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1、学科English授课人苗静授课时间2014年10月 30 日年级2课题Module 7 Unit 1课时 1课型New教材分析本课程是新标准一年级起点第三册的第7模块的第1单元。 在这之前,学生们已经学过了一些有关于交通工具的单词,如,bus, bike, car.本课在此基础上学习How do you go to school? I go to school by. /I walk to school.学会询问和描述上学的方式.学情分析学生们已经具备了英语基础知识与较强的语言技能学习能力,模仿、记忆能力较强,本课教学内容直接贴入学生生活实际,学生有一定的生活经验,学起来不应该很困难。教学目

2、标语言知识目标:1、能正确所说、读下列词汇:by bus(bike, car) ,walk 2、能运用英语询问和描述到上学的方式。3、询问同学、朋友怎样上学。语言技能目标:会用How do you go to school?句型提问,并能依据实际情况做回答:“I go to school by bike/bus/car” 情态态度目标:1、使学生能大胆、自然的用英文交谈,有表达的勇气和信心。2、通过创设学习情境,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学习的积极性和主动性。教学重点熟练运用How do you go to school? I.来询问和描述上学的方式。教学难点熟练运用How do you g

3、o to school? I.来询问和描述上学的方式。教具准备Pictures, cards, tape recorder,computer教学过程教学环节与内容教师活动 学生活动设计意图时间分配1. Warm up.a. Say a chant b. Guess c. chant 2. Presentation.a.今天我们来学习如何询问和描述上学的方式,然后我们要调查一下我们班级的同学是怎么上学的say and do the actions with children.Show the title say a Chant and do the actions,Listen to the s

4、ound and guess whats this.Clap and say.Read the title.唤起学生对英语学习的记忆和热情。实现思维的迁移。455教学环节与内容教师活动学生活动设计意图时间分配b. watch the cartoon and answer the questions.Practice the dilogues.c. Watch the cartoon and answer the questions.d. Listen and repeat, then act it out.3.Practise.a. guessing game.wolf, wolf. How

5、do you go to school?b. Make a survey. 4.Summary.2. Quiz.a. Listen and circle.b. Read and match.c. Fill in tha blanks.5. Homework.a. Write words.b. Listen and repeat.c. Ask and answer.Show the cartoon.T:How does Amy and Lingling go to school?Make an example with a child.Show the questions.T: Lets hav

6、e a match for reading.wolf, wolf. How do you go to school?T: What did you learn today?Watch and answer the questions.Pair works.Answer the questionRepeat, practice and act.Play the game.Ask and answer each other, then show.Read the sentences together.Do the exercises.创设情景,理解并学会句子。理解并运用句子进行表演。理解课文内容,

7、模仿正确的语音语调。理解运用句子,在游戏中锻炼交流能力,提高学习兴趣。锻炼综合运用所学知识的能力。点明本课重点,学生对本节课所学内容有明确的认识。检查反馈本课知识掌握情况。将学习延伸至课外,达到巩固熟练的目标,培养良好的学习习惯。344555121板书设计Module 7Unit 1How do you go to school? Amy: I go to school by bus. Lingling: I walk to school.改进后设计表学科English授课人苗静授课时间2014年10月 30 日年级2课题Module 7 Unit 1课时 1课型New教材分析本课程是新标准一

8、年级起点第三册的第7模块的第1单元。 在这之前,学生们已经学过了一些有关于交通工具的单词,如,bus, bike, car.本课在此基础上学习How do you go to school? I go to school by. /I walk to school.学会询问和描述上学的方式.学情分析学生们已经具备了英语基础知识与较强的语言技能学习能力,模仿、记忆能力较强,本课教学内容直接贴入学生生活实际,学生有一定的生活经验,学起来不应该很困难。教学目标语言知识目标:1、能正确所说、读下列词汇:by bus/car/bike/train/,walk to school2、能运用英语询问和描述到

9、上学的方式:How do you go to school?-I go to school by bike.3、询问同学、朋友怎样上学。情态态度目标:1、使学生能大胆、自然的用英文交谈,有表达的勇气和信心。2、通过创设学习情境,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学习的积极性和主动性。教学重点熟练运用How do you go to school? I.来询问和描述上学的方式。教学难点熟练运用How do you go to school? I.来询问和描述上学的方式。教具准备Pictures, cards, tape recorder,computer教学过程教学环节与内容教师活动 学生活动设计意图

10、时间分配3. Warm up.a. Say a chant b. Guess c. chant 2. Presentation.a.今天我们来学习如何询问和描述上学的方式,然后我们要调查一下我们班级的同学是怎么上学的say and do the actions with children.Show the title say a Chant and do the actions,Listen to the sound and guess whats this.Clap and say.Read the title.唤起学生对英语学习的记忆和热情。实现思维的迁移。455教学环节与内容教师活动学生

11、活动设计意图时间分配e. watch the cartoon and answer the questions.Practice the dilogues.f. Watch the cartoon and answer the questions.g. Listen and repeat, then act it out.3.Practise.a. guessing game.wolf, wolf. How do you go to school?b. Make a survey. 4.Summary.4. Quiz.d. Listen and circle.e. Read and match

12、.f. Fill in tha blanks.5. Homework.d. Write words.e. Listen and repeat.f. Ask and answer.Show the cartoon.T:How does Amy and Lingling go to school?Make an example with a child.Show the questions.T: Lets have a match for reading.wolf, wolf. How do you go to school?T: What did you learn today?Watch an

13、d answer the questions.Pair works.Answer the questionRepeat, practice and act.Play the game.Ask and answer each other, then show.Read the sentences together.Do the exercises.创设情景,理解并学会句子。理解并运用句子进行表演。理解课文内容,模仿正确的语音语调。理解运用句子,在游戏中锻炼交流能力,提高学习兴趣。锻炼综合运用所学知识的能力。点明本课重点,学生对本节课所学内容有明确的认识。检查反馈本课知识掌握情况。将学习延伸至课外,达到巩固熟练的目标,培养良好的学习习惯。344555121板书设计Module 7Unit 1H



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