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1、Unit 3知识目标A重点单词:Rubbish,fold, sweep, floor, messB.重点词组:Takeout the rubbish, sweep the floor, make the bed, do the dishes, fold ones clthes, clean the living roomC.重点句式:1. Could you please help out with a few things?2. She wont be happy if she sees this mess.能力目标学习情态动词could 的用法,并会运用could 表示有礼貌的请求。情感目

2、标培养学生自理能力,能分担家务,做力所能及的事情。学习过程一.自主学习 由小组长带领组员自学单词,保证每一个组员能够拼读每一个单词。Task1会写。1.垃圾,废弃物 2.折叠,对折3.扫,打扫 4.地板5.杂乱,不整洁Task2会译。1.倒垃圾 2.拖地板3.整理床铺 4.洗餐具5.叠衣服 6.打扫客厅Task3会答。1.What do you usually do when you are free?Example:Reading book, make the bed, sweep the floor, fold ones clothes and so on.2.What chores do

3、 you often doat home?Example:I often help my parents do the dishes, take out the rubbish sweep the floor and so on.课堂教学环节Step 1 导入新课Teachershow some life scenes in the family. The pictures are about the housework. Ask the students what the chores are.Example:1. do the dishes 2. take out the rubbish,

4、 3. fold your clothes, 4. Sweep the floor 5. Make your bed, 6. clean the living roomNowteacher act as their father or mother and make conversations with them.Mother:Tom, could you please fold your clothes?Jack:OK, I will in a minute.学生以小组,进行讨论。询问学生在家是否能做以下这些家务。Step 2 SB Page 17 完成教材上1a-1c 的任务1.1a.老师

5、播放听力录音,学生听第一遍,准备作答。2.1b.学生听第二遍录音,完成1b.谁将做这些家务活,在Peter 和Peter妈妈前面打勾。3.1c. Make conversations about the chores in 1a.参考案例:A:Could you please sweep the floor?B:Yes,sure. Can you do the dishes?A:Well,could you please do them? Im going to clean the living room.B:No,problem.Step 3 SB Page 18完成教材上2a2d的任务1.

6、2a. Listen. Peter asks his father if he cando four things. What does his father say? Check Yes or No.2.2b. Listen again.精要引导:交流:小组讨论有哪些短语,句型是重点.1.CouldI at least finish watching this show? (P18)至少我看完这个节目可以么?(1.)at least至少,无论如何,反正She must be at least 40.Itll cost at least 200 dollars.(2.)finish 完成fin

7、ish sth. 完成某事When are you going to finish your work?finish doing sth.做完某事He finished reading the book before supper.2.She wont be happy if she sees this mess. (P18)如果她看见这么乱会不高兴。If 作为连词,引导条件状语从句,表示“如果”等。在复合句中如果主句用将来时,则if引导的状语从句用一半现在时。If it doesnt rain next Sunday, we will go to the picnic.3.BecauseMom will be back from shopping any minute now. (P18)因为妈妈现在随时会购物回来。(1.)beback from =come back from= return from从.回来My Dad will be back from UK tomorrow.(2.) Anyminute随时,立即A policeman could meet danger any minute of his working day.警察在执勤的时随时都可能碰到危险。强化练习总结反思:教师:学生:


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