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1、Unit 10 Its a nice day, isnt it? Section B学习目标疑难点拨:1) I hope the bus comes soon. 我希望公共汽车很快就来。 (1)soon表示“不久,很快”,指的是时间上的“快”。 I want to get your letter soon. 我想尽快收到你的来信。 The winter comes soon. 冬天马上就要来了。 (2)hope,表示的希望是能够实现的”,它后面常接动词不定式或从句作宾语。 I hope to hear from you soon. (that I will) 我希望不久收到你的来信。 I ho

2、pe that it will be fine tomorrow. 我希望明天是好天气。*wish用法(1) wish to do sth. I wish to go for a walk.(2)wish sb. to do sth.; (hope不能这样用)。I wish you to go. 我要你去。(3) wish for+名词,表示难以实现的“愿望” I wish for a car.我很想得到小汽车。(难以实现的愿望)hope or+名词,表示可能实现的“希望”,I hope for success.我希望成功。(可能性很大)(4)hope和wish都可跟that从句,但“hope

3、+that从句”表示“希望”;“wish+that从句”表示“愿望”,从句用过去时表示虚拟语气,即不太可能实现的愿望或与事实相反。 I hope you will be better soon. 我希望你尽快好起来。 I wish I were ten years younger. 但愿我能年轻10岁。(5)wish可跟双宾语,表示祝福。 We wish you a happy life. 祝你生活幸福。2)cross, across,through, over (1)cross作动词,意为“横穿,横渡,渡过;越过”cross相当于“动词+across” They crossed the ro

4、ad. 他们过了马路。 Be careful when you cross the road. = Be careful when you go across the road.*cross作动词时,还可表示“交叉,相交;错过”。 We crossed each other on the way. 我们在途中错过了。(2) across 介词across指从物体的一侧到另一侧或从某个范围的一边到另一边。它和on有关,表示从“面上” 横穿。Can you swim across the river? 你能游过这条河吗?(3) though指“从中通过”,着重指从空间的一头纵穿到另一头,含义与in

5、有关。It took him one hour to walk through the forest.他花费了一个小时的时间穿过那片森林。The river runs through the city. (4) over 指越过障碍物 The thief jumped over the wall and ran away.3) 询问某一商品多少钱方法:How much is / are ? 多少钱? How much does /do cost? Whats the price of? *That sweater is two hundred and ten yuan.(划线提问)_ _ is

6、 that sweater?_ _ does that sweater _? _ _ _ _ that sweater?4)Thank you so much for inviting me. 非常感谢你邀请我。 5) feel like a)想要feel like + n./pron./v-ing I feel like walking in the open air very much. =I want / would like to walk in the open air very much. b)感觉像 Today feels like spring. c)摸上去像 The pape

7、r feels like cloth.6)Paul and I are good friends. We get along well because we both like sports. (1)both表示“(两者)都”,在句中常用在系/助/情态动词之后,行为动词之前。 We are both tall. 我们俩都很高。 They are both boys. 他们俩都是男孩。 We both have short hair 我们俩都留短发。 They both go to this school. 他们俩都在这所学校读书。 My parents both like hiking. 我父

8、母都喜欢远足。(2)bothand,意为“和都;既又”,用于连接两个并列成分。若连接两个主语时,谓语动词须用复数形式。Both New York and London have traffic problems. 纽约和伦敦都存在交通问题。The man both speaks and writes Spanish 这位秘书不但能说而且能写西班牙语。He likes both swimming and running.(3)get along=get on,表示“相处”。 get along/on well with sb. 和某人相处得融洽 Do you get along well wit

9、h your parents? 你和父母相处得好吗? Lily gets along well with Lucy. 莉莉和露西相处得很好。 How do you get along with your classmates? 你和同学们相处得怎么样? get along/on well with sth. 某事进展顺利 Hes getting along/on well with his English.All the things get along/on well.How are you getting along with your study?【自学导航】(一)预习导学及自测1. 根

10、据汉语提示完成单词(1)Yao Ming has lots of _. (球迷)(2)You must be careful because the _ (交通)is very busy.(3)The nurses were busy looking after _ (婴儿)(4)Could you please take this _ (短信) to Kate ?2. 翻译下列短语(1) 来到_(2.) 相处 _(3.) 至少 _(4.)玩得愉快 _ (5.)想起_(6)擅长_3. 反意疑问句的答语形式 You are studying English, arent you?(你在学英语,不

11、是吗?) Yes, I am. (是的,我在学英语。) You arent studying English, are you?(你不在学英语,是吗?) Yes, I am. (不,我在学英语。) No, I am not. (对,我没在学英语。)总结:反意疑问句的答语要根据_ 确定。(二)合作交流 根据Section B 3a 部分的内容,小组合作探究下列问题1. Who had a wonderful time on Saturday night ?2. Who helped Bill with his math project?3. Does John go to next weeks

12、game?4. Does Maria want to join the group?【课堂检测】(一)填空1.Lend me your bike, _? 2.Lets have a walk, _?3.Let us do it by ourselves, _? 4.Im a teacher, _?5.She never said she would go there, _?6.His brother hasnt any books, _?7.Wed better have a word with him, _?8.Youd like some tea, _?9.I dont think the

13、y can finish the work, _?10.Nobody called on me, _?11.Somebody is waiting for you, _?12.There wont be any trouble, _?13.Nothing can stop us now, _?14.Everything is all right, _?15.She has few good reasons for staying, _?16.He seldom goes home, _?17.You got up early, _? 18.She doesnt dare to ask me,

14、_?19.There wont be a church behind the house, _?20.We had to take the first train, _?21.My brother often has colds(感冒), _?22.I must answer the letter, _?23.We have read this book, _? 24.You stayed at home last night, _?25.Somethingll have to be done about the price, _?26.They must be hungry, _?27.I suppose you know the meaning



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