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1、简洁的英文自我介绍三篇 当来到一个新环境时,我们总少不了要向他人介绍自己,自我介绍可以唤起他人对我们的爱好。那么什么样的自我介绍才合适呢?以下是我帮大家整理的简洁的英文自我介绍3篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜爱。简洁的英文自我介绍篇1io maa, Goo morig. I am gld toe re fr hisinerie. Firstlet minroduemyefMy n is *, *yar ld.I cmefr *, capi of *Province.I radatedfom the * epartnt f*Univers i* ,*.I the pat yeasI ave ben

2、 prarin fr the postgradaeeaination whie I hvbe chi *in.*idde Schoolad I s ahead-techer o a lin juior grade w.ow allm hr wr s got result nceI ave chae to b ntevie b yu I amoen-mindd ,uk inthought ad eryfon o hstory.In m sparetie,I ave rod interest ke many other youngers.I lik readng book,epci those a

3、bout *.qely I echange withother peoleby akigcmments in th rmon ie.I addition ,dur ycollee years,I wa nce Net-br teniianSo,I have coparaie goodcoman of netwrk apicain am bto operat the coputewelIam skillful insearhingfor normtin in nteneI am ootall fan forya.lian teamis myfavortenywa,Ifeeltpiy fr our

4、 outrys tm. lays beiee tat on wll asly lag bhin nlehekeepsonlarning.Of ose, f I m ie a chanc to work * inthis famouscoporation, will stae n effortt mastera good comand of advnce*.hanu!简洁的英文自我介绍篇2 My name is not tl, Wang Xinia, plain, a small hld,xi Simon, xi s cmpose ofthre gol, meanthat I ow grea y

5、ur, Simnis of hreewater meas Il arer. Itooks ood, buy rsonlity isreally uprisin, areles. I mcareless, notter at thexam in the nses error jst ccknottcome out,uy vinegaoroto rg moy, stdy ogt to brng oo.Thi indof embarrsngthings happe to e thisarlessAh! hecan I get id ofthsad habit emeber once, mo waoa

6、t hom, Iook,d wt god? el do rie, I tree ies five died by wos panning out. Heeremore iple, add ter plugged in,ti io esy I can get hisde ia bree, justwang o eat, I am laz lyngn thesofa watcin TV, st waitin toa.ncnousl anhoupassed, and a no smellhefragaceof rie,Ihuried tot itcen, eeng whialsodidntfnd w

7、ich is brokn. Yi?How d tht pen? Lok al a ay justdtetin, orginall is tewitc o acooin lass,hs just ben insulation. Oh,reret ndhte.onhve og hungry A careleswhen d I ge to rcaeful, live up m name? Ah!hs s what I call Wang Xino caelss! 我叫王鑫淼,个子不高,相貌平平,一个不起眼的小孩,鑫淼,鑫是由三个金组成,意味着我会大富大贵,淼是有三个水组成意味着我会官运亨通。看起来还

8、不错,但我的性格可真让人大跌眼镜马虎。 我无论干什么都很马虎,考试时在眼皮底下的错误硬是检查不出来,买醋忘了带钱,学习忘了带书本这种种的囧事都发生在我这个马大哈的身上。哎!我什么时候才能改掉这个坏毛病啊。 记得有一次,妈妈不在家,我自己做饭,做啥好呢?好吧就做米饭,我三下五除二就淘洗完了。下面就更简洁了,加上水插上电源,这太简单了我不费吹灰之力就搞定了,下面就等着吃了,我懒洋洋的躺在沙发上看着电视,就等着吃了。不知不觉一个小时过去了,可还没有闻到米的香味,我便连忙跑到厨房,看了半天也没发觉哪坏了。咦?怎么会这样?视察了半天才发觉,原来是没把档次调到煮饭上,刚刚始终在保温。哎,又悔又恨。没方法只

9、好饿肚子了。 马虎的我什么时候才能细心一点,对得起我的名字呢?哎! 这就是我一个叫王鑫淼的“马大哈!”简洁的英文自我介绍 篇3 DsigshdLadesndGelemen,I am delihed (Its agra hono frme) o be here hismorng,for y inigin RG. She h aongistory, extensvetre andmoder vtlity.*s y nam,or o ould clme *, myEngls name. have graduated omcup(Cina Uniersity of etrolu) an Iajor i

10、nEnlis, sciec andtechica Enis.*is my ometwn.I realy ike playg baskballand dncing.Fm no on, Iwl he melfand upoldthe sprtat splyng theworld ih stat-o-t-art, igh qulity roducts and serice.N wih th rem ofhcrp, whtI want to ay is tha R is werewivtogether, orktogethr and lov eah tr,and fr us, e are of one in! Lets go to a band-nwworldogeter!本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页


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