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1、译林版小学英语六年级上册Unit 5 Signs教学设计The Third Period 一、教学内容 六上 Unit5 Signs (Sound time & Cartoon time)二、教学目标1. 知识目标(1) 能熟练说本课所学各类公共标志,并且发音准确(2) 能正确运用What does it mean? It means.(3) 能熟练背诵课文(4) 能掌握字母组合ir的发音(5) 能读、演cartoon time,并能掌握其中的知识点2. 技能目标(1) 能熟练说本课所学的各类公共标志,并且发音准确(2) 能正确运用What does it mean? It means. (3

2、) 能掌握字母组合ir的发音(4) 能读、演cartoon time, 并能掌握其中的知识点3. 情感目标引导学生体会cartoon time 的幽默之处。三、教学重点1. 学生能正确读出本课重要句型What does it mean? It means. 并能在生活中灵活运用。2. 学生能掌握字母组合ir的发音。3. 通过学习学生能熟练地朗诵cartoon time.四、教学难点1. 学生能正确读出本课重要句型What does it mean? It means. 并能在生活中灵活运用。2. 学生能掌握字母组合ir的发音五、教学准备 PPT六、教学过程Step 1 Review1. Say

3、 the phrasesNo eating or drinking No littering No parking No smokingDanger! Wet floor设计思路:初步帮助学生归纳No 一般情况后加动词ing,为本课教学的学习作铺垫。2. Make a short dialogueModel 1: What does it mean? It means you cant eat or drink there.Model 2:What do these signs mean?They mean No parking.设计思路:复习了动词的过去时之后让学生在练习中操练一下,帮助学生

4、巩固知识。引导学生根据不同的时间关键词灵活运用本课句型。3. Recite the story设计思路:请学生背诵课文部分,以检查学生复习巩固的情况。Step 2 Presentation1. Look and say a. T: Ive got a picture. Please look it over, then find out some information for me. You can use these keys words to ask some questions like these? (Key words :what ,when ,where ,who ,why)Mo

5、del :What is the cat doing?Where are they?(根据图片上的信息,让学生找出when, where, who, what这几个关键因素)设计思路:将文字中的信息以问题的形式出现,目的一在于引导学生关注不同形式的信息表达;其二是降低寻找信息难度,便于厘清不同的信息类型,为下文的教学作铺垫。 b. 信息找全之后呈现文本,观看动画,初步理解故事大意。教师可以用一下问题来检测学生对故事的整体理解。What time is it?What does Bobby have for lunch?Does Bobby have a good lunch? c. 请学生跟读

6、,自由模仿读,再进行小组比赛 d. 表演课文,续编故事。Model: Bobby and Sam walk on.The find a sign on the grass.A:Look, Bobby .Theres a sign.B:What does it mean?A:It means we shouldnt eat or drink.B:Why?A:They see a lot of birds around here.They are looking at your food.B: I know why we cant eat or drink here! e. 引出 bird gir

7、l shirt shirt,请学生找一找相同的发音,从而引出字母组合ir的发音。再让学生说一说含有ir /3:/的单词。 Brainstorming thirteen, thirsty, first, ladybird, sir, firm, third, circle. f:组织学生展开兰度比赛,看谁读得又快又准。设计思路:该环节以学生为主,教师为辅,放开手让学生去发现规律,老师总结规律。对高年级学生来说更有利于他们自主学习能力的进一步发展。Step 3 Consolidationa.跟读,小组分角色朗读, 有感情地小组表演b.总结cartoon time中的when, where, who

8、, whatc. 归纳字母组合ir的发音Step 4 Exercise选择相应的单词用其适当形式填空。设计思路:随堂练习有助于学生更好地巩固所学知识。七、作业布置1. 熟读cartoon time ,尝试背诵。2. 熟读sound time.3. 预习circle and say, 你可以选择一人编一个故事,也可以是4位同学合作编故事。八、板书设计 What bird girl shirt shirt,Who The little bird said to the girl,Where “Why are you so happy today?” The girl said to the little bird,“Because today is my birthday!”4



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