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1、2022年考博英语-中国农业科学院考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Before the construction of the road, it was prohibitively expensive to transport any furs or fruits across the mountains.问题1选项A.determinedlyB.incrediblyC.amazinglyD.forbiddingly【答案】D【解析】考查副词辨析。prohibitively在句中是“禁止地”,prohibitively expensive的意思是极其昂贵。A选项determin

2、edly“坚定地,坚决地”;B选项incredibly“端地;令人难以置信地”;C选项amazingly“惊人地,令人惊讶地”;D选项forbiddingly“禁止地”。句意:在修路之前,把毛皮和水果运过山是非常昂贵的。根据选项词义,只有D项符合。2. 单选题Many people think that the standards of public( )have declined.问题1选项A.moralityB.rightnessC.awarenessD.mentality【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A项morality“道德,品行”,B项rightness“公正,正直”,C项awar

3、eness“意识,认识”,D项mentality“心态”。句意:许多人认为公共道德标准下降了。根据句意,该题选A正确。3. 单选题The course of scholastic preparation was arduous requiring the systematic passing of successive examinations. Success in the examinations resulted in the( )of academic degrees, which were treasured as the surest source of wealth and po

4、wer in China.问题1选项A.bestowalB.givingC.conferringD.offering【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项bestowal“赠与”;B选项giving“给予”;C选项conferring“文凭、学位的授予”;D选项offering“提供”。根据题干,提到学位被视为财富和成功的可靠来源,符合题干内容的只有C选项,学位作为一种文凭。句意:学业准备的过程是艰苦的,要求有系统地通过连续的考试。考试成功导致学术学位的,在中国这是宝贵的财富和权力的源泉。因此C选项正确。4. 单选题Other non-dominant males were hyperac

5、tive; they were much more active than is normal, chasing others and fighting each other.问题1选项A.hardly activeB.relatively activeC.extremely inactiveD.pathologically active【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。hyperactive在句中是“过分活跃”,A选项hardly active “几乎不活跃”;B选项relatively active“相对活跃”extremely inactive“极度不活跃”;D选项pathologica

6、lly active“病态性活跃”。只有D项最符合。句意:其他不占优势的男性则是过度活跃;他们比正常人活跃得多,追逐他人,互相争斗。根据各选项词义,选D。5. 不定项选择题Perhaps the real virtue of the UglyRipes “ugliness,” which is nothing compared with the deformed beauty of true heirloom tomatoes, is that it helps us see how strange the uniformity of regular winter tomatoes reall

7、y is. For a backyard grower, taste is everything. But in commercial production, taste is an abstraction. It is whats left after all the other criteria for a good commercial tomato have been met: disease resistance, regular shape, consistent ripening, the ability to withstand picking and packing and

8、shipping, a long shelf life. Taste is too subjective, according to the Florida Tomato Committee, to judge tomatoes by.The UglyRipe may be a better tomato. After all, its growers have selected for better taste, not perfect shape. But one thing that would certainly make the UglyRipe a better tomato is

9、 a different way of growing it. Santa Sweets produces organic UglyRipes, but they are few and hard to find. It now grows its conventional tomatoes without using agricultural chemicals that carry reproductive risksbut it still uses methyl bromide, a powerful, ozone-depleting pesticide, to fumigate th

10、e soil in which conventional UglyRipes grow.Under the terms of the Montreal Protocol, the use of methyl bromide was supposed to be phased out completely by January 2005. But for the past few years, the Bush administration has claimed an exemption for “critical uses,” one of which is growing winter t

11、omatoes in Florida. We used to consider it a luxury to eat fruits and vegetables out of season. But what we eat out of season has been machined to withstand the rigors of the supply chain and produced in ways that only our ignorance can sustain. The truth is that there is no luxury-nor critical usei

12、n it. Even an ugly, better-tasting winter tomato isnt worth the price.59. The word “machined” in the last paragraph means( ).60. The criteria for a good commercial tomato does not include( ).61.( )makes the UglyRipe better.62. Methyl bromide is used to( ).63. Methyl bromide, a powerful ozone-depleti

13、ng pesticide( ).64. The main point of this article is( ).问题1选项A.a machine that has been usedB.using as a machineC.unconditionedD.conditioned问题2选项A.the ability to withstand picking, packing, and shippingB.consistent ripeningC.bright red colorD.disease, resistance问题3选项A.Its shapeB.Its shelf lifeC.Its

14、tasteD.Its bright red color问题4选项A.fumigate the soilB.fumigate the plantsC.fumigate the tomatoD.none of the above问题5选项A.is commonly used todayB.is safe for the atmosphereC.was to be completely phased out by January 2005D.is safe for the environment问题6选项A.finding tomatoes that taste goodB.what backyar

15、d growers need mostC.there is no luxury nor critical use worth the price of poisoning our environmentD.what you dont know wont hurt you【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:C第4题:A第5题:C第6题:C【解析】59.【试题答案】D【试题解析】词义辨析题。根据题干,可以定位到文章最后一段倒数第二句But what we eat out of season has been machined to withstand the rigors of the supply chain and produced in ways that only our ignorance can sustain(但我们吃的非季节性食物经过加工,经受住了供应链的严酷考验,而且只有我们的无知才能维持下去),最后一段讲到:人们以前认为吃非季节性水果或蔬菜很奢侈,然而


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