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1、美国文学American LiteratureLiteratureWhat is literature? Literature has been the high skills of writing with imagination since the 19th century. Types of literature: Fiction Poetry Drama EssayMajor Literary SchoolsI. Classicism and neoclassicism Advocation of rationalism (Reason should be above everythi

2、ng else.) Samuel Johnson, Alexander PopeII. Romanticism Opposition to neoclassicism Emphasis on emotion, imagination and intuition. William Wordsworth, Shelley, ByronIII. Realism Focus on common lives of the average people And unromantic observation of human experiences.Dickens, Bronte, AustenIV. Mo

3、dernism Synonym of revolution against traditional art. Emphasis on instinct and subconsciousness.The Spirit of American Literature(the thread throughout American literature) Individualism Personal ability Hard work leads to success.Compared with the spirit of Chinese literature Confucianism Moderate

4、 To attack human pride, avoid extremes and keep human desires within appropriate reason and order.Introduction American literature may be the youngest national literatures in the world. Its real history, if calculating from the end of the revolutionary war, is only about 200 years or more. Within su

5、ch a short period, American literature swiftly developed, began to receive international recognition, and has had a great effect upon world literature. I. Literature of the Colonial Period (16071776) II. Literature of Reason and Revolution (1776-1820) III. Romanticism (1820-1860) IV. Rise of Realism

6、 (1860-1914) V. Modern Period (1914-)1.Literature of the Colonial Period殖民统治时期文学 (1607-1776)From my years young in days of youth,God did make known to me His Truth,And calld me from my native placeFor to enjoy the Means of Grace.In wilderness He did me guide, William Bradford God teaches me and guid

7、es me to a right wayI. Historical Background Settlement The result of religious motives and mercantile motives Puritanism Puritan thoughts: predestination (God decides everything before things occur) Original sin (Human beings were born to be evil.)Puritan values: Hard work, thrift, and piety. Indiv

8、idualism and American DreamII. Features of Literature The first American literature was neither American nor real literature. Types of Writing Diary, history, journal, letter, narrative It was the work mainly of immigrants from England. It was not in the form of poetry, essay or fiction, but the mix

9、ture of travel accounts and religious writings.III. Writers John Smith As the first Amercan writerHe is a British soldier of fortune,and strictly speakly speaking,was not litirature at all.A Ture Relation Of Such Occurences and Accidents of Note as Hath Happened in Virginia was a long report recordi

10、ng what he saw and heard in the New World, which he sent back to England and was printed in 1608 whitout his knowledge. Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor (English immigrants) The work of the two writers rose to the level of real poetry.2.The Age of Reason and Revolution理性与革命时期文学 (1776-1820)I. Histor

11、ical Background The Age of Revolution The Age of ReasonThe Age of RevolutionAmerican Revolution of Independence (1776-1783) Britains suppression on America in economy and politics Revolt against BritainThe Age of ReasonEnlightenment Intellectual movement in Europe (1660s1780s) Humanism: the equality

12、 and freedom among men (to stimulate Americans to strive for the establishment of their independent and democratic nation) Rationalism: reason and orderII. Features of Literature Utilitarian tendency (Nothing is good or beautiful but in the measure that is useful.) Clear, concise and powerful expres

13、sion Essay as a prominent partIII. Writers and WorksEssayists Thomas Paine: Common Sense (to make Americans see the necessity to have an independent nation of their own) Thomas Jefferson: Declaration of Independence (to inspire his contemporaries) Benjamin Franklin本杰明.富兰克林: Autobiography Poor Richar

14、ds AlmanacPoet Philip Freneau飞利浦.费瑞诺: To the Memory of the Brave AmericansThe Wild HoneysuckleBenjamin Franklin本杰明.富兰克林 (1706 1790)Identity Hes a writer. Hes a scientist. Hes a businessman. Hes a politician. Hes an inventor. Hes the most versatile and enligh-tened man of his generation Born on Milk

15、Street in Boston, Massachusetts from a very large family. At the age of 12, apprenticed to be a newspaper printer in Boston. In 1729, already owned his own printing shop and published the newspaper Pennsylvania Gazette 宾夕法尼亚报. In 1732, offered his Poor Richards Almanac格言历书. From 1771 to 1790, wrote



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