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1、职场秘籍:英语求职信26个钻石级结束语职场秘籍:英语求职信26个钻石级结束语1. If you would like to know more about myability, I can be available for an interview at any time convenientto you。倘如阁下情愿接见本人以了解我的实力,我将随时侯教。2. If you desirean interview, I shall be most happy to call in person, on any dayand at any time you may appoint。如贵公司有意 面

2、试,本人肯定遵照所指定的时日,前往探望。3. Should youentertain my application favorably, I would spare to trouble acquitmyself to your satisfaction。假如本人之应征能歌德青睐而进入贵公司服务,本人必以解除万难之决心,为贵公司工作,以符厚望。4. If you feelthat I am suited for the job that you have in mind, please informme of the time convenient for an interview. I ho

3、pe to hear from youin the near future。如阁下认为我适合该项工作条件,请尽快惠函赐知 面试 。5. You will findenclosed a testimonial from the president of the University who haskindly offered to provide you with any further details you mayrequire。关于阁下对我个人所需之具体材料,可从所附的邮电高校校长举荐函获悉。6. I hope thatyou will give me an interview at so

4、me time convenient toyou。敬希阁下抽空惠予接见。7. If there isfurther information that you wish in the meantime, please let meknow. I can always be reached at the address given at the beginningof this letter。若需有关本人的更具体资料,请按本函上方所载地址惠函示知。8. I shall beable to call for an interview at your convenience and shall be

5、ableto supply any necessary or examples of my previouswork。只要阁下时间便利,我随时都可晋见,并随时供应我过去工作状况的全部资料。9. I am happy torefer you upon your request people who can tell you of my work andmy character。我乐于奉告阁下,如阁下要求供应查询人,以便了解我的工作状况和性格,我可以满意阁下要求。10. I believethey may be found satisfactory. Concerning mycharacter附

6、上我的 简历表和相片,希望能令你满足。11. I am lookingfor a job. I graduate from Shanghai Commercial College and my majoris business management。我希望能在贵公司谋得一份职业。我毕业于上海商学院,主修商业管理。12. I would bevery happy to work under your supervision if it is possible. Thankyou very much for your kind attention. please send me an answer

7、 atyour earliest convenience。如能为贵公司效力,本人将不胜荣幸。阁下耐性读完这篇申请,本人至为感谢,并请尽速惠函示知。13. I believethat I can fulfill the requirements in your company. I hope youwill be able to place me somewhere。我信任我可以担当贵公司的任何工作,如蒙录用,情愿随时接受阁下指派。14. Before mypresent employment, I worked for the Department Store as asalesclerk i

8、n the electrical section。自感目前工作发展并不乐观,拟变更一下工作环境。15. I would liketo make a change now because I feel that I can go no further in mypresent job, I feel that my training should enable me to advanceinto a better and more responsible position, and it appears thatthis will not be forthcoming at my present

9、position。自信以本人的实力和所受的训练,应当获得更大回报,谋得更高职位,而就目前工作来看,将来不会有多大发展前途。16. I ampermitted to refer to Mr. Smith, Managing editor of themagazine。至于我的品德,您可函询中东国际杂志主任史密斯先生。17. I wish toassure you that, if successful, I would endeavor to give you everysatisfaction。如蒙不弃,惠予录用,本人将尽最大努力工作,争取诸事满足。18. Thank you inadvanc

10、e for your consideration and courtesy。承蒙阁下的关怀和礼遇,至此表示感谢。19. My dutiesincluded compiling reports for the chief engineer on production inthe various departments。因希望节约交通时间,故想在纽约谋得一职。随函寄上 简历 表及近照各一份。20. I amenclosing a brief resume as you requested. please let me know ifyou want an interview。随函附寄 简历表一份,

11、望能通知能否有机会见面。21. I amenclosing a personal data sheet which I think will adequately showyou my qualifications。兹附本人资料一份,谨供贵公司参考。22. I would bepleased if you would grant me an interview at youconvenience。如贵公司情愿接见,我随时侯教。23. Trusting youwill give my application kind consideration and hoping to hearfavorab

12、ly from you at your convenience。敬请贵公司对本人之应征惠予考虑,并请赐函告知。24. Thank you inadvance for your concern and attention. please let me hear from youas soon as possible。预先感谢阁下对我的关怀,并敬请尽速赐函示知。25. I hope tohave the pleasure of your granting me aninterview。恳请惠予面谈为盼。26. I believethat you will consider this applica

13、tion favorably and I wish toassure you that I should make every effort to be worthy of theconfidence you may place in me。若贵公司对我求职应征能予以考虑,本人可作出保证,将尽力为贵公司效劳,敬顷信任。本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页



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