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1、课题: 七下Unit5 Integrated skills预学案 班级 姓名 一、 学习目标: 1能了解更多有关动物的知识。 2能从听力材料中获取相关信息。 3能用已掌握的信息使相关文章意思表达完整。 4学会多奇异的食物做出恰当的反应。二、 预学指导: (上课前预习一下课文,对你可有帮助啦,行动起来吧!) I.重点单词 1.蛇_ 2.骆驼_ 3.蚂蚁_ 4.少数的_ 5.干燥的_6.没有_ 7.粉笔_ II. 重点短语和句型 1.谢谢你的帮_7.notanymore_ 2.在寒冷的冬季_8.听说;知道_ 3.住在很干燥的地方_9.环游80多个国家_ 4.很长时_10.前几天_ 5. be af

2、raid of_11.同时_ 6. 保持我们房子干净 12.用粉笔3-D_ 三、预学内容: (通过预习你一定理解了许多新知识吧,快来检测一下,听课就会有的 放矢啦!) 你能根据首字母及句意填写单词吗?1. How many b_ does a man have? 206.2. They dont know what h_ to them three seconds ago.3. As we know, a giraffe has a long n_ and a monkey has a short one.4. Please speak slowly and clearly. I cant u

3、_ you.5. Please r_ to close the window when you leave. 6. Can you read out the new w_ on the blackboard?四、 合作探究1. Camels can live without water for a long time. 译:_解析 without -没有(介词), 后跟名词或动名词作伴随状语 for + 一段时间,表示持续 练习 a.The workers worked for the whole morning without a breakfast译:_b.He came into the

4、 office without saying hello to anyone. 译_ c.他不吃饭在床上躺了10个小时。 He lies in bed _ ten hours _ meals. d.没有空气和水,我们无法生存。 We cant live _ air _ water.2. but I was surprised to know that there are only seven bones. 译_解析 be surprised to do sth- 对做某事感到惊奇 拓展 be surprised at sth. - 对某事感到惊奇 练习 a. I am surprised to

5、 see you here. 译:_ b. We are surprised at his coming. 译:_ c.昨天他对这条消息感到惊奇。He _ _ _ the news yesterday. d.我很吃惊地知道他没有通过考试。I _ _ _ _ that he didnt pass the exam.3. It is also amazing that a snake eats little or nothing in cold winter.译:解析1 此句的结构是:Its + 形容词 + that 引导从句 (句子中it是形式主语;that从句是真正主语)练习 a.鱼是睁着眼睛

6、睡觉的这太有趣了。 _ interesting _ fish sleep _ their eyes _. b.我们的鼻子和耳朵从未停止生长这太奇怪了。_ _ that our _ and _ never _ _.解析2 little - 不多的(否定意义,修饰不可数名词) 对比 a little - 有点儿(肯定意义) 链接 little - 小的练习 a.池子里的水不多了。There _ _ water in the pool, (反意疑问句) _ _? b.碗里还有一点儿米。There _ _ _ rice in the bowl, (反意疑问句) _ _? c. They found a

7、 little cat in the bushes. 译:_4. Now I am not afraid of animals any more. 译:_解析1 be afraid of - 害怕. 拓展 be afraid of doing sth - 害怕做某事练习 a.小孩子害怕陌生人。 Children _ _ _ strangers. b.她害怕晚上出去。She _ _ _ _ _ at night. 解析2 not.any more - 不再 练习 a.我不再是小孩了,我不再怕狗了. I _ _ a child _ _and I _ _ _ of dogs _ _. b.恐怕Tom

8、将不会再回来了。 _ _Tom _ come back _ _.5. I heard about a young man. 译:_解析 hear of - 听说, 知道 练习 a. I heard of that girl in white a long time ago. 译:_ b. 以前你听说过这个故事吗?_ you _ _ the story before?6. I read about a man the other day. 译:_解析 read about - 读有关的内容 the other day - 那天,前几天(一般过去时的时间状语) 练习 a. 前几天我在上学的路上遇见

9、了我的一个老朋友。 I _ an old friend _ _ on _ _ _ school _ _ _. b. 我总是在报纸上读到有关周杰伦的内容。I always _ _ Jay _ the newspapers.7. He can write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time. 译:_解析 one . , the other. -(两者中的)一个,另一个 draw with - 用画画练习 a. I have two pens, one is red, the other is black. 译:_ b.我父母

10、都是教师。一个教英语,一个教法语。My parents _ _ teachers. _ _ English, _ _ _ French. c. 他会用粉笔画三维画。 He _ _ 3-D _ _. 8. The museum closed just a minute ago. 译:_解析 just a minute ago - 就在一分钟前(刚才) 总结 一段时间 + ago - 之前 (一般过去时的时间状语) close - 关门,关闭,不营业 对比 open - 开门,开张,营业练习 a. 这个购物中心是一年前开业的。The shopping mall _ _ _ _. b. 我确定这家饭店很快将会倒闭。Im _ the restaurant _ _ soon.9. We watched a short film. It showed a lot of amazing things in the world.译:解析 show - 出示,展示,展览 show sb. around sp. - 带领某人参观某地五、当堂检测:单项填空1. The ticket is on the floor;please .A.pick up itB.look forC.pick it upD.look it



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