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1、雅思阅读冲刺班讲义(教案)2013年11月4 AcademicPassionateProfessionalResponsible雅思5.5基础阅读课程讲义UNIT 1 Education10UNIT 2 Food12UNIT 3 Health14UNIT 4 Media17Locating Information22UNIT 5 Practice 125UNIT 6 Advertising27UNIT 7 Learning to Speak35Summary Completion37UNIT 8 The Environment38Short Answers40UNIT 9 Sponsorshi

2、p in Sport41UNIT 10 Practice 245Flowchart-Timeline Completion47UNIT 11 Transport47UNIT 12 Travel55UNIT 13 Technology62Labelling a Diagram64Unit14 Money65UNIT 15 Practice 372Multiple Choice73Labelling a Diagram77UNIT 17 Social Issues78IELTS Type Questions: Reading: for Details and for Main Ideas80Tab

3、le Completion80UNIT 20 Practice 486Note Completion87UNIT 1 EducationEducation over the past 100 yearsAThe education of our young people is one of the most important aspects of any community, and ideas about what and how to teach reflect the accepted attitudes and unspoken beliefs of society. These i

4、deas change as local customs and attitudes change, and these changes are reflected in the curriculum, teaching and assessment methods and the expectations of how both students and teachers should behave.词汇讲解:curriculum n. 教学大纲;reflect v. 反映;反射;assessment n. 评价;BTeaching in the late 1800s and early 1

5、900s was very different from today. Rules for teachers at the time in the USA covered both the teachers duties and their conduct out of class as well. Teachers at that time were expected to set a good example to their pupils and to behave in a very virtuous and proper manner. Women teachers should n

6、ot marry, nor should they keep company with men. They had to wear long dresses and no bright colours and they were not permitted to dye their hair. They were not allowed to loiter downtown in an ice cream store, and women were not allowed to go out in the evenings unless to a school function, althou

7、gh men were allowed one evening a week to take their girlfriends out if they went to church regularly. No teachers were allowed to drink alcohol. They were allowed to read only good books such as the Bible, and they were given a pay increase of 25c a week after five years of work for the local schoo

8、l.词汇讲解:manner n. 行为守则;be expected to:被预期表示将来时:be expected to be predicted to be perspective to CAs well as this long list of dos and donts, teachers had certain duties to perform each day. In country schools, teachers were required to keep the coal bucket full for the classroom fire, and to bring a

9、bucket of water each day for the children to drink. They had to make the pens for their students to write with and to sweep the floor and keep the classroom tidy. However, despite this list of duties, little was stipulated about the content of the teaching, nor about assessment methods.DTeachers wou

10、ld have been expected to teach the three rsreading, writing and arithmetic, and to teach the children about Christianity and read from the Bible every day. Education in those days was much simpler than it is today and covered basic literacy skills and religious education. They would almost certainly

11、 have used corporal punishment such as a stick or the strap on naughty or unruly children, and the children would have sat together in pairs in long rows in the classroom. They would have been expected to sit quietly and to do their work, copying long rows of letters or doing basic maths sums. Farmi

12、ng children in country areas would have had only a few years of schooling and would probably have left school at 12 or 14 years of age to join their parents in farm work.词汇讲解:arithmetic:算数;literacy:文学,阅读;religious:宗教的;discrimination:卑视;religious discrimination:宗教卑视。ECompare this with a country schoo

13、l in the USA today! If you visited today, you would see the children sitting in groups round large tables, or even on the floor. They would be working together on a range of different activities, and there would almost certainly be one or more computers in the classroom. Children nowadays are allowe

14、d and even expected to talk quietly to each other while they work, and they are also expected to ask their teachers questions and to actively engage in finding out information for themselves, instead of just listening to the teacher.词汇讲解:engage in:依靠,依靠,把精力放在地方;actively adv. 主动的;FThere are no rules

15、of conduct for teachers out of the classroom, and they are not expected to perform caretaking duties such as cleaning the classrooms or making pens, but nevertheless their jobs are much harder than they were in the 1900s. Teachers today are expected to work hard on planning their lessons, to teach creatively and to stimulate childrens minds, and there are strict protocols about assessment across the whole of the USA. Corporal punishment is illegal, and any teacher who hit a child would be dismissed instantly. Another big difference is that most state schools in west


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