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1、新 概 念 二 册 25- 36 课测 试 含 答 案精品资料NEC-2 Test 2 Mid-term TestName: 写出对应的中文或英文(每题 1分,共40分)写出下列词汇对应的英文写出词汇对应的中文1感到奇怪V.21creepV.2画V.22leapV.3假装V.23appreciateV.4悬挂,吊V.24trainV.5闻起来V.25arrestV.6形成V.26desertV.7退休V.27wi ndV.8积蓄V.28landV.9雇佣V.29soun dlyadv.10包裹V.30rightadv.11解释,叙 述V.31an xiouslyadv.12挣扎V.32batt

2、eredadj.13后悔V.33criticn.14冲V.34criticallyadv.15行动V.35foreig nern.16成功V.36effectn.17打算V.37frightn.18罕见的adj.38upside dow n19/ .、八7一k 在刖面adv.39coastn.20径直adv.40temptatio nn.二,单项选择:(每题1分,共20分)31. Zhang Li is weari ngorange coat. She looks active.A. aB. anC. the32. Helpto some fish, kids.Than ks.C. yours

3、elvesA. youB. your33. There a photo of my family in my purse.A. isB. beC. are34. you sing the son gWhere Are You Going, Dadd?Yes. It s easy.A. CanB. MayC. Must35. Chi na moon rover 月球车),Yutu s in landing on the moon is a big eve nt in space history.A. luckB. successC. result36. The 2014 FIFA World C

4、upin Brazil on Ju ne 13.A. is ope ningB. has ope nedC. ope ned37. Could you tell me?Next week.A. whe n they will come back to schoolB. whe n will they come back to schoolC. how they will come back to school38. I m not good at Chinese. What shall I do?You should work muchtha n before.A. hardB. harder

5、C. hardest39. We are going to have a basketball game aga inst Class Two this after noon.excit in g! I hope our team will win.A. HowB. WhetherC. What40. The two high school student fought bravely aga inst bad pers ons on the bus in Jia ngxiwere highly praised.A. whoB. whomC. which41. Doing sports at

6、least one hour a day helps to_ ourselves .A. build.upB. sen d.upC. pick.up42. May I play computer games now. Mom?No way. Don t do that all the time. You must_ yourself.A. be proud ofB. be similar toC. be strict with43. My dad is going to Cuba. He will stay there for a week.A. on showB. on bus in ess

7、C. on sale44. Zheng He, a Ming dyn asty explorer, ill ness on his way back to Chi na from Africa in 1433.A. lived onB. tried outC. died of45. In thousa nds of cities and tow ns, light for Earth Hour Moveme nt on March 29 this year.A. stayed upB. went outC. tried on46. He has failed several times, he

8、 n ever gives up.A. ifB. soC. but47. What s the time, please?Sorry, I have no idea. There is wrong with my watch.A. somethi ngB. nothingC. any thi ng48. Beibei,is Mr. Chen in the office?No. Hefor half an hour.A. leftB. has leftC. has bee n away49. Computers are very useful in our lives, but they mus

9、t_ properly.A. useB. be usingC. be used50. Li Ping s mother was angry with him because he spent all he h an MP5.A. to buyB. buyingC. bought三,完形填空(每题1分,共10分)What are the British like when they learn Ianguages?51 is said that the British are the worst Ianguage learners in Europe 62 percent of them can

10、 t spfeakother Ian guage except their own! 53 38 perce nt of them speak at least one foreig n Ian guage, onl y18 perce nt speak two.Lear ning a foreig n Ian guage is not 54 at school in Brita in; childre n start study ing a foreig n Ian guage at 11 and many 55 completely at 14. So why don t younggbe

11、opdtudying Ianguages at school?The gover nment is now look ing at differe nt ways to 57 Ian guage lear ning. One idea is to start much 58 and in troduce foreig n Ian guages whe n kids are five. 59 idea is to give school childre n more choice they can choose to study their favorite Ian guage.It may b

12、e difficult to .60people s atde(态度)to learning Ianguages but the government has decided to havea try!51. A.ThatB.ItC. This52. A.anyB.noC. some53. A.AsB.WhenC. While54. A. popularB.goodC. in terest ing55. A.wake upB.turn upC. give up56. A.look forB.go onC.set up57. A. stopB.improveC. find58. A.younge

13、rB.soonerC. slower59. A. OtherB. OneC. Ano ther60. A. chooseB. takeC. change四 阅读理解 洪10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)AIf you re ready to add more physical activi体(育运动 )to your life, here are some tips(建议).Make physical activity part of your routine , like brushing your teeth or going to work. Try biking to work at

14、least once a week, using the stairs more often, or walking to some places near home. But talk to your doctor before you start an exercise routine, especially if you haven t bee n very active or have health problems.Walking is one of the best fitness( 健康)activities. To keep up a routine, you can walk with family members, friends or pets. Count your steps with a step counter( 计数器).You can buy one at a sporting good


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