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1、Unit 1 课前预习一、 词汇:1. My sister is a _ (天生的) dancer.2.Jane is now the _ (总的) manager of the hotel.3. The teacher sets high_ (标准) for her students.4.Mary is the head of her company and a _ (先锋) worker. 5.We cant have any _ (错误、过失) in our work.6.Have you ever seen the_(雕塑) for the Statue of Liberty?7.Th

2、e boy is badly ill. He needs an _(operate) at once.8. He did pass the exam because of his _ (care).课堂练习二、 单项选择题:( ) 1. - How much is the ticket to Central Park? -A one-way ticket_$40,and you can_another $20 for a round-way. A. costs,payB.cost,spendC. pay,spend D.spends,pay( ) 2. We just need one of

3、you for the game. _you_your brother can join us. A. Both,and B. Neither,nor C.Either,or D.Not only,but also( ) 3. -Which do you like better,tea or coffee? -_ is OK. I like milk best. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. All( ) 4. -Pay attention to details when solving difficult problems. -_.A. Dont menti

4、on it. B. Thank you, I will. C. You worry too much. D.There are not difficult problems.( ) 5. It was a difficult time for the quake-hit victims in Yaan, but they didnt_ hope. A. give in B. give up C.give off D.give out三、 动词填空:1. You must pay attention to_ (listen) to your teacher carefully in class.

5、2. He _ (devote) most of his free time to_(work) closely with the charity since he came here.3. The couple cant afford _(go) to England for vacation.4. Every day the old man is seen _(clean) the street in the morning.5. Either you or Lucy_(study) hard at lessons.6. “What _you_(dig) when the noise ca

6、me out?” asked Tom.7. -When_you_(receive) the letter? -Ive had it for two days.8. None of us knows what_(happen) to him in the following ten years.9. We_(allow) to drop litter everywhere, or we will be punished.10. Jack_always_(search) for information on the Internet.课后延伸四、翻译句子:1.虽然他粗心,但还是注意到了那个细节。T

7、hough he is very _, he has _ _ _ the_.2.作为带头人,他愿意把一生献给教育事业。_ a _, he is_ to _all his_ _ education.3.他的性格既不适合做艺术家也不适合做外科医生。His personality _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.4.这部电影值得大加称赞。 You cant_the film_ _.5.三年前,Tom放弃了他作为会计的工作。Three years ago, Tom_.6.Amy精彩的演讲给我们留下了深刻的印象。Amy_.7.他对任何事情都好奇。总是随时乐意接受挑战。He is_everything

8、.He is ready to _.8.-我发现和他一起工作和容易。 -我同意你的说法。-I found_. - I _you.9.对我们来说失之毫厘,谬以千里。我们承担不起任何错误。To us, _. We cant_.10.粗心不但对我们自己而且对病人都是灾难。_will be a disaster_.11.我父亲是连接上海到南京的高速公路的总工程师。My father is _Shanghai to Nanjing.12.人生就像一场赛跑,你要么领先,要么落后。Life is like a race. You _.五.阅读理解Jack was a carpenter(木匠). He wa

9、s living in a village. His mother died a long time ago. His aged father, Ken, lived with him. Ken could not even walk well. He was so weak. It was because Jack did not give him enough food. He only gave his father a small bowl made from earth. Even a little rice in the bowl appeared to be much.Jack

10、had a son. His name is Mike. He was a very good boy. He loved his grandfather. He had great respect for the old man. He did not like his fathers attitude to his grandfather.One day Ken was eating his food out of the earthen(土制的) bowl. The bowl fell down and broke into pieces. The food also fell on t

11、he floor. Jack saw the broken bowl. He was very angry with his father. The old man felt bad about what happened. He was sorry for his mistake. Mike saw this. He did not like what his father did, but he was afraid to speak against his father. The next day, Mike took some of his fathers tools and a pi

12、ece of wood. He worked with the tools to make a wooden bowl. His father saw him working. “What are you making, Mike?”he asked. “I am making a wooden bowl! ”replied Mike. “I am making it for you, father. When you grow old, like my grandfather, you will need a bowl for food. A bowl made from earth may break very easily.


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