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1、高三英语复习课教案教 案 首 页主备人 杨美川 授课人 韩晓敏 授课时间2012年12月25日课题顺序选修第六册 Module1 Small Talk period 2 授课类型高三复习课 第二课时 句型+语法复习三维目标1、学会并能正确应用时间状语从句连接词;2、扩充对比It is estimated that相关易混句型,并通过多种训练如选择、翻译、句型转换、完成句子等形式提升学生能力。3、复习情态动词need以及相关信息,通过练习,归纳方法,通过方法,提升解题效果。教学难点1、every time 等连词引导时间状语从句:2、区别didnt need to do 与neednt have

2、 done 教学重点1、复习时间状语从句连词;2、didnt need to do 与neednt have done的差异教法讲练结合 互动探究 全方位、多层次训练学法纵向归纳 横向对比教学用具小纸条 小表格 打分栏教学流程学生学教师导学生练小组研教学步骤课堂预设前测15分1、学生领读、背诵本模块词汇、短语,复习上节所学内容;2、每日一题, 学生分析(题目由小组选定并在全班分享。学生课前写在黑板上,由学生讲解);3、听写: 短语let go, as is known to all, in advance, in addition, leave out, beyond imagination,

3、 ; 句型: 每次当我张口,就会出错。据估计,百分之八十的英语会话是闲聊。 课堂40分:第一部分:句型冲关 (任务达标:分析、对比、转化两个句型结构)第一步:通过前侧听写导出本节所复习的句型:句型1 “Every time I open my mouth, I put my foot in it.” 每当我张口,就会出错。1、学生默读/朗读教材知识”,归纳分析知识结构和相关连接词。讲出引导时间状语从句所用连词。(book closed)2、教师在幻灯片上给出学生总结的连词。句型2、It is estimated that 80% of all conversation in English i

4、s small talk. 据估计,百分之八十的英语会话是闲聊。1、 学生解读:It 为形式主语, 真正主语为后面的that从句。2、 仿写:据报道在这次事故中没有乘客受伤。_ no passengers were injured in the accident.3、 对比: No passengers are reported to have been injured in the accident.4、 对比:As is reported , no passengers were injured in the accident. 第二步:中测(一):(小组合作,完成第三板块题组练习,学生解

5、答,给出解题理由和思路)教师点拨:看主语,定结构;看句意,定连词。1、 一句多译:我一见到他就认出他来了。 2、 句型转换:Its reported that the accident has caused five deaths. The accident _ five deaths. _, the accident has caused five deaths.3、 Do you know Mary very well? - yes. We became good friends _ we met at a meeting.A by the time B the first time C

6、until D as long as 4- Can you help me? - yes. _ your teachers advice, in my opinion, and everything will be ok.A Follow B Following C To follow D Followed第二部分:语法冲关(难点突破)方法:通过练习,归纳知识中测(二): 1、小组合作,完成三维设计第四板块题组练习。学生解答,小组互答。扩展知识:完成如下两个任务:2、区别didnt need to do和neednt have done。(单号小组)结构含义用法翻译didnt need to

7、do过去没必要做,也没做陈述事实不必neednt have done过去本不必做,但事实已经做了表达情绪(后悔,遗憾等)本不必,却。3、归纳“与过去事实相反的表情绪的”情态动词,同时区别表推测的情态动词(双号小组)表与过去事实相反的,“本该,事实却并非如此”。表与过去相关的“推测”肯定Could/should/would/might/need/ought to +have doneMust/may/might + have done否定情动+not+ have doneCant/couldnt/maynt /mightnt +have done后测:(酌情增删)1(2011新课标全国卷)The

8、y _have arrived at lunch time but their flight was delayed. Awill BcanCmust Dshould2(2012潍坊市抽样检测) They _ have prepared for the meeting more carefully. But they didnt. What a pity!Ashouldnt BcantCmay Dought to3(2012日照高三调研)We _ have hurried all the way to the airport the flight was called off because

9、of the foggy weather.Amustnt BcouldntCneednt Dwouldnt4、改错:You dont need be so worried.Following his advice, and everything will be ok.He was said that he had completed all the designs.小结与作业:1学生回顾知识重点难点。2、复习本节重点知识;3、完成本模块课时作业。课后反思:学生互判,成绩计入打分栏学生归纳,教师补充 单独提问 学生分析教师引导学生板演,小组互判,修正错误,给优秀答案或者创意答案以好评。 先练习,

10、后归纳学生选派代表发言,展示他们的研究成果。小组合作,填充表格,代表展示,教师通过幻灯片归纳总结该语法规律,并修正学生错误。附录:学生用资料:中测(二): 1、小组合作,完成三维设计第四板块单元语法冲关,暴露问题,解决问题。并完成如下两个任务,讨论结束后,小组选派代表前台展示:2、区别didnt need to do和neednt have done。(单号小组)结构含义用法翻译didnt need to do 陈述事实 neednt have done 3、归纳“与过去事实相反的表情绪的”情态动词,同时区别表推测的情态动词(双号小组)表与过去事实相反的,“本该,事实却并非如此”。表与过去相关

11、的“推测”肯定 否定后测(考题必研)1(2011新课标全国卷)They _have arrived at lunch time but their flight was delayed. Awill BcanCmust Dshould2(2012潍坊市抽样检测) They _ have prepared for the meeting more carefully. But they didnt. What a pity!Ashouldnt BcantCmay Dought to3(2012日照高三调研)We _ have hurried all the way to the airport the flight was called off because of the foggy weather.Amustnt BcouldntCneednt Dwouldnt4、改错(原创):You dont need be so worried.Following his advice, and everything will be ok.He was said that he had completed all the designs.



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