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1、word外贸英语函电复习考试题型:汉译英30/10单项选择:20/20用单词正确形式填空:20/10short answer:20/5letter:10Short answers:Unit1 Introduction to Business Letters(商务信函概论)1. Functions of Business Letters :to inform, which refers to conveying the vast amount of information needed to day-to-day operations of the business;to influence,

2、which means that messages included in a business letter should also influence the readers attitudes and functions.2.Writingprinciplesofbusinessletter(7C原如此):Courtesy礼貌Consideration体谅pleteness完整Clarity清楚Conciseness简洁 Concreteness具体Correctness正确Unit3 Inquiries询盘3. Generally speaking, inquiries fall in

3、to two categories: a General Inquiry and a Specific Inquiry.In a General Inquiry (一般询价), the importer may ask only for catalogues, price lists, samples, sample books, or quotations, etc., in order to get a general idea of the business scope of the exporter.In a Specific Inquiry(具体询价), the importer p

4、oints out what products he needs and asks for a quotation or an offer for this item. Unit4 Offers Quotations报盘和报价4. In the international business, offers can be divided into two kinds:注意实盘和虚盘的区别A firm offer (实盘) A firm offer is a definite promise to sell goods at the stated prices, usually within a

5、stated period of time.A non-firm offer (虚盘) Unlike a firm offer, a non-firm offer is not binding upon the sellers. In other words, a non-firm offer can be withdrawn or changed by the sellers. Definition of firm offers:Firm offers are made when the sellers promise to sell goods at a stated price and

6、within a stated period of time.Definition of non-firm offers: Non-firm offers are offers with reservation clause.Unit7 Counter-offers(还盘)5. Definition of a counter-offer:A counter-offer is virtually a partial rejection of the original offer. It also means a counter proposal put forward by the buyer.

7、 Unit8 Placing & Confirming an Order(订单与确认订单)6. An order should at least contain the following points:1.description of the goods, such as specification, size, quantity , quality and article number (if any); 2.prices(unit prices as well as total prices);3.terms of payment;4.mode of packing;5.time of

8、transportation, port of destination and time of shipment etc. .Unit12 Urging Establishment of L/C (催开信用证)7. When shall L/C be opened:It is the usual practice that the letter of credit is to be opened and to reach the sellers 30 days ahead of shipment.Unit14 Shipment(装运)8. Three parties involved in t

9、he movement of the goods: the consigner(发货人) who sends the goods; the carrier(承运人) who carries them; the consignee(收货人) who receives them at the destination.9. A shipping advice usually contains the following points:the date and number of bill of lading(B/L, 提单) the date and number of the contract t

10、he names of modities and their quality and value the name of the carrying vessel the name of the shipping port/loading port (装货港) the estimated time of departure(EDT,预定起航日期)the name of the destination port (目的港)the estimated time of arrival(ETA,预定到港日期)a list of the relevant shipping documents (货运单据)

11、thanks for patronage Unit15 Packing & Shipping Marks (包装和唛头)10. Factors which influence the nature of packing:value of the goods nature of the transit nature of the cargo pliance with customers or statutory requirements resale value of packing materials, general fragility of cargo variation in tempe

12、rature during the course of the transit ease of handling and stowage insurance acceptance conditions cost of packing11. Two forms of packing:large packing/ outer packing, i.e. packing for transportationsmall packing/ inner packing, i.e. packaging or sales packing选择题:1. An exporter cannot receive pay

13、ment until the goods on consignment D sometime in the future.Ahave offered for sale Barrive at destinationCare quoted Dhave been sold2. We have made D that we would accept D/A at 60 days sight for this order.Aclear Bit is clear Cthat clearDit clear3. C an order for one hundred pieces or more we allo

14、w a special discount of 5% for payment by L/C.AAt BIn COn DFrom4. We find your terms C and now send you our order for 2 sets of generators.Asatisfied Bsatisfaction Csatisfactory Dof satisfaction5. We have D at 30 days sight for the contracted value.A. written to you Bcalled on you Csent to you by ai

15、r mailDdrawn on you6. We regret B to accept your terms of payment and therefore have to return the order to you.Acannot Bbeing unable Cnot ableDnot be able7. We will consider B your terms of payment.Aaccept Baccepting Caccepted Dto accept8. We are now A your order of June 19.Ain receipt of Bupon receipt of Con receipt ofDin reception of9. We are pleased to inform you that we can supply D all the items you require.Ayou Bto you Cfor you Dyou w



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