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1、根据中文提示填空100题(重难词汇)一、命题特点:词汇题融词义,词性.拼写、语法、语境等于一体,从识 记,理解和运用等多角度考查学生的基础知识和灵活运用英语 的综合能力。二、命题原则:(1)主要考查常用词汇,以实词为主,虚词为辅(2)主要侧重对不同形式词汇意义的考查,同时兼顾习惯用法,固定搭配以及各种语法的理解和运用能力。从词法、语法的角度结合语境考查词汇拼写和词汇变化等。三、解题步骤:(1)读懂句意,确定词义。正确理解句意,根据具体语境,判断所缺单词的词义,确保所填单词在逻辑意义上与整个句子一致。(2)分析句子,确定词性。认真分析句子结构,判断所填写的单词在句中所作的句子成分,确定其词性句子

2、缺少主语或宾语应填名词或代词。缺少谓语应用动词,若为修饰语,应注意修饰名词或代词时用形容词,修饰动词、形容词、副词或全句时用副词。(3)瞻前顾后,确定词形。从语法、句法的角度确定词汇的正确形式,例如:名词的单复数、动词的正确形式等。根据汉语提示填空精练精析:1The plane my brother took soon _(消失) behind a cloud.2He seems to be an honest boy. However, he _ (说谎) to his parents the other day.3When I had my first child, my friends

3、_ (告诫)me that children are expensive.4Finally,the little child_ (分开) the apple into halves5If you want to get more _ (信息), please call us.6The air is_ (清新的) in the countryside.7Mr. Wang is very_ (严肃的) He is strict with us.8I think its_ (必要) to read English every morning.9President Xi Jinping _ the o

4、pening ceremony of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge in the city of Zhuhai in October, 2018. (出席)10The program is _ (毫无意义的). We cant learn anything from it.11What does the boy _ do in his free time? (通常)12He ran back for an _ (雨伞).13Sam could _ (几乎不) believe his ears when he heard the amazing news.1

5、4It was _ (凭借) him that I got the job.15He _ (很少) goes out. He often sleeps after meals.16Gina _ (总是) asks us some questions.17Her designer clothes were from the pages of a famous fashion _(杂志).18Johns sister always helps to do _(家务活).19She is only six years old, _ (然而), she can read many English st

6、ories.20We should eat more vegetables and _ (少) meat to keep healthy.21National English Proficiency _(竞赛)is coming. Were looking forward to joining in it.22Jack often speaks _(大声地).23What _ (年级) is Daniel in, Tom?24Speak _ (清楚地), or other people cant understand you.25Kitty has hobbies and interests

7、_ (类似的) to mine, so we have become good friends.26The book is much _ (好的) than that one.27Im so sorry to hear of your _ (严重的) illness.28He _(到达)the airport early yesterday,but he didnt see his boss(老板).29I think_(分享)happiness and sadness with your best friend is necessary.30Dont touch the _ (镜子) on

8、that wall, because its dangerous.31I am shy, so I hope my friends are_(外向的)and cute.32The little boy is very smart but not _(工作努力的).33Mr Zhang is the _(严格的)teacher I have ever met in my life. However, I like him.34Mr White put his English book on the _(座位) and then left35That _(魔术师) from America loo

9、ks very young.36The air is _(清新的) in the countryside.37Who did _(糟糕地) in the test in your class?Tony did, he is lazy.38In our class, Susan lives _ (远) from school.39Li Wei is going to eat _(更健康的) food and take more exercise.40I think Johns plan is the _(最糟的).41Who do you think can jump _(高) in your

10、class?42She wants to go to a foreign country for _ (进一步) study.43There was a lot of _ (污染) in the city before.44Whats _ (发生) in the zoo?45Would you like to _ (加入) our football team?46They help _(解决问题) all these problems.47They are still trying to _ (发现) the cause of the fire48Warm colors like orange

11、 and yellow can help _ (创造) a warm and comfortable feeling.49A man has to work hard if he wants to _ (成功).50He always gets up early and goes to bed late because he wants to _ (学习) a lot.51Dont forget to _(锁)the door before leaving home ,Xiao Ping52Millie is going to _(相见)her old friends.53Talking on

12、 the Wechat may cause you much trouble if somebody gets your_(私人的) information.54He often _(承诺) that he will study hard.55Playing baseball is one of her _ (爱好).56He is quite smart and often _ (讨论) his new ideas with his classmates.57Youve _(允诺)me that youd be home early tonight.58My brother wants to

13、 be an _(工程师) when he grows up.59This is not my _(自己) car.60The doctor told him that this kind of _ might work on him.(药)61On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Tiangong-2 flew to the sky. After that, China will _ (开始) building our own space station.62There are eight _ (行星) around the sun.63The _

14、 (环境) here is terrible. We cant live here.64They will do more things for world _ (和平)65When will you _(到达)?I have no idea. Because there is too much traffic on the roads.66As we know, wet wood wont _(燃烧).67My brother will _(毕业) from the university next year.68Think about the people, living and dead, who h


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