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1、(鲁科版)五年级英语上册知识要点Unit 1描述人物特征的形容词:tall-short young-oldthin-stronglong-short kind strictactive smart naughty四会单词:card卡片; pupil学生;young年轻的;kind亲切的;his他的;little小的;thin瘦的;interesting有趣的;then那时; who谁; but但是三会单词:student 学生;was(is的过去式)是;were(are的过去式)是;strict严格的;active积极的; smart聪明的; ago以前词组: make a card 制作贺卡

2、; ten years ago 十年前重点句型:1. Whos your favorite teacher?My favorite teacher is.2.Shes/Hes.(形容词) She /Hehas(形容词)+hair等3.I /She /Hewas(形容词) then.Her /His hair was (形容词)Theywereyoung /then.4.Werethey your pupils?/Were theyactive /in class?Yes, theywere./No, theywerent.Unit 2描述人物心情、感受的形容词:happy excited sa

3、d angry worried glad四会单词:look看起来; find找到; worry担心;angry生气的;sad难过的;late迟到;why为什么; yesterday昨天; with 和在一起三会单词:sky天空; lost(lose的过去式,过去分词)丢失; saw(see的过去式)看见;excited激动的; glad高兴的;worried担心的;poor可怜的;helpful有帮助的 词组:come back 回来;come in 进来;重点句型:1.Whats Danny /doing? Hes /Shes dancing /in the rain.2.Hesexcite

4、d. The sky isangry.Wang Hong isworried.3.Wereyou happy? Yes, Iwas./ No, I wasnt.4.WasDanny with you? Yes, hewas. / No, he wasnt.5.You look worried. I cant findmy English book /.Unit 3月份:January February March April May June JulyAugust September October November December描述生日活动的短语:open the present sin

5、g the birthday song eat some cake take picturesplay games sing and dance四会单词:party聚会; song歌曲; children孩子们; open打开; when什么时候三会单词:March三月;May五月;April四月;October十月;present礼物;wish愿望;had(have的过去式)有;did(do的过去式);sang(sing的过去式)唱,唱歌;made(make的过去式)制造,做;ate(eat的过去式)吃;词组:have a party 举办宴会; sing a song 唱歌; make a

6、 wish 许愿;重点句型:1.When is your birthday? My birthday is inMay. / Its inMarch.2.-Happy birthday!-Thank you.-Open the present, please.-OK.3. Whatdidyoudoat the party? Wesang and danced. / ate a big cake.4.How was the party?It was great.Unit 4日常学校活动短语:do sports read books make things tell stories play fo

7、otballdraw pictures play the piano watch films play basketball四会单词:film电影 tree树photo照片;story故事;sit坐;tell讲,告诉;busy忙碌的 after在以后三会单词:French法语; reading阅读; building建筑物; group组; circle圆;send发送,寄; different不同的; really真的,是吗?词组: watch films 看电影;tell stories讲故事in groups成群结队地 in a circle围成一个圈; 重点句型:1.Whats sub

8、jectsdoesshe have? Shehasscience, maths and French.2.Whatdoesshe do after school?She oftendrawspictures. Sometimes she watchesfilms.3.Whats your new school like? Its not big, but very beautiful.4.There isa new gymin my school. There isan old building in my school.There aremanyflowers and trees. Ther

9、e aremany books in it.5.How manypupilsare there in your class? There aretwenty.6.What are you doing in groups? Some aremaking things. Some aretelling stories.Unit 5运动方面的短语:play table tennis /football /basketball have a football match jump high get the ball run to the basket shoot a basket pass the b

10、allwin the match join the .Club四会单词:ball 球;try尝试;get得到;high高;easy容易的;again再一次;三会单词:club 俱乐部; match比赛; basket(篮球运动的)篮; join参加;win获胜;pass传递; got(get的过去式)得到; won(win的过去式)获胜;last最后的;词组:table tennis乒乓球:try again再试试;play well做的好;jump high跳的高;重点句型:1.-What sport do you like? -I likebasketball /.2.What club

11、would you like to join? Id liketo join the Table Tennis Club.3.Li Ming plays well.He jumps very high.Hes running to the basket.4.What sportdidyou play yesterday? Weplayedfootball.Unit 6有关圣诞活动的短语:get together have a big dinner sing Christmas songs get presentsdecorate the Christmas tree Help yourselv

12、es. put the star hereput the lights on the tree put the stocking at the end of my bed put the balls on the tree put a present in the stocking四会单词:bag 包; star星星; light灯; dress连衣裙; animal动物;evening晚上;bring带来;三会单词:Christmas圣诞节; December十二月; laugh笑; went(go的过去式)去;said(say的过去式)说; together在一起;词组: get toge

13、ther聚在一起;at the end of 在的最后重点句型:1.When is Christmas Day? Its December 25.2.What do you usually do at Christmas? The family get together.We have a big dinner.We sing Christmas songs.We get presents from Santa.3.Lets decorate the Christmas tree. Whatwillyou do?Iwillput the star here.Iwillput the light

14、s /balls on the tree.4.What presentsdidyou get? Igotabook about animals. Unit 7有关春节活动的短语:clean the home buy flowers eat jiaozi watch TV visit relativeswear new clothes set off fireworks travel to make jiaoziget lucky money say “Happy Spring Festival” to each other四会单词:ask 问; wonderful精彩的; next下一个; early时间早;befor



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