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1、Module 2 Experiences模块达标测试卷时间:100分钟满分:120分第I卷听力部分(20分)、听句子,根据所听句子选择与其相匹配的图片(每小题1分,共5分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.二、听句子,选择适当的答语(每小题1分,共5分)6. A.Yes, she does. B. No, she has nt. C. Yes, she is.7. A.Sorry, I dont know.B .ve visited many places.C. I traveled there by taxi.8. A.Thats a pity. B . Good luck. C. I think

2、 so.9. A.Really? B . Twice.C . Yes, she has.10 . A.In two days. B . After two days. C . For two days.三、听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案(每小题1分,共5分)11 . Where is Betty from?A . Beijing. B . London. C . New York.12 . How long has Betty been in Beijing?A . For about two weeks.B . For about two mon ths.C . For about two

3、 years.13 . What place has nt Betty bee n to yet?A . The Summer Palace.B . Tiananmen Square.C . The Great Wall.14 . What does Betty want to be?A . A Chinese teacher.B . An English teacher.C . A doctor.15. What does Betty think of Chinese?A. Boring. B. Easy. C. Difficult.四、 听短文,选择最佳答案(每小题1分,共5分)16. W

4、here have they been for the holiday?A . To California. B . To Beijing.C. To Canada.17. Why did they go to California?A . Because the trip to California was cheap.B . Because Califor nia was not far.C . Because the whole family enjoyed the water.18 . What did Mike enjoy?A . Surfing. B . Swimming.C .

5、Reading in the sun.19 . Which of the followi ng is wrong?A . They had a friend in Newport Beach.B . They went to the Disn eyla nd and the Sea World.C . They went fish ing without their friend in Newport Beach.20 . Which place does the author like best?A . The beach. B . The Disneyland.C . The Sea Wo

6、rld.第u卷 笔试部分(100分)五、 单项选择(每小题1.5分,共15分)21 . Laura enjoysstorybooks. Me, too.A . readingB . read C . to read D . reads22 . He is very poor, so he cant afforda new house.A . buy B . buying C . to buy D . bought23 . Do you look forward tothis won derful film aga in?A . see B . seen C . saw D . seeing24

7、 . We ofte nthe stude ntsEn glish.A . help; learningB . help; learnC . help; lear ns D . help; lear ned25 . Mr King asked all the childre nEn glish in the classroom.A . read B . to reading C . to read D . reading26. We have aholiday every National Day.A . 3 days B . 3- days C. 3- dayD . 3 days27. To

8、m,you everthat new film?Yes. Iit a week ago.A . have; seen; saw B. have; seen; seeC . do; see; see D . had; see n; saw28 . At times, pare nts find it difficultwith their tee nage childre n.A . talk B . talked C . talkingD . to talk29 . My host family tried to cookfor me whe n I studied in New Zeala

9、nd.A . different somethingB . different anythingC . someth ing differe ntD . nothing differe nt30 . Mrs Zhang was sent to teach En glish in a poor moun ta in village last year.She said she would n ever forget some pleasa ntwhile work ing there.A . experiments B . expressions C . experiences D . emot

10、ions六、完形填空(每小题1.5分,共15分)(词数:约180;建议用时:6分钟)Whit ney did nt have many frien ds. She was shy and(31). She n everwan ted to be popular, but she did want to have some one to share(32) andlaugh with.Then it was time for her to go to college in another town. And she had to (33) with some one she did nt kno

11、w. She had no idea whether she could make friends in that new en viro nment.But someth ing happe ned duri ng the first class. And it(34) Whit neys life.The teacher asked every one to(35) a little about themselves. Whit ney toldevery one where she came from and some simple in formati on. The last(36)

12、 foreach stude nt was What is your goal for this term ?” (37) of the stude ntssaid it was to get good grades, pass the tests or something similar! But Whitney said something(38) . She said that her goal was to make just one good friend.When most of the stude nts sat quietly, one stude nt came to Whi

13、t ney. She reached out her hand and in troduced herself. She asked(39) she could be Whit neysfriend. Whit ney was surprised and happy. She(40) and reached her hand out,too.Their frien dship lasted all through the college.31.A.careless B . quiet C. noisyD . weak32.A.marks B. friends C. testsD . secre

14、ts33.A.quarrel B. debate C. liveD . discuss34.A.cha nged B. con trolledC.destroyed D.blocked35.A.remember B. share C . recite D . write36.A.requireme ntB . decisi on C.competitio nD . questi on37.A.Most B . Few C . All D .No ne38.A.i nterest ingB . differe ntC .similar D .stra nge39.A.how B . why C

15、. whetherD . where40.A.smiled B . watched C . rushed D . tur ned七、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)A(词数:约180;建议用时:5分钟)Travelling has been popular with people for a long time. Many of todays travellersare trying to find an unu sual experie nee of adve nture. Hiking may be a good choice.In stead of spe nding your vacati on on a bus, in a hotel or sitt ing on the beach, you may want to try hiking. Hiking is a great way to travel. You will get close to nature and take exercise



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