读后续写:帮我修车的墨西哥一家人(人性之光) 任务单-2024届高三英语作文复习写作专项

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《读后续写:帮我修车的墨西哥一家人(人性之光) 任务单-2024届高三英语作文复习写作专项》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《读后续写:帮我修车的墨西哥一家人(人性之光) 任务单-2024届高三英语作文复习写作专项(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、读后续写:帮我修车的墨西哥一家人题目:During this past year, Ive had three instances of car trouble. Each time these things happened, I was sick of the way most people hadnt bothered to help.One of those times, I was on the side of the road for close to three hours with my big Jeep. I put signs in the windows, big sig

2、ns that said NEED A JACK (TJ), and offered money. Nothing. Right as I was about to give up, a Mexican family in a small truck pulled over, and the father bounded out.He sized up the situation and called for his daughter, who spoke English. He conveyed through her that he had a jack but that it was t

3、oo small for the Jeep, so we would need something to support it. Then he got a saw(锯子) from the truck and cut a section out of a big log on the side of the road. We rolled it over and put his jack on top, and we were in business.I started taking the wheel off, and then, if you can believe it, I brok

4、e his tire iron. No worries: He handed it to his wife, and she was gone in a flash down the road to buy a new tire iron. She was back in 15 minutes. We finished the job, and I was a very happy man.The two of us were dirty and sweaty. His wife prepared a pot of water for us to wash our hands. I tried

5、 to put a $20 bill in the mans hand, but he wouldnt take it, so instead I went up to the truck and gave it to his wife as quietly as I could.I asked the little girl where they lived. Mexico, she said. They were in Oregon so Mommy and Daddy could work on a fruit farm for the next few weeks. Then they

6、 would go home. Para 1 :When I was about to say goodbye, the girl asked if Id had lunch.Para 2 :After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened the paper bag.情节设计: Para 1 :When I was about to say goodbye, the girl asked if Id had lunch. 我回答没有- 他们请我共进午餐- 告别时女孩把一个纸袋塞给我Para 2 :After they left, I got int

7、o my Jeep and opened the paper bag. 纸袋里是20美元和一张纸条-主旨:人性的温暖范文:Para 1 :When I was about to say goodbye, the girl asked if Id had lunch.l All of a sudden, a deafening sound from my empty stomach burst out. Squeezing out an exhausted smile, I replied that I hadnt. 突然间,我的空腹发出了震耳欲聋的声音。挤出一个精疲力尽的微笑,我回答说没有。l

8、 At this moment, this friendly family invited me to enjoy a simple lunch with hospitality, which triggered a warm current welling up in my heart. Then the girl handed me a home-made sandwich, which would definitely bring me back to life. 这时,这友好的一家人好客地邀请我吃一顿简单的午餐。那使我心里涌起一股暖流。然后女孩递给我一个自家做的三明治,这让我活了过来。

9、l After wolfing down the food, I was about to say goodbye again when the girl pressed a paper bag into my hand, and then she jumped into the truck, waving me goodbye. 狼吞虎咽地吃完食物后,我正要再次说再见,女孩把一个纸袋塞到我手里,接着她跳上卡车,向我挥手告别。笔记:饥饿的描写;非限制性定语从句;时间衔接;“纸袋”衔接下文Para 2 :After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened

10、 the paper bag.l Lying in the bag was a $20 bill, which I had offered in return for their help and a folded note. Unfolding the note, I saw the words left for me “Thanks for your time and fun being with my family!” 躺在袋子里是一张20美元的钞票,是我因为回报他们的帮助而给的那张,还有张折起来的纸条。打开纸条,我看到了留给我的话:“谢谢你跟我们一家人一起度过的快乐时光!”l A ri

11、pple of warmth mixed with happiness ran through my mind. The words and experience served as the gentle and bright morning sunlight, melting the ice in my heart. 一股温暖和幸福的涟漪掠过我的脑海。这些文字和这次经历就像柔和明亮的晨光,融化了我心中的冰。l Seeing the truck disappearing from sight, I felt the distrust in humanity vanish without tra

12、ce. Its a foreign, complete stranger family that assisted me in regaining the trust in the glowing human nature - helping others in need.看到卡车从视线中消失,我感到对人类的不信任消失得无影无踪。正是一个完全的陌生人家庭,帮我重新信任了光辉人性帮助其他有需要的人。笔记:倒装句;直接引语体现同理心;句型“一股暖流”;比喻句型“.像阳光融化心里的坚冰”最终自测: Para 1 :When I was about to say goodbye, the girl a

13、sked if Id had lunch. 突然间,我的空腹发出了震耳欲聋的声音。挤出一个精疲力尽的微笑,我回答说没有。 这时,这友好的一家人好客地邀请我吃一顿简单的午餐。那使我心里涌起一股暖流。然后女孩递给我一个自家做的三明治,这让我活了过来。 狼吞虎咽地吃完食物后,我正要再次说再见,女孩把一个纸袋塞到我手里,接着她跳上卡车,向我挥手告别。Para 2 :After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened the paper bag. 躺在袋子里是一张20美元的钞票,是我因为回报他们的帮助而给的那张,还有张折起来的纸条。打开纸条,我看到了留给我的话:

14、“谢谢你跟我们一家人一起度过的快乐时光!” 一股温暖和幸福的涟漪掠过我的脑海。这些文字和这次经历就像柔和明亮的晨光,融化了我心中的冰。 看到卡车从视线中消失,我感到对人类的不信任消失得无影无踪。正是一个完全的陌生人家庭,帮我重新信任了光辉人性帮助其他有需要的人。语料默写: 1. 空腹发出了震耳欲聋的声音_2. 挤出一个精疲力尽的微笑_3. 好客地邀请某人吃一顿简单的午餐_4. 使某人心里激起一股暖流_5. 让某人活了过来_6. 狼吞虎咽地吃完食物_7. 把一个纸袋塞到某人手里_8. 向某人挥手告别_9. 回报他们的帮助_10. 折起来的纸条_11. 一股温暖和幸福的涟漪掠过某人的脑海_12. 就像柔和明亮的晨光_13. 融化了某人心中的冰_14. 消失得无影无踪_15. 重新信任了光辉的人性_5


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