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1、英语 六年级上册Unit 1How can I get there?Period 2Content A Lets learn Make a map and talk教学目标要求1能够听说读写单词或短语:science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital.2能够听说、认读句型:Where is the cinema? Its next to the bookstore. 并进行关键词替换。3能够在适当的语境中运用句型:Where is ? Its 并做简单介绍。教学过程 活动步骤教与学活动目的及其操作教学资源运用资源使用说明Warmu

2、p时间9m1歌曲热身,引入主题Lets sing.Where is the hospital?Where is the hospital? Is it near the park?Where is the cinema? Is it near the mall?Come to the bookstore. Its next to the light.Come with me! Come with me! Come with me tonight!播放歌曲动画。2承接歌曲,教师顺势与学生展开问答Free talk.T: Where is the blackboard? S: Its on the

3、 wall.T: Where is the teachers office?S: Its near the blackboard.教师指着学生桌上的文具。T: Where is the ruler?S: Its next to the pencil box.复习near, next to, behind, between播放课件。Letslearn时间20m3学习新单词Lets say.结合学生的生活经验,用提问的方式引出单词的学习。学生可根据单词录音反复模仿跟读单词,学会正确的发音。1. I want to send a letter. Where can I go?2. I feel ba

4、d. I need to see a doctor. Where can I go? 3. I want to see a film. Where can I go?4. I need to buy some books. Where can I go? 5. I want to see something about science. Where can I go? 播放课件。4Watch and repeat.学生看动画,在生动的动画场景中建立单词与物体之间的联系,让学生更加深刻的记忆单词。播放动画。5贴一贴Listen and fill in the map.教师先把表示地点的单词卡片贴

5、在黑板上做成一幅完整地图。然后教师指着其中一张卡片问该地点的位置,让学生看图片回答。例如:T: Where is the cinema?S: Its next to the hospital.T: Where is the post office? S: Its near the science museum.教师随意将地图中的几张卡片拿走放在讲台上。请一名学生上讲台在学生的帮助下将图片贴到正确的位置。例如:讲台上的学生拿到卡片cinema, 便问下面的一位同学:Where is the cinema? 下面的同学告诉可以随机说出一个可能的位置,讲台前的同学按照指令把卡片贴在相应位置。请不同的

6、学生上讲台尝试这种练习。同时复习表示方位的介词短语。播放课件。Letspractice时间10m6Make your map.学生四人一组,利用学过的知识,制作自己的City Map.制作完成后,学生对自己的城市进行简单介绍。最后教师请几组学生上台介绍自己的城市。如:This is my city. Look, this is my school. Its near thebookstore and the cinema. The park is in front of the shop .播放课件。7Talk about the map.在学生介绍完自己制作的City Map后,利用地图完成对话表演。两人小组操练,一名学生做主人,一名学生扮演游客。如:S1: There is a hospital in my city.S2: Where is it?S1: Its near the hospital.播放课件,两人一组谈论新设计的城市。作业时间1m8Homework.1听教材录音,模仿朗读单词和句子。2自己设计一座城市并向朋友或父母做介绍。播放课件。第 1 页 共 9 页


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