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1、教学内容与目标 课时教学内容Lets learnLets play教学重点The fifth period( 第五课时)Part B Lets learn & Lets play课时教学目标能够听、说、读、写以下现在分词: climbing, eating, drinking, playing, jumping, sleeping能够在语境中正确运用这六个现在分词操练和巩固 Lets learn 板块的现在分词能够运用核心句型完成用三组词组组句的游戏能够听、说、读、写以下现在分词: climbing, eating, drinking, playing, jumping, sleeping。教

2、 学难点能在语境中正确运用现在分词。教学准备1.预习状元大课堂创优作业 100 分状元作业本中本课时的相关内容。2.PPT 课件 课文录音、视频、卡片等。教学过程Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Lead-in.T: Today we will have aschool trip. Look at the picture and guess where we will go. (课件出示:农场图片)Ss: A farm!T: Yes, we will visit a farm in hist class. Are you happy? Lets

3、begin our trip!Step 2: Presentation1. Lets learn.Teaching purpose以自由谈话形式,引出 “farm”,创设情境,为观察 农场上的动物正在做什么做 好准备。片)T: Now we are at the farm. Lets walk around and have a look. (1)Learn the word “eating”. (课件出示:Lets learn eating 图T: Look! What can you see?Ss: I can see a dog.T: What is the dog doing?Ss:

4、He is eating(吃东西).T: Yes, he is eating.Students read “eateating” after the teacher.(2)Learn the word “climbing”. (课件出示:Lets learn climbingTeaching purpose创设情境,让学生观察 农场里的动物们正在做什 么,以此引出现在进行时。 在教学过程中,注意从“提 供支架”到“去支架”。图片)T: Look! Is the dog eating now? Ss: No, he isnt.T: What is he doing?Ss: He is climb

5、ing.3Students read “climbclimbing” after the teacher.(3)Learn the word “drinking”. (课件出示:Lets learn drinking 图片)T: Look! Is the dog eating now?Ss: No, he isnt.T: What is he doing?Ss: He is drinking.Students read “drinkdrinking” after the teacher.(4)Learn the word “sleeping”. (课件出示:Lets learn sleepin

6、g 图片)T: Look! What can you see?Ss: I can see three rabbits.T: What are they doing?Ss: They are sleeping.Students read “sleepsleeping” after the teacher.(5)Learn the word “playing”. ( 课件出示: Lets learn playing 图片)T: Look! Are these rabbits sleeping now?Ss: No, they arent.T: What are they doing?Ss: The

7、y are playing with each other.Students read “playplaying” after the teacher.The teacher explains the meaning of “each other”.(6)Learn the word “jumping”. ( 课件出示: Lets learn jumping 图片)T: Look! Are they playing now?Ss: No, they arent.T: What are they doing?Ss: They are jumping.Students read “jumpjump

8、ing” after the teacher.2. Lets chant.T: Now, lets chant together!Teaching purpose设计琅琅上口的 chant, 让学生在韵律中加深印象。 此 chant 较长,教师可以采 取男生问、女生答或女生问、 男生答等多形式展开,使学 生积极参与进来。3. Read and act.(1)Students read after the recording of “Lets learn” and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.(2)Let stude

9、nts practise the dialogue in groups.(3)Act out.Step 3: Practice1. Play games.(1)Whats missing?Show the six words on the PPT. Letstudents read them for a while. Then let the words disappear one by one. Students find out the missing word and say it out quickly.(2)Lets say and do.Students read the six

10、words loudly. At the same time, they do the actions. Then the teacher says the words one after another and students do the actions. After finishing the six words, exchange the roles. The teacher does the actions, students say out the words.2. Look and say.“What are they doing?”Show a picture of the

11、zoo. (课件出示:动物园图片)Students make sentences according to the picture like this:The _ is _. The _ are _.Lead students to make a sentence. Then let them do by themselves. Step 4: Consolidation &Extension1. Look and guess.Use pictures to practice the target language more times.2. Lets play.(1)Group work.P

12、ut the cards with the words and phrases in “Lets play” on Page 52 into three boxes. Four students work in agroup. Three of thempick one card from his/her own box each time and says out their words or5Teaching purpose教师播放录音,学生听 录音跟读。引导学生按照正 确的语音、语调及意群朗读 对话,并能在小组中进行角 色表演。Teaching purpose通过两个难度递增的 趣味游戏

13、,检测学生对六个 现在分词的认读和掌握情 况。Teaching purpose要求学生根据图片表 达句子,操练的内容从单数 过渡到复数。教师进行示 范,给予句型支架,学生经 过思考,进行语言的模仿与 输出,锻炼学生语言运用的 能力。Teaching purpose通过遮住一部分图片 内容,制造“信息差”,引 导学生多回合操练核心句 型。教师不断减少支架,让 学生能够逐渐实现语言的 完整输出。Teaching purpose以小组合作方式,尽可 能多地说出完整、正确的句 子,提高学生的语言运用能 力。phrases. The fourth one combines the words or ph

14、rases and says out the sentence. Students try to make new sentences as many as possible.Make a model:S1: Zhang PengS2: is listening to the musicS3: under the treeS4: Zhang Peng is listening to the music under the tree. (2)Show time.3. Summary.Summarize the changing rules of the present participle.板书

15、设计作业设计1. Read the words and recite the dialogue.2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书创优作业 100 分或状元作业本对应课时作 业)教学反思1.注重旧知联系新知。在前几册教材中学生已掌握了动词原形 drink, eat, play, sleep, jump, climb 的音、形、义。在本课的教学中,教师要唤起学生的旧知,做到前后联系,实现知识的升华和迁移。2.学生对现在分词的理解和掌握也是本课的重点。通过知识梳理帮助学生形成知识框架,迅速组织练习, 既帮助学生巩固提高,又检测学生的掌握情况。3.活动内容丰富,教学设计有层次感,让不同基础的学生都能得到有效锻炼,得到了学生们的喜欢。Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsLets learnBe able to listen, s


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