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1、 2018寒假班英语综合测试(满分:100分) 姓名_ 得分_一、单项选择 (共10小题,每小题1分;计10分) ( ) 1. _man in a black hat is my PE teacher. He often plays _football with us. A. A;/ B. The; a C. The;/( ) 2. Lets meet _ eight _the morning of September 8th. A.at;in B.in; on C. at;on ( ) 3.The child doesnt need any help. He is old enough to

2、 _ himself. A. put on B.wear C. dress( ) 4. What a nice paper fish! Can you show us _ you make it?AhowB. what C. when( ) 5. How many people are invited to the meeting? - About six _.Ahundreds of B. hundred C. hundreds( ) 6.- _ does it take you to go to the closest movie cinema?- About 15 minutes wal

3、k.A.How longB. How farC. How soon( ) 7. There are _ rules here and there in the school.A. too manyB.much tooC.too much( ) 8. -How do you like the scarf? - Very much. It _ soft.AsmellsB.soundsC. feels( ) 9.Many wild animals are in great _, so we must try our best to _them.A. danger; saves B. dangerou

4、s; save C.danger; save( ) 10.Jinli is one of the most popular _ in Chengdu. Many visitors are _in visiting it every year.A. places; interesting B. places; interested C.place; interested二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)In todays world, pollution has become a serious problem. 1 we know, air pollution is harmfu

5、l to our health. However, not all people know that noise is 2 a kind of pollution and is harmful to human health. People who work and live in noisy conditions may become deaf. 3 , many of the workers who 4 . newspapers and books become deaf. Quite a few people living near 5 also have hearing lose. R

6、ecently it was reported that many teenagers in America 6 hear better than the old do, because these young people always listen to 7 pop music. Making a loud noise in public is also a kind of pollution, it not only 8 others but also does great harm to hearing. Cars and machines also produce 9 noise.

7、It makes people feel 10 and unpleasant. Whats more, it can cause them to be sick or deaf. Nowadays many countries are trying to solve all sorts of environmental problems, including noise pollution.1. A. As B. With C. For2. A.too B. alsoC. either3. A. For exmple B.Like C. Such as4. A.send B. printC.

8、take5. A. factories B.airportC.school6. A. cant B.needntC. mustnt7. A. quiet B.fast C. loud8. A.helps B.keepsC. disturbs9. A. too many B. too muchC. much too10. A. uncomfortable B.relaxed C. excited 三、阅读理解(一)根据短文内容判断句子的正误。正确的填“A”,错误的填“B”。(共5小题,每小题2分;计10分)What color clothes do you think will be popul

9、ar in the future? Some people think blue will be popular, because blue means peace(和平) and kindness. Everybody in the world hates war(战争). Many people lose their families in wars. Blue makes people remember to keep peaceful. Other people think green will be popular because they think it is the color

10、 of nature. People in the world are thinking more about how to look after the environment(环境). When people wear green clothes, they will keep the environment in their hearts and try to make the environment better. Yellow will also be a popular color. Why will it be popular? People are very busy thes

11、e days because they have a lot to do. Yellow is a soft color and it can make people feel relaxed. Most people think black is the color that will become the most popular. It always looks cool, and men often show off their social position by using this color.( )1. If you hates wars, green will be popu

12、lar in your mind.( )2. Green is the color of nature.( )3. Yellow is a relaxing color.( )4. If you want to look cool, you can be in green.( )5. If you wear green clothes, you can make the environment better.(二)阅读A、B两篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(共10小题,每题2分;计20分)AWhen you think about extinct animals , you will th

13、ink about dinosaurs(恐龙). But now many other animals are becoming less and less(越来越少)in number , too . These animals may disappear(消失)from the earth(地球)very soon . Take a look at the animals in danger of extinction .1. African elephantThe African elephant is a smart animal . It has a very good memory

14、 . But people kill the African elephant for its ivory . Half of the African elephants have gone now .2. African lionThe African lion is also in danger . It has no places to live in because of wars in Southern Africa . And hunters and farmers often kill them .3. Tortoise(乌龟)George is a tortoise . People found him on an island in 1971 . Now he lives at



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