2024届高考英语应用文写作优质模拟好题手拉手主题:给外国朋友取中文名字 讲义

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2024届高考英语应用文写作优质模拟好题手拉手主题:给外国朋友取中文名字 讲义_第1页
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《2024届高考英语应用文写作优质模拟好题手拉手主题:给外国朋友取中文名字 讲义》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2024届高考英语应用文写作优质模拟好题手拉手主题:给外国朋友取中文名字 讲义(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2024年高考英语备考指南真题风向标给外国朋友取中文名字精选模拟优题,拓展写作主题内容,积累相关词组搭配,不局限于写作,同时能拓展相关主题的阅读词汇搭配知识面!假定你是李华,你的外国朋友Tom 即将来中国交流学习。他来信说想有一个中文名字,向你求助。请你给他回封邮件,内容包括:1.介绍中文姓名的特点;2.帮他取一个中文名字,并简要说明理由。注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Dear Tom,_Yours,Li Hua【任务一】模板套句:开头:1. As you embark on your journey to study in China, the pr

2、ospect of embracing a Chinese name adds an intriguing layer to your cultural immersion.(随着你踏上中国学习之旅,拥有一个中国名字的前景为你的文化融入增添了一层迷人的色彩。)2. Its delightful to hear of your interest in adopting a Chinese name, which reflects your openness to embracing Chinese culture.(听到你对采用一个中国名字的兴趣,让人感到愉悦,这反映了你对融入中国文化的开放态度

3、。)中间行文:1. Chinese names often carry profound meanings rooted in culture and history, serving as a reflection of ones identity and aspirations.(中国名字通常蕴含着植根于文化和历史的深刻含义,是对一个人身份和愿望的反映。)2. The process of selecting a Chinese name involves careful consideration of various factors such as sound, meaning, an

4、d cultural significance.(选择一个中文名字的过程涉及对声音、含义和文化意义等各种因素的慎重考虑。)3. Embracing a Chinese name not only facilitates communication but also fosters a sense of belonging and connection with the Chinese community.(拥有一个中文名字不仅有助于沟通,还能培养与中国社区的归属感和联系感。)结尾:1. I trust that the name Ive chosen for you embodies the

5、essence of your personality and aspirations, serving as a meaningful symbol of your journey in China.(我相信我为你选定的名字体现了你的个性和愿望的本质,是你在中国之旅的有意义的象征。)2. May your new Chinese name accompany you on your adventures in China, enriching your experiences and fostering deeper connections with the culture and peop

6、le.(愿你的新中文名字陪伴你在中国的冒险,丰富你的经历,并促进与文化和人民的更深层次联系。)3. Your adoption of a Chinese name marks the beginning of a new chapter in your cross-cultural journey, symbolizing your embrace of diversity and your openness to new experiences.(你采用中文名字标志着你跨文化旅程的新篇章的开始,象征着你对多样性的接纳和对新经历的开放。)【任务二】范文Dear Tom, As you emba

7、rk on your journey to study in China, the prospect of embracing a Chinese name adds an intriguing layer to your cultural immersion. Chinese names often carry profound meanings rooted in culture and history, serving as a reflection of ones identity and aspirations. The process of selecting a Chinese

8、name involves careful consideration of various factors such as sound, meaning, and cultural significance. Ive thoughtfully chosen the name Li Ming for you. Li represents strength and integrity, qualities that resonate with your character, while Ming signifies brightness and intelligence, reflecting

9、your scholarly pursuits. I trust that the name Li Ming embodies the essence of your personality and aspirations, serving as a meaningful symbol of your journey in China. May your new Chinese name accompany you on your adventures in China, enriching your experiences and fostering deeper connections w

10、ith the culture and people. Your adoption of a Chinese name marks the beginning of a new chapter in your cross-cultural journey, symbolizing your embrace of diversity and your openness to new experiences.Best regards,Li Hua高级搭配:1. cultural immersion - 文化融入2. profound meanings - 深刻含义3. careful consideration - 慎重考虑4. scholarly pursuits - 学术追求5. cross-cultural journey - 跨文化旅程学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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