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1、 平川二中八年级英语(下)Unit 8自主学习导学案班级 姓名 时间教研组长(签字)贾成祥 学校领导(审核)张天文 设计人: 贾成祥 Lesson 43 Lets clean up!学习目标:掌握的词汇短语:Mastery words and expressions: yard, rubbish, pick up, bit, a bit of, bigOral words and expressions: garbage, pollution, finish doing, get to work能力目标:Let the students understand to protect our en

2、vironment is our duty.We should keep our school yard clean.学习重点:Know how many ways we can say “garbage”.Talk about the destroy of the rubbish.学习难点:Some words and expressions, such as: pick up, clean up一、自主学习1When you see l lot of rubbish in your school yard, how do you feel? What should you do about

3、 it?2.识读单词并写出汉语yard,_ rubbish_ pick up_ bit_ a bit of_garbage_ pollution_ finish doing_ get to work_ 3.用所学词汇造句(小组合作)二、合作探究Read and answer1. Where are Jenny, Brian and Danny?2. Hows the weather?3. What do English people call “rubbish”?4. What is Jenny studying in class this week?5. What does the teac

4、her think of Jennys idea? (二)阅读课文找出下列短语并翻译1.clean up _ 2.school yard_ 3 do with _ 4.pick up _5.a bit of _ 6.in an hour _7.get to work _ 8.explain sth. to sb. _三、引导点拨1. Its a nice, sunny day. 今天天气晴朗。sunny adj. 阳光充足的,照耀的,快乐的 a sunny day a sunny room a sunny smile The day was bright and sunny. 阳光灿烂的日子。

5、相关衔接:sun n. 太阳;阳光;向阳处;有阳光的地方 The sun rose at six oclock. 太阳六点钟升起。sit in the sun坐在阳光下知识连接:sun sunny 相同的有: 2. But look at all of this rubbish! 但是看这有这么多垃圾! rubbish n.垃圾,废物,废话同义词:garbagerubbish collection垃圾堆rubbish pail垃圾桶The cupboard was full of old papers, broken toys and other rubbish. 【拓展】表示 “垃圾”的词:

6、1) trash n.垃圾。如:Can you take out the trash? 2) litter n.乱扔的东西。如:Dont throw about the litter.。 3. Somebody should pick up that garbage! 应当有人来捡起那些垃圾。pick up捡起;整理,收拾pick up a book捡起一本书Lets pick up the living room. 我们收拾一下卧室吧。She just picked up and left. 她收拾了一下行李就走了。【拓展】pick vt. & vi选择;采,摘I picked a book

7、 to read. 我选了一本书读。We picked apples (from the tree). 我们(从树上)摘苹果。pick n. 选择;精华;最优部分Take your pick of these books. 你任意挑选这些书。the pick of的精华5. We are studying pollution in class this week. 这一周,我们要在课堂上学习污染的知识。pollution n.污染;败坏;污秽物【拓展】freshwater pollution淡水污染 food pollution食物/食品污染 information pollution信息污染

8、 industrial pollution 工业污染 river pollution河流污染 noise pollution 噪声污染water pollution水质污染 seawater pollution海水污染 pollution disease 污染病 pollution of beaches海滩/海滨污染Ten men were cleaning all the pollution off the shore. 人们在清除海滩上的污染物。air/atmospheric pollution大气污染【衔接】pollute vt. 弄脏;污染。如:All those waste prod

9、ucts are polluting the river. 所有废弃物正在污染这条河。6. That afternoon, Jenny explains the plan to the class. 那天下午,詹妮向全班解释了一下这个计划。explain vt.& vi.1) 说明;阐明Explain what this work means. 解释这个词的含义。Will you please explain the third paragraph again for us? 请您把第三段再解释一下好吗?2) 解释;辩解Can you explain why you were late? 你能

10、解释一下你为什么迟到了吗?He explained how the machine was used. 他解释了一下怎样使用那台机器。辨析:explain与interpret指“解释不明之事”,如:He is explaining how a machine operates. 他正在解释机器是如何运转的?interpret侧重于“用特殊的知识、信念、判断、了解或想象去阐明特别难懂的事情。如:How do you interpret this poem? 你是怎样解释这首诗的呢?7. Lets get to work! 我们开始干吧!1)get to到(某地,某一时刻或年岁等)。如:I get

11、 to school at seven oclock every day. 我每天7点钟到校。2)get to do sth. 开始干某事。如:Stop talking and get to work. 停止空谈,开始工作。8. Each student could clean up a bit of the school yard. 每个学生清理校园某一处的卫生。 1)clean up彻底清理;整理 clean up the desk整理书桌【拓展】a. 清理掉;清除The waiter hurried to clean up the pieces of the broken plates.

12、 服务员赶紧把盘碟的碎片打扫干净。赚得He really cleaned up at the football pools today. 他在今天的足球赌注中发了大财。clean vt. 把弄干净;使净化;清扫;洗涤Clean your shoes before you enter the houses. 在进屋前请先把鞋子弄干净。clean adj. 干净的;清洁的That shirt is dirty; here is a clean one. 那件衬衣脏了,这里有件干净的。Boys, are your hands clean? 孩子们,你们的手干净吗?比较:clean与cleanse都有

13、 “使干净”的意思。clean是常用词,指“用各种方式将污垢、脏物等清除掉”。如:clean the window擦窗子。cleanse指 “使纯净;清洗” ,尤指 “用清除剂或其他方法使清洁”,也用于比喻中,如:cleanse the air in cities将城市中的空气净化。四、展示反馈Make a list about rubbish in the school yard.Should they throw away more? Should they make less?Try these phrases: Students should be careful with garba

14、ge because _.五、板书六、课堂检测Explain some language points to the class. Then ask the students to make up sentences with them.1. But look at all of the rubbish!2. Somebody should pick up that garbage! 3. It would take too long.4. Each student could clean up a bit of the school yard.5. We would finish cleaning



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