使)转动,旋转”;C选项tied“(用线、绳等)系,拴”;D选项wound“使(身体)受伤,(用武器)伤害”。句意:彼得昨天请人给钢琴_,结果很好。根据语境,这里A选项tuned“(为乐器)调音”搭配钢琴比较合理,意思是请人给钢琴调音

2、以后,钢琴弹出来的效果就很好了,符合题意。因此A选项正确。2. 单选题I am never the first in line to try out or buy new technologies Case in point: I am the only person I know who has managed to survive on the planet this long without owning a cell phone. I live a simple, wire free life in a mountainous village on a remote island in

3、 the Aegean.This is why we moved here, to leave the city smog and the all-frantic pace behind us. Instead, we are surrounded by goats and cats. We made the right decision.A couple of weeks ago on the beach, I came across a salmon colored conch shell. Its a silly habit, but I hold a shell to my ear t

4、o see if I can hear the waves crashing. I never do, of course, but I repeat the exercise endlessly. I dont know why the thought hit me, but suddenly it occurred to me this shell was about the size of a first-generation cell phone. I decided to keep itEver since I brought it home, Ive been amusing my

5、self by “dialing” it and waiting for it to ring. Amazing, this modern technology! I have called it and am quite taken with it.I figured it was time to test it out in the real world, minute as my “real world” is. I took it with me one day when we went out for lunch. As busy the other tables reached f

6、or their cell phones to check in with their bosses about this or that, I made my move. I held my shell phone to my ear and spoke briefly. I am a woman of few words.I watched for reactions, but nobody seemed the least bit concerned. On his way out, one diner complimented me on my unusual model. “Oh,

7、its the latest in the Omega-22-Alpha series.” I smiled, “I bought it at the big electronics trade fair.”I had to laugh at my own joke: I havent been off my little Greek island for two years. I have completely forgotten what the interior of a bookstore or a movie theater looks like. I live 28sea-hour

8、s from Athens, truly in the middle of nowhere.The diner nodded, still taking me seriously. Perhaps he felt a bit embarrassed that he hadnt attended the trade fair. After all, nobody wants to admit being out of the loop about the latest trends, electronic or otherwise.I dont always carry it with me,

9、but now I at least own a modern shell phone and am semi-connected to the rest of the planet. Of course, I wont hand out my number to just anybody. The last thing I want is a bunch of telemarketers finding me and interrupting my dinner to ask if I want to invest in time shares on a Greek island.I rea

10、lize it was a bargain, but at the moment, I am having a bizarre bit of a technical difficulty with my wireless wonder. It may be my imagination, but whenever I pick up my phone, I distinctly hear the sea.1. A wire-free life as mentioned in the first paragraph refers to a life _.2. The authors test w

11、ith her “shell phone” in the real world implies that _.3. The authors attitude towards modern life seems to be one of _.4. The author feels her decision to live on the island is a (n) _ one.5. The best title for this passage is _.问题1选项A.that is new technology independentB.that is simple and isolated

12、 from the rest of the worldC.that is subjected to no restraints of work and traditionsD.that is not connected with telecommunications devices问题2选项A.she is a person who tends to be indulged in self-amusementB.she is so long isolated from the world that she no longer understands itC.people are so busy

13、 with modern life that they cut themselves off from natureD.people do not communicate with each other as often as they did before问题3选项A.amazementB.dissatisfactionC.contentmentD.enthusiasm问题4选项A.bizarreB.correctC.imprudentD.tough问题5选项A.Life without New TechnologiesB.New Type of Cell phoneC.New Techno

14、logies and Modern LifeD.Features of Shell Phones and Cell Phones【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:B第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.【试题答案】A【试题解析】语义推测题。根据第一段第一句I am never the first in line to try out or buy new technologies Case in point: I am the only person I know who has managed to survive on the planet this long without owning a

15、 cell phone.(我从来都不是第一个尝试或购买新科技的人:我是我所知道的唯一一个在没有手机的情况下在这个星球上生存了这么久的人。),这里指的是不使用像手机这样的新科技,A选项“没有新科技”正确。B选项“简单,与世隔绝”:对应第一段第二句in a mountainous village on a remote island in the Aegean(在爱琴海某个偏远岛屿上的山村),这里指的是在地理位置上与世隔绝,与题干的内容无关,属于偷换概念。C选项“不受工作和传统限制”:文中没有提到,属于无中生有。D选项“未与通讯设备连接”:这仅仅表达了字面意思,没有表达出深层含义,属于本末倒置。因此A选项正确。2.【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。根据第六段第一句I watched for reactions, but nobody seemed the least bit concerned.(我观察人们的反应,但似乎没有人在意。),可知没有人在意这个贝壳手机,都忙于自己的生活,注意不到大自然里面的事物,C选项“人们忙于现代生活,与大自然隔绝了”正确。A选项“她是一个喜欢自娱自乐的人”:根据第四段第一句Ever since I brou



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