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1、五年级北师大英语下学期单词拼写考点知识练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读短文,根据首字母提示补全短文。Im Sandy. I like 1.s_best. Its 2.w_ and windy. We can see 3.p_flowers and green 4.t_everywhere. Children fly kites. Birds 5.s_songs in the sky. I usually have a 6.p_with my family. We often have a school 7.t_in spring. We have an 8.E_party in spring,

2、 too. We have a lot of 9.f_and drinks. We are very 10.h_.2. 根据图片和首字母将单词补充完整。1a_ 2s_3s_ 4w_3. 写出下列动词的现在分词形式。(1)do_ (2)read_(3)cook_ (4)make_ (5)fly_ (6)write_(7)swim_ (8)wash_4. 根据中文提示填写所缺单词。(1)My grandpa is 98. He is o(年老的).(2)The man is very f(有意思的).(3)The teacher is old but the students are y(年轻的)

3、.(4)My father is very s(严厉的) to us.(5)Our English teacher is very k(和蔼的).5. 看图片根据提示填写单词。 f_ h_ r_ l_ m_6. 根据图片提示填写单词。 _ _ _ _ _ 7. 根据所给意思写出相应的单词。1This shirt is very pretty, but its too _ (短).2Its _ (冷) today.3There are _ (十三) cows.4I see five _ (兔子).5I want some _ (香蕉).8. 将下列字母组成单词。(1)e, q, t, u, i_

4、 (2)t, i, p, e, o, l_ (3)s, i, t, c, r, t_ (4)l, f, h, e, u, p, l_ (5)h, s, y_ (6)v, e, c, r, l, e_ (7)t, s, o, g, r, n_ (8)u, f, n, y, n_ 9. 按要求写单词。1. come (过去式)_ 2. playing (原形) _3. dumpling (复数) _ 4. has (原形) _5. eyes (单数) _ 6. comes (原形) _10. 根据汉语提示写单词。1. I want some_(蔬菜).2. Here_(你) are.3. Do y

5、ou_(想要)some soup?4. Yes,_(请).5. I want some_(更多的)food.11. 按要求写单词。(1)tell(现在分词)_ (2)talk(现在分词)_ (3)sing(现在分词)_ (4)do(现在分词)_ (5)want(单三形式)_ 12. 写出单词。1. Your cousin usually _(finish) his homework before dinner.2. Kitty, the cat is _(sleep) under the chair.3. He _(get) up late and didnt need to go to sc

6、hool.4. My father _( know) me well.5. He does well at school,and he a_ does well at home.13. 尽可能多的写出含有th的单词。1th /_2th /_14. 根据首字母提示填空。Some students talk a_their hobbies. Mike likes p_basketball and football. He l_drawing too. He usually d_pictures w_his brother Tim. Liu Tao is g_at football. He a_li

7、kes p_table tennis. Yang Ling likes r_books. She h_many books. W_about the twins? They b_likes s_.15. 默写单词。1.赛跑_ 2.第一_3.第二_ 4.第三_5.喝_ 6.好_7.忙的_ 8.自豪的_9.跌倒_ 10.草_16. 请根据句子的意思,写出所缺的单词。(第一个字母已给出)(1)MyEnglishteacherisverya_.Shecanplaymanygames.Itsfunny.(2)Hersisterisam_teacher,shecansingverywell.(3)Herbrotherisntshort,heist_.(4)MissZhangisana_teacher,shecanpaint.(5)TodayisS_.TomorrowisSunday.17. 根据图片写单词。(1)_ (2)_(3)_ (4)_(5)_ (6)_18. 按要求写单词。(1)fun(形容词)_ (2)tell(现在分词)_ (3)wear(现在分词)_ (4)watch(现在分词)_ (5)sing(现在分词)_ 19. 写出下列单词的现在分词形式。1make_ 2give_3get_ 4cut_5bake_ 6clean_7do_ 8cook_页码 / 总页数



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