Oxford As I See it讲解

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1、Oxford As I See it讲解Lesson Five Oxford As I See it 我所看到的牛津 by Stephen Leacock 史蒂文李考克 著 New words dilapidated, (adj.) being in a state of decay: putrefactive fire-escapes, emergency exit in the event of fire ventilation, circulation of air sanitation, disposal of sewage. up-to-date, adj. 1. Informed

2、of or reflecting the latest information or changes: an up-to-date timetable. 2. Being in accord with the latest ideas, improvements, or styles: up-to-date technology; up-to-date fashions. facilities, 1. Something that facilitates an action or process. 2. Something created to serve a particular funct

3、ion: hospitals and other health care facilities. persist (v.) hold firmly; be insistent; insistlive, stick to assertion (n.) the act or an example of stating positively: affirmation, asseveration, averral, avowal, declaration Underline the keywords .Yet in spite of its dilapidated buildings and its

4、lack of fire-escapes, ventilation, sanitation, and up-to-date kitchen facilities persist in my assertion that I believe that Oxford, in its way, is the greatest university in the world. I am aware that this is an extreme statement and needs explanation. Analysis of the text Parallelism: Yet in spite

5、 of its dilapidated buildings and its lack of fire-escapes, ventilation, sanitation, and up-to-date kitchen facilities persist in my assertion that I believe that Oxford, in its way, is the greatest university in the world. Leacock begins his comparison in the third sentence. 译文 尽管牛津大学校舍破旧,缺少防火太平门、通

6、风设备、卫生设备和现代厨房设施,我仍坚持,牛津以其特有的方式,是世界上最好的大学。我清楚,这说法太极端,还需要进一步解释。 New words endowment (n.) A gift to a charity or cause: contribution, alms, benefaction, beneficence, charity, donation, bestowal, offering, grant nowhere /nEuhwZE/ adv. 1. Not anywhere. 2. To no place or result:protested the ruling but go

7、t nowhere. n. 1. A remote or unknown place: a cabin in the middle of nowhere. Underline the keywords Oxford is much smaller in numbers, for example, than the State University of Minnesota, and is much poorer. It has, or had till yesterday, fewer students than the University of Toronto. To mention Ox

8、ford beside the 26,000 students of Columbia University sounds ridiculous. In point of money, the 39,000,000 dollars endowment of the University of Chicago, and the $35,000,000 one of Columbia, and the $43,000,000 of Harvard seem to leave Oxford nowhere. Yetthe peculiar thing is that it is not nowher

9、e. Analysis of the text Oxford is much smaller in numbers, for example, than the State University of Minnesota, the University of Toronto, and the Columbia University which has 26,000 students. In point of money, Oxford is much poorer than the 39,000,000 dollars endowment University of Chicago, and

10、the $35,000,000 one of Columbia, and the $43,000,000 of Harvard. Yet the peculiar thing is that Oxford is not nowhere. 译文 比方,牛津大学的学生人数,比明尼苏达州立大学少得多,钱也少得多。牛津大学现在,或者说直到昨天,比多伦多大学的学生少。把牛津和有二万六千学生的哥伦比亚大学相提并论,显得很可笑。从钱的角度说,有三千九百万收入的芝加哥大学、三千五百万的哥伦比亚大学、四千三百万的哈佛大学,看来更使牛津无立身之地。奇怪的是,事情并非如此。 New words queer (adj

11、.) Deviating from established or accepted standards or norms: strange, peculiar, curious, unusual, singular profound (adj.) Possessed of or exhibiting wisdom: wise, sagacious, enlightened, judicious, sage Underline the keywords By some queer process of its own it seems to get there every time. It wa

12、stherefore of the very greatest interest to me, as a profound scholar, to try to investigate just how this peculiar excellence of Oxford arises. Analysis of the text Leacock compares Oxford with American universities on the basis of enrollment and endowment. This comparison seems to lead to the conc

13、lusion that “Oxford is not great at all.” However, the sentence “Yet the peculiar thing is that” reveals that it is not the conclusion Leacock draws. 译文 牛津大学通过本身的一些神奇方式,每次都不示弱。所以,作为一个堂堂的学者,我有极大的兴趣,要搞清牛津大学总是最好,是如何造成的。 堂堂的:翻译时要传达原文内的戏谑口吻。翻译Profound,如不用自嘲,可用自谦:喜欢刨根问底的,但不能译成“造诣深”。 总是最好:翻译时可以进行词性转换。 Anal

14、ysis of the paragraph 1 In paragraph 1 the comparison develops by stating explicitly in each sentence what is being compared (Oxford and American universities) and the basis of comparison (enrollment and endowment). Thus each sentence is a miniature comparison, complete in itself, and the total effe

15、ct is built by the addition of several such sentences. This technique keeps a relative balance between things compare, although obvious one of them is paramount. New words flourish v. to be in a period of highest productivity, excellence, or influence frankly (adv.) With candor and sincerity: candid

16、ly, directly, forthrightly, honestly laughable, Causing or deserving laughter or derision; ridiculous Applied Science 应用科学 a theological college 神学院 dynamo 发电机 broad daylight 光天化日 heat, 热学 plumbing, 水暧工 electric wiring, 布线 gas-fitting 安煤气 blow-torch 喷灯,焊枪 Underline the keywords It can hardly be due to anything in the curriculum or programme of


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