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1、Module 9 Unit 1 This is my mother?【教材】新标准英语(三起)第一册(外语教学与研究出版社)【教材分析】本课是新标准英语三年级起点第一册第九模块第一单元This is my mother. 本课的课文情境是在Sam家里, Sam拿出相册向Lingling介绍自己的家人。由于是指着手中的照片介绍的,所以用了“This is .”结构。在最后一幅图中,Sam看到了坐在远处的弟弟Tom,所以使用了“Thats .”这一结构进行介绍。在这里要引导学生复习this和that的区别。【学生学情分析】三年级学生系统地学习英语的时间不长,因此他们听、说、读的能力还比较薄弱,能进

2、行比较简单又简短的对话。大部分学生敢于开口,热衷参加有趣的课堂活动,喜欢活跃的学习氛围。【课型描述】 听说课【学时分配】 一课时【授课时间】35分钟【教学目标】1.知识目标:学生能够正确的说出有关家庭成员的词汇:mother, father, sister, brother, she, grandpa, grandma, me2.能力目标:学生能够听懂This is my mother/ father.并能够用以上句型来讨论、交流自己的家庭成员。3.情感、态度、价值观:激发学生学习兴趣,乐于向朋友介绍自己全家福照片,使朋友更加了解自己。【教学重点】 1. 能认读单词:mother, fathe

3、r, sister, brother, she, grandpa, grandma, me【教学难点】 能运用This is my.句型介绍自己的家庭成员;能够准确的读出单词 brother的发音。【教学方法】交际法为主,语法翻译法为辅【教具】 单词卡片、课件、头饰【课前预测】通过本节课的学习,希望学生能够达到以下预测:首先,关于学生,在之前的模块已经学过,Heres.和 this/that is.的句型,但是大部分学生只知道Heres.和 This/That is.后面可以接物品,还不知道后面可以接人物。其次,关于教材,本单元的活动一是教材中设置为温故知新的部分,但本人觉得该部分的设置不能很

4、好的引出新的内容,于是本人决定把教材的该部分省去,自己编排一个Chant到处新的内容,保证了新学词汇的完整性、连贯性。【教学过程】Step 1. Greetings and warming up1.1 Greetings.T: Class begins. Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down, please.Step2. Revision and lead-in2.1 ChantHeres my book. Heres my pen. Heres my bag. Heres my photo.2.2. Lead-ina. learn “me, grand

5、pa, grandma, father, mother, brother, sister” T: boys and girls, look at the photo, me, grandpa, grandma, father, mother, brother, sister. Ok, now read after me: me, me, grandpa, grandpa, grandma, grandma, father, father, mother, mother, brother, brother, sister, sister( group by group, then one by

6、one)b. game - Simon says T: now, lets play a game, Simon says. Are you ready?S:Yes.T: good, lets go. Simon says grandpa, Simon says grandma.c. Practice (PPT还是教师的全家福的相片,让学生说出“grandpa, grandma, father,mother, brother, sister”)T: pupils, lets look at my family photo and say my family members again.Step

7、3. Text learning3.1 listen and answer the questionT: boys and girls, now please listen to the tape and answer the following questions: How many people are in Sams family?(use PPt to show the question)3.2 watch and number the four sentences (无字幕)T: Please watch the video and use ABCD to number the se

8、ntences: This is my grandpa. ( C )This is my father. ( B)This is my mother. ( A )This is my grandpa. ( D )Who can try? 3.3 practice sentencea. blank-filling (with the help of PPt)T: now please look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.a) This is my _.b) This is _ _.c) This _ _ _.d) _ _ _ _.b. sent

9、ences readingT: Now, lets read the sentences together: this is my father. This is my grandpa.c. write down “This is my _.” on the board.T: now, I point you say, for example, this is my father .(T points to the sentence and the word) Are you ready?3.4 watch and repeat the text.T: now, please watch an

10、d read after the video.a. learn “ she”T: look at this word and read after me “she, she”( group by group then one by one)3.5 read the text togetherT: Ok, now, please look at your book and read the text together.Step4. Task and extension 4.1 retelling(看P52活动3Sam的全家福,让学生同桌之间先相互介绍,让一个学生带上Sam的头饰到讲台前介绍)T:

11、 Well, now who wants to be Sam and introduce your family to us.4.2 introduce family members to the whole class(邀请几位学生带上头饰分别扮演grandpa, grandma, father, mother, brother, sister,请两三位学生分别上前介绍)T:now, I want some Ss to come here to wear the hats and play the roles of grandpa, grandma, father, mother, brot

12、her and sister. Who wants to come here?S: .T: That girl, please come here, now they are all you family. Please introduce them to your classmates.Step5. Summary and homework5.1 Summary T: Well done, boys and girls. Today, weve learn many words and sentences. Can you try to chant with me?Grandpa, gran

13、dpa, this is my grandpa.Grandma, grandma, this is my grandma.Father, father, this is my father.Mother, mother, this is my mother. Brother, brother, this is my brother.Sister, sister, this is my sister.Me, me, this is me. We are family.5.2 Homework1. listen and then read the text to your family.2. in

14、troduce your family members in the photo to your classmates. 【板书设计】 Module 9 Unit1 This is my mother? This is my_. grandpa grandma father mother brother sister me 【教学反思】 首先是导入的部分。导入的chant没有起到热身的作用,缺少节奏感,没起到调节气氛的作用。以后要注意一边拍手,一边读。第二,对单词的操练不够,导致有些学生在输出单词时,发音不准。在进行Simon says的环节时候,应该有一个开始的口令:3,2,1,以引起学生的注意。第三,对听力选项的设置,选项应该是三题。在呈现答案的同时,也应该让学生知道为什么是这个选项。第四,在读句子的时候,老师应该现教,再让学生读,教师再根据学生读的情况进行反馈。第五,Blank-filling在抽学生回答后,再让学生齐读。第六,难点的突破不够,应该由点到面,由个别到全班,多反复。最后,在总结的地方的Chant还是跟导


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