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1、Module 1 My classmate unit 1Nice to meet you学导目标 1.知识与技能 1)To listen, read and understand the conversation nice to meet you2)To learn some key words and useful expressions 3)To learn to introduce yourself, including name, age and hometown 2.过程与方法: 自主学习、探究学习与合作学习 3.情感态度价值观: 培养良好的人际交流态度,交流时要尊重对方的习惯,令对

2、方感觉舒服。学导过程探索体验1. Guide One: 1) First of all, lets memorize the new words of this nuit and sort them.(熟记新单词并分类) 词性 单词名词 n.: _介词 prep.: _形容词 adj.: _副词 adv.:_代词 pron: _兼类词(多种词性): _Now please work in groups to make a sentence using as many new words as you can.(用多学的新单词造一个句子,看谁一个句子中含有新单词最多,造的句子最好)_2)Now,

3、 we are going to watch a video - Whats your name? Then lets sing together. (看一个视频,跟唱)3)Answer the following questions. (回答下列问题)Whats your name? _Do you have an English name? _Whats it?_If you dont have one, you can choose one from the box.Anne Angela Alice Bob Robert Jimmy John Lisa Catherine Daisy

4、Dora Ella Emma Alan Judy May Clark David Henry George Kevin Tom Tony Peter 2. Guide Two:1)We are going to listen to a dialogue, then check the number of speakers.(Activity 1) 2)Lets play a game! Look at the picture and say the word quickly.(玩游戏,看图说单词)3) Listen to the dialogue again and check the wor

5、ds you hear.(Activity 2)4) Listen to another dialogue and complete the table. NameAgeJobCityCountryMs Li/Lingling DamingTony/Betty/5) Read the dialogue and finish the exercises in Activity 3、4 and 5. 3.Guide Three:(language points知识点)1. Im from Wuhan. 我来自武汉。(我是武汉人。)_表示“来自哪里,是哪里的人”。询问某人“来自哪里,是哪里的人”,可

6、以用Where are you/is she/is he from?这个句型。如:Where is Jim from? He is from England.Practise: 对划线部分提问。 Barack Obama is from America. _ _ Barack Obama _?【拓展】“来自哪里?”还可以用_例如:Where do you/does he/does she come from?2. How old are you? 你多大了? Im thirteen years old. 我十三岁。这里years old 用来表述年龄,表示 “岁”。有时,years old可以

7、省略。只用数字表达年龄即可。Practise:(两种表达方式)我妹妹五岁了。1 _ 2_3. What about you? 你呢?What about ? 意思是“怎么样?”用来询问消息、提供建议或征求意见,也可用How about ? about是介词,后面常跟代词、名词或动词-ing形式。如:Im fine. What/How about you?How/What about Sunday?What/How about going swimming?4. Welcome to Class 4 Grade 7! 欢迎来到七年级四班!当谈到在几年级或几班时,年级、班级与其后面的基数词第一个字

8、母都要大写。如:Grade OnePractise:(翻译句子)皮特在八年级五班。_【拓展】英语中罗列事物时是由小到大排列的。如:Mr Smith is from London, England. 4.Guide Four:1)Role play. Well see which group does the best. (角色扮演)Read the dialogue aloud for a few minutes by yourself; Role play in groups; Role play in front of the class 2) Pronunciation and spea

9、king.(Activity 6, 7)3) Work in pairs. Use the following pattern to talk.A: Hello! Whats your name?B: Hello!/ Hi! My name is / Im ,A: My name is B: Nice to meet you.拓展创新. 根据首字母及汉语提示写出单词。1. Hello! I am from E_ (英格兰).2. Xiao Liru is 12 y_ (年) old.3. W_ (在哪里) is Jenny? Shes in Beijing.4. The boy is in G

10、_ (年级) 8.5. Are you A_ (美国人)?No. I am English. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Wang Shuai is a _ (China) boy.2. This is _ (we) classroom.3. _ (be) Kate in Class One? Yes, she _ (be).4. Tian Xiaona and Mary are good _ (friend).5. Hi, _ (I) name is Wen Yi. Im from Hefei. 链接中考根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1. 露西,见到你很高兴。 _ _ meet you, Lucy.2. 王冰来自大连。 Wang Bing _ _ Dalian.3. 那个男孩多大了? 他十四岁。 _ _ is the boy? He is 14 years old.4. 欢迎来到我们的新学校。 _ _ our new school.5. 他在六班。你呢? Hes in Class 6. _ _ you?学导反思1. 你是否对课文的内容还有不明白的地方?如果有,请大胆提出并记录下来。 _2.请根据本课所学到的内容进行命题,看谁是“命题专家”!_



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