2019-2020学年高中英语 阅读强化训练(十四)牛津译林版选修6

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《2019-2020学年高中英语 阅读强化训练(十四)牛津译林版选修6》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年高中英语 阅读强化训练(十四)牛津译林版选修6(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、阅读强化训练(十四)(建议用时:25分钟) 阅读理解Ive seen countless patients arrive complaining about gut (肠道) problems. Once we fixed their diets and solved their gut problems, their seasonal allergies (过敏) also disappeared!One patient struggled with allergies. She nearly died twice from allergies. She arrived at my offi

2、ce on 42 different pills; yet, she still felt awful. It turned out that she had leaky gut (肠漏症). We healed her leaky gut and calmed down her allergies. Thankfully, after six weeks, she was able to stop the 42 pills she used daily. For her and countless other patients, a key solution involves getting

3、 your gut healthy. To do that and remove seasonal allergies, Ive found these four ways really helpful.Replace bad with good. A healthy diet becomes the first step for a healthy gut. Take out the bad and put in the good. Remove wheat, corn, dairy, soy and alcohol.Eat a highfiber diet. Avoid anything

4、that has sugar or trans fats (反式脂肪). Focus on eating healthy fats from olive oil, nuts, and omega3 fats like those found in small fish.Use powerful guthealing nutrients, including probiotics (益生菌). Other guthealing nutrients include fish oil.Manage stress. A mindbody disconnection can mean being str

5、essed out and tired, and your gut can be vitiated and your seasonal allergies will become worse as a result. Do some exercise that can help you relax like yoga every day.Get enough sleep. Enough sleep is important for gut health and overall health. Research shows a lack of sleep shortens your lifesp

6、an and increases inflammation (炎症), which can lead to longterm diseases. A lack of sleep can also increase your risk of diabetes, leading to obesity. Aim for at least eight hours of good sleep every night.If you follow the ways listed above, surely youll have healthier guts, reducing the chance of s

7、uffering seasonal allergies as a result.【解题导语】季节性过敏跟肠胃健康有关,健康的肠道可以帮助减少季节性过敏的几率。1What does the author probably think is the key to solving that patients problem?ACalming her down.BHealing her gut problem.CTaking 42 different pills.DLiving a healthy lifestyle.B解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的 It turned out that she ha

8、d leaky gut(肠漏症). We healed her leaky gut and calmed down her allergies. 以及 a key solution involves getting your gut healthy可推断,作者认为治好那人的肠子是治好她的季节性过敏的关键。2What does the underlined word “vitiated” in Paragraph 5 mean?ADamaged.BCured.CObserved.DImproved.A解析:词义猜测题。根据第五段的内容可知,是在建议我们要减压,压力会对我们的肠子造成“破坏”。3W

9、hat is the text mainly about?AHow to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.BHow to avoid longterm diseases.CHow to make good use of nutrients.DHow to get rid of seasonal allergies.D解析:主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知,主要讲述了四种可以让我们的肠子保持健康,从而减少患季节性过敏的几率,故选D项。 完形填空I have seen Charlotte waiting for a bus many times. She is in her 80s

10、. She lives in a home for the _1_ near my home. I have got to know her as I _2_ and give her a lift any time I see her.Even if I am going in the _3_ direction, I still give her a lift. However, she would be careful _4_ she would take a lift from.Charlotte looks elderly and weak, _5_ last time I gave

11、 her a lift, she told me that she had been on a helicopter ride, and even showed me her _6_ to prove (证明) it! She had gone with her daughter and granddaughter and it looked like she _7_ the whole experience! I felt that in this technological age, her family were _8_ enough to print them out for Char

12、lotte.I _9_ her recently in the town centre. She was sitting on a bench outside a supermarket with a few items of _10_. I asked her if I could give her a lift home, but she didnt _11_ me. She explained she was going to visit the elderly in a nearby home. She _12_ me for my offer but did not want to

13、take me out of my _13_ and was happy to take the bus. I told her that it was my _14_ and that I would meet her a few minutes _15_ when I picked up my shopping. Charlotte _16_ agreed. I picked her up and dropped her off at the home. She told me _17_ else also usually brought her home.Although Charlot

14、te is a thin weak old lady in her 80s, I can see that shes _18_ at heart and can soar high into the sky. It is reasonable enough for her to _19_ “the elderly” who may need a visit, _20_ and a friendly face.【解题导语】作者经常会遇到老人 Charlotte,并且送她回养老院。在多次交流中,作者发现 Charlotte 是个外表年迈体弱,但内心却很年轻的老人。1A.homelessBelder

15、lyCdisabledDpoorB解析:根据后文描述,尤其是第三段的 visit the elderly in a nearby home 和最后一段的“the elderly”可知,Charlotte 住在养老院中,故选elderly。2A.queueBleaveCarrangeDstopD解析:作者路过时停下车,搭载上她。故选 stop。3A.sameBonlyCoppositeDrightC解析:这里是一个让步,即使作者原本要去相反的方向,作者也会让她搭顺风车。4A.whomBwhatCwhereDwhyA解析:老人很谨慎,会在意搭载的是谁的车,故选 whom。5A.sinceBbutCuntilDsoB解析:on a helicopter ride 对一个老人来说是一个很大的挑战,和前文的 elderly and weak 语义相反,前后是对比,故选 but。6A.cardsBdocumentsCphotosDpassportC解析:老人应该是给作者看了照片,证明了她的直升机之旅,故选 photos。7A.enjoyedBsufferedCrecordedDassessedA解析:根据前后语境可知,老人如此积极乐观,可以判断她很享受这次经历。8A.carefulBreasonableCgenero


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