《What time is it?》教学设计 四年级英语课件教案 人教版

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1、? What time is it? ?教学设计教师:姚强工作单位:公主岭市十屋镇中心小学教学内容:A:Excuse me. What time is it ?B:Its 3 oclock. What do you want to do?A:I want to go to the classroom .B:Oh, yes. Its time to clean the windows .A:Lets go!教学目标:1. 知识目标掌握并能运用单词“oclock及句型“ What time is it? 、“ Its 、“Its time to。认读并理解单词“want。2. 能力目标能运用所学的

2、语言知识在创设的情境中进行熟练的交际,并在此根底上能将其应用于日常生活之中。3. 情感目标激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立学好英语的信心,增强学生的参与意识,引导学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并在成功中体会英语学习中的乐趣。4德育目标通过本课的学习,培养学生珍惜时间、热爱生活的良好品德。重点难点:.重点:三个句型.难点:熟练地运用三个句型参与交际课前准备:1.CAI课件;2.“oclock 、want单词卡片及“What time is it?、“Its、“Its time to等句型卡片;3.挂钟一个;4.模拟钟一个可任意调整时间;5.30只小型模拟钟可任意调整时间。教学步骤:S

3、tep 1 Free talkT:Boys and girls , nice to meet you.Ss:Nice to meet you, too.分别与单个学生对话:Hello! / How do you do? / How are you? / Whatsyour name? / How old are you? /Is this your book ?Whats this? 学生的笔、橡皮、铅笔盒T:Whats this?黑板上方悬挂的时钟引出clock。Step 2 Warming up带着学生用一只手模仿时针转圈,同时count from 1 to 12。Step 3 Prese

4、ntation 1. Learn the new word: oclock继而count from 1 oclock to 12 oclock。利用“教具钟认读钟点。2. Learn the sentence pattern: What time is it?T:I have many many clocks. Do you want to see them?OK, lets go!漂亮的钟面: :/image.baidu /i?wd=%C6%AF%C1%C1%B5%C4%D6%D3%C3%E6&word=%C6%AF%C1%C1%B5%C4%D6%D3%C3%E6&tn=baiduimage

5、&ct=202126592&cl=2&lm=-1&fm=hao123#T:Wow, so many beautiful clocks! Do you want to know what timeevery clock tells us? 课件闪现“特大问号 OK. If we want to know ,we can ask ,“What time is it? 卡片认读,并贴于黑板:跟读几遍、模仿火车轮转动的方式操练、个别学生抽读3. Learn the sentence pattern: Its 最后一位学生说“What time is it?T: By which clock do yo

6、u want to know what time it is?老师点击课件并说出时间:Its,并教学此句型。Step 4 Drill1. CAI依次显示钟面10:00、 8:20 、9:35,同时操练:A:Excuse me. What time is it?B:Its 2. 用滚动的“CAI时刻设置游戏抢答竞赛:What time is it?Its .3.“CAI时刻转变为一个显示7:00的“大钟面。T:What time is it?Ss:Its 7 oclock.点按,钟面缩小,同时出现情景画面T: Its time to go to school.Step 5 Presentatio

7、n 1. Learn the sentence pattern: Its time to 根据课件图示的动作说句子:Its time to go to school / watch TV / feedducks / do sports / clean the windows2. 用“Its time to 句型造句Step 6 Practice Pairwork: Make dialogues1. 老师就挂钟提问T:What time is it?Ss:Its T:Oh, yes. Its time to practice making dialogues.2. 范例课件显示情景画面 3点钟,

8、擦窗户及小对话A:What time is it?B:Its 3 oclock.A:Its time to clean the windows.Read the dialogue in the CAI.3. Act the dialogue.自编对话T:Now please take out your clocks . Then, make dialogues inpairs according to the time by your clocks. Please ask andanswer.自导、自演对话T:Now, lets act dialogues with your partners

9、.T:Who wants to act the dialogue for us? Please come to thefront.三人小组对话将A、B、A的对话形式改变成A、B、C的对话形式活动竞赛两位学生在讲台前扮演A、B角色对话,其余学生抢先扮演角色C,表达正确、恰当者得分。Step 7 Presentation 3T:Now lets look at the picture CAI and listen to adialogue.第一遍:课文的对话与图片第二遍:课文的文字显示与对话呈现两个句子:What do you want to do?I want to go to the classroom.Step 8 Homework把今天所学的内容应用于我们的校园生活,看谁用得多、用得好?Step 9 Consolidation1 . Sing the song? What time is it? ?2 . Say “Goodbye! T: What time is it? 看挂钟 Oh, Its Its time to stop ourclass. OK? Goodbye, boys and girls!Ss:Goodbye, Miss Jiang!欣赏歌曲?Time?:板书设计:Oclock What time is it?Want ItsIts time to


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