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1、网吧用英语怎么说网吧是向社会公众开放的营利性上网服务提供场所,提供电脑相关硬件。消费者可自由操控软件设施。一般以小时收费。上网基本条件:1.须持有本人身份证。2.本人必须满18周岁。规定:未成年禁止入内和禁止在网吧吸烟等。那么你知道网吧用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。网吧的英语说法1:net bars网吧的英语说法2:Internet cafes网吧的英语说法3:Internet bar网吧的相关短语:远离网口巴 Away from Net-bar Campaign ; Far from the NetBars网口巴管理 Internet cafe management ; Netbar s

2、oftware ; net bars manage ; net bar management网吧电影 Internet Movie ; Internet cafes film网口巴监控 the internet bar supervision网吧技术 Internet cafes Technology网吧的英语例句:1. "Why not give out one of the cybercafe's e-mail addresses?" suggested one bright spark.“为什么不把网吧的一个电子邮件地址公布出去呢?”某个聪明人建议道。2. W

3、hat if some places have no net bars?有些没有网吧的地方又该怎么办?3. Parents and teachers should stop us to go to the internet bar.父母和老师们应当阻止孩子们放学后去网吧.4. Back several freeing ports specially because to Internet bar thunderbolt.背部十几个排水孔专门因对网吧的突发事件.5. Add black bars on top and bottom of photo and it's done!加上黑网吧

4、对顶部和底部的照片和它的做!6. The new text - intervention if the prices of Internet cafes, it is illegal.而文广新局如果干预网吧涨价,那是违规的.7. This really is not any documents and licenses of Internet cafes.这里的确是没有任何证件执照的黑网吧.8. The Internet caf é is next to a gift shop.网吧挨着一家礼品店.9. Internet cafes which immediately found

5、 the game all the information.马上在网吧里面找了这款游戏的全部资料.10. According to Chinese law, no new Internet caf és can open in Beijing.中国法律规定,不许在北京再新建网吧.11. So conduct propaganda should be done before he enters an Internet bar.所以宣传都应该做在他进入网吧之前.12. You are spending way too much in the Internet bar.你泡网吧的时间太多了 .13. It costs you very little money to send an email there.在网吧发一封电子邮件几乎不花钱的.14. And if you're really tired of your life, come into this net!如果你真的厌倦了你的生活,就飞入这张网吧!15. Wherever you, you can go to an Internet caf é.无论你在哪里都可以去网吧. #


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