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1、2022年考博英语-沈阳药科大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题It has been announced that physicists from different countries will gather in New York for a _ next month.问题1选项A.symphonyB.symmetryC.symposiumD.symptom【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. symphony 交响乐 B. symmetry 对称(性)C. symposium 研讨会 D. symptom 征兆【考查点】语义衔接与形近词辨析【解题思路】前文提到“来自不同国家

2、的物理学家聚集到一起”,而空格处所填词是他们聚集到一起的目的,C选项symposium“研讨会”最符合语义逻辑。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项均为symposium“研讨会”的形近词,但都不能使原句前后语义衔接。【句意】据通知,来自不同国家的物理学家将于下个月聚集在纽约参加一个研讨会。2. 单选题With an eighty-hour week and little enjoyment, life must have been very _ for the nineteenth-century factory workers.问题1选项A.hostileB.anxiousC.tediousD.o

3、bscure【答案】C【解析】考查上下文语义。A选项hostile“敌对的;怀有敌意的”;B选项anxious“焦虑的;急切的”;C选项tedious“沉闷的,无聊的”;D选项obscure“模糊的,不清楚的”。句意:对于19世纪工厂的工人来说,每周工作80个小时,没有什么乐趣,这种生活一定很_。从没有little enjoyment“没什么乐趣”可以看出,这种生活很无聊,C选项最符合句意。因此,本题最佳选项为C。3. 单选题When snow collects on top of a building during the winter, the weight sometimes weake

4、ns the construction and occasionally causes the roof to collapse.问题1选项A.meltsB.accumulatesC.selectsD.scatters【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. melts 融化 B. accumulates 积累C. selects 选择 D. scatters 分散【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】后文提到“积雪的重量有时会削弱建筑结构(weakens the construction),有时会导致屋顶倒塌(causes the roof to collapse)”,雪花本来是很轻的,只有积累到一定程度

5、才会很重,有使房屋倒塌的能力,原词collect“收集;聚集”,因此B选项accumulates“积累”与原词最接近。【干扰项排除】A选项melts“融化”,雪花融化了就更不可能有使房屋倒塌的影响力了,不符合句意;C选项selects“选择”,没有依据;D选项scatters“分散”,分散了的话,重量会更轻,不会使房屋倒塌,不符合句意。【句意】当积雪在冬天堆积在建筑物顶部时,积雪的重量有时会削弱建筑结构,有时会导致屋顶倒塌。4. 翻译题我的英语有多好?对任何学习英语的人来说是最重要的一个问题。知道这个问题的答案不仅有助于树立信心,而且如果你想取得更多的进步,知道这个答案是有用的,因为一旦知道已

6、经达到一个水平,你就会向下一个水平进军。考试在学习过程中发挥另外一个重要的作用考试证明学习者在一种语言中是否熟练。通过语言考试远不只是激励了自己在语言方面的自尊心。如果你想到英国国家去念大学,或者你想找一份需要英语技能的工作的话,通过语言考试那就至关重要了。【答案】How good is my English? It is the most important question for anyone learning English. Knowing the answer to this question builds your confidence. Moreover, its useful

7、 if you want to make more progress, because once you know youve reached one level, youll move on to the next. Another important role tests play in the learning process isthey prove a learners proficiency in a language. Passing a language test is much more than a boost to ones self-esteem in learning

8、 a language. It is vital for you to pass a language test if you want to go to university in the UK, or if you want to get a job requiring English skills.5. 单选题Even though you may be excited about relocating, you may still mourn the loss of a familiar home, way of life, family and friends left behind

9、. “Underestimating the emotional impact of moving is the biggest mistake people make,” says Patricia Nida, Psychologist and relocation consultant. “People think there is something wrong with them if they cant cope with the emotional upheaval of moving. They dont realize its normal.” When Sheila move

10、d from Oregon to California, it took her nearly a year to feel rooted in her new community. Then two years later, the family moved back to Oregon. When we came back, I couldnt get used to them. Each time we moved, I felt like I lost a part of myself.”“Although everyone who moves feels this loss of i

11、dentity to some extent, its usually most disastrous for a non-working wife”, says Dr. Seidenberg, clinical professor of psychiatry. “Her identity,” says he, “stems from her activities and the ties to the community. Relocating wipes it all out. Every time she moves, she has to re-establish her creden

12、tials.” “You cope by reaching out and finding activities and people that interest you,” adds Eileen Kirsh, a veteran of four spouse-job-related moves. “If you are lucky, you meet someone compatible.”Dont avoid saying goodbye. It may seem easier at the time, but in the long run, it can create a great

13、er sense of loss. Resist the temptation to sever ties with your old neighborhood. Maintain relationships. Allow yourself to go through the emotions associated with moving, without criticism. When you acquire your new living quarters, introduce yourself to your new neighbors. Write ahead to your new

14、house of worship and community organizations for information on activities and services. When you finally move in, you will feel more a part of the new community. Establish family traditions that move with you. Doing things together as a family makes you feel at home, no matter where you live.Moving

15、 is a difficult experience, but it also has many advantages. Psychologists say it stimulates growth, makes us adaptable, broadens our scope and gives us the opportunity to make new friends and enjoy new experiences. As a nation and as individuals, we are strengthened by our pioneer spirit. And if we can save on wear and tear-all the better.13. When people move, they _.14. The word “upheaval” in Para. 1 is closest in meaning to _.15. Researchers have found that many people _.16. Housewives are the worst sufferers from relocating because they _.17. The au



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