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1、2022年考博英语-河北工业大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题A At night a cat relies B on its sight C more than D for any other senses.问题1选项A.AtB.onC.moreD.for【答案】D【解析】【考查点】搭配。【解题思路】than比较的是its sight(它的视觉)和any other senses(其他任何感官)两个部分,所以more than后面的介词应该是与动词rely构成搭配,所以应改为on。【句意】猫在晚上更依赖于视觉而不是其他任何感官。2. 单选题The millions of ca

2、lculations involved,( )by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.问题1选项A.had they been doneB.they had been doneC.having been doneD.they were done【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. had they been done如果被完成 B. they had been done它们被完成C. having been done被完成 D. they were done它们被完成【答案】A【考查点

3、】虚拟语气。【解题思路】根据would have lost(将失去)可知,此处考查与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,从句要用if + had done,如果省略if,要把助动词提前,所以该题选择A项。【干扰项排除】B、D项不符合句子语法结构;C项为非谓语动词,不是虚拟语气。【句意】数百万次计算如果用手工完成,那么,到计算结束的时候,就将失去其全部实际价值。3. 单选题Pundits who want to sound judicious are fond of warning against generalizing. Each country is different, they say, and

4、no one story fits all of Asia. This is, of course, silly: all of these economics plunged into economic crisis within a few months of each other, so they must have had something in common.In fact, the logic of catastrophe was pretty much the same in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and South Korea. (Jap

5、an is a very different story.) In each case investors mainly, but not entirely, foreign banks who had made short-term loans all tried to pull their money out at the same lime. The result was a combined banking and currency crisis: a banking crisis because no bank can convert all its assets into cash

6、 on short notice; a currency crisis because panicked investors were trying not only to convert long-term assets into cash, but to convert baht or rupiah into dollars. In the face of the stampede, governments had no good options. If they let their currencies plunge inflation would soar and companies

7、that had borrowed in dollars would go bankrupt; if they tried to support their currencies by pushing up interest rates, the same firms would probably go bust from the combination of debt burden and recession. In practice, countries split the difference and paid a heavy price regardless.Was the crisi

8、s a punishment for bad economic management? Like most clichs, the catchphrase “crony capitalism” has prospered because it gets at something real: excessively cozy relationships between government and business really did lead to a lot of bad investments. The still primitive financial structure of Asi

9、an business also made the economics peculiarly vulnerable to a loss of confidence. But the punishment was surely disproportionate to the crime, and many investments that look foolish in retrospect seemed sensible at the time.Given that there were no good policy options, was the policy response mainl

10、y on the fight track? There was frantic blame-shifting when everything in Asia seemed to be going wrong: now there is a race to claim credit when some things have started to go right. The international Monetary Fund points to Koreas recoveryand more generally to the fact that the sky didnt fall afte

11、r allas proof that its policy recommendations were right. Never mind that other IMF clients have done far worse, and that the economy of Malaysia, which refused IMF help, and horrified respectable opinion by imposing capital controls, also scents to be on the mend. Malaysias prime Minister, by contr

12、ast claims full credit for any good newseven though neighboring economies also seem to have bottomed out.The truth is that an observer without any ax to grind would probably conclude that none of the policies adopted cither on or in defiance of the IMFs advice made much difference either way. Budget

13、 policies, interest rate policies, ban king reform, whatever countries tried, just about all the capital that could flee, did. And when there was no mere money to run, the natural recuperative powers of the economics finally began to prevail. At best, the money doctors who purported to offer cures p

14、rovided a helpful bedside manner; at worst, they were like medieval physicians who prescribed bleeding as a remedy for all ills.Will the patients stage a full recovery? It depends on exactly what you mean by “full”. South Koreas industrial production is already above its pre-crisis level; but in the

15、 spring of 1997 anyone who had predicted zero growth in Korea n industry over the next two years would have been regarded as a reckless doomsayer. So if by recovery you mean not just a return to growth, but one that brings the regions performance back to something like what people used to regard us

16、the Asian norm, they have a long way to go.1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the writers opinion?2. The writer thinks that those Asian countries _.3. It can be inferred from the passage that IMF policy recommendations _.4. All of the following terms might refer to the same group of people EXCEPT _.5. A



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