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1、我把所有句型按照自己的理解分成了13种,由于时间很紧,难免有不合理的地方,望大家谅解 :)( 8 F9 W5 o: 3 O. s( la2 E( Y我写ARGUMENT所用的所有句型都是从这个东西里挑出来的) q* . x: F8 n) O, 4 J其实我觉得最好还是自己总结比较好,印象比较深一些* N8 v) h+ x0 u ?0 k+ W5 j9 $ L5 ?( N, B: t因为用别人的句子其实是每个人都按自己的理性的行为结果是集体的非理性呵呵7 k+ j2 I# w7 i% D4 ?8 ) ?2 f- D3 U容易出现拼写错误的词:Assumption, available, guar

2、antee, account, possibility, moreover, ; m+ I/ f / U5 m S% H& R4 v6 # zy承接Therefore/thus/hence/so/consequently/clearly/moreover/besides R9 D$ c6 X! _. u7 引导结论conclude/claim/assert/propose $ l) M: A8 g0 s3 z显示,表明show/imply/prove/indicate/illustrate/demonstrate9 v2 o0 i 3 x( 3 L+ ) u7 z建议 recommend/su

3、ggest/advise 倡议advocateb5 4 B0 |$ i. S: # F预言,预计predict/project/forecast/expect) w* W& 4 B K9 7 B5 b) # v1 N7 N4 O5 r7 S8 n首段开头句型:8 X! ?- r: 2 F G1) In this editorial/argument, the author argues that _.The author also claim that _.To support these claims the author points out that _. The author also

4、 points out that _.2 . Z7 k 4 b) ?1 F* l& JJ8 c3 oy% Z9 h: v1 W2) This editorial/memo recommends that _.To support this recommendation, the author points out that _.the author also points out that _ ,and that _.Finally, the manager cites that _.$ C; X& L- e, a& F; S/ S$ - W+ ?, q3 u& B$ N J- H/ L 首段

5、结尾句型:3 T. 4 A/ p$ ( _) w$ g0 ; U) P, & P; x6 Y u$ v3) I find the editorial/argument logically unconvincing in several respects. /I find this argument specious on several grounds.( p ?- L5 J, n3 a. g* Z: A) $ g- T+ U: a# c4) However, the argument relies on a series of unsubstantiated assumptions, whi

6、ch render it unconvincing as it stands. /However, the argument/editorial relies on a number of doubtful assumptions and is therefore unconvincing. ! j7 N* K8 CL7 M9 v0 K/ * G6 6 b$ t& Z# B. N5) This argument depends on several unsubstantiated assumptions and is therefore unpersuasive as it stands.!

7、3 E2 G- u lz$ e3 J) V6 S* X: n0 3 Z; g6) This argument is problematic /flawed in several critical respects.9 R% z0 A9 A3 g6 % N0 * |) r$ r4 X$ ) r7) A careful analysis of the study reveals several problems with the editorials argument.1 / x- R# W0 n# r7 p3 |4 Q! p5 c1 S0 m/ u$ W2 P8) The study suffe

8、rs from certain statistical and other problems, which render the conclusion based upon it unpersuasive.( Z( ; x; _8 ?! k4 h. y I5 s% K+ f9) As discussed below, the argument suffers from several critical flaws and is therefore unpersuasive as it stands.$ _6 d8 g9 8 o* ! G. b4 n2 g7 p- W5 L& * 5 q% v1

9、0) However, careful scrutiny of the evidence reveals that it accomplishes little toward supporting the directors claim, as discussed below. W$ M6 O, _* z2 t4 A9 ; K3 h8 C) e$ f/ F7 g/ # X11) However, close scrutiny of the managers argument reveals several unproven assumptions, which render it unconv

10、incing.& n8 k# Q, n. |- . y. v2 Y. e( H4 K+ h r0 u; s2 M12) The argument suffers from several logical flaws and is therefore unconvincing as it stands.6 r# F2 T S D; a. T% U T( d8 P: ir3 a3 P. 0 B13) As discussed below, the argument suffers from several critical flaws and is therefore unpersuasive.2

11、 s& c+ s3 , t( ?+ M3 g& L+ H1 hd+ a/ p+ 1 J4 I) Y调查,统计的准确性:. O3 q7 ?1 I1 H+ _3 j14) Many _ were actually excluded from the survey.6 e/ C2 eB) R0 Qe o% w8 F1 E* F; d lc T15) The result of the survey lacks validity/credibility/reliability and therefore could not lend strong support to the arguers clai

12、m/propose.1 V # _% b* 5 k& d+ V/ L J) g6 r! T k16) The result of the survey lacks validity/credibility because/as the sample is too limited.* ; w) k |- - T5 i1 q ! n; N5 ( B. H/ p17) The survey does not provide complete information concerning the effect _, K) 0 j: Ri3 B 5 2 B# a% N* ?5 i/ g; L! 18)

13、The number reported _ does not necessarily reflect the number actually _& % H) V5 a% |4 w$ K* B4 Y8 7 B- Y19) The statistics comparing _ might be distorted in one or more respects! K8 u6 y6 % ( r, 6 u / N( w9 8 J/ H% N20) These statistics were based only on data from _.1 K% p7 y# f- i& Q6 m) ?- W0 O

14、; o( C7 j2 q, H7 ! Q: E21) The cited statistics about _ might be unreliable in other respects as well. 9 k9 F! o7 p- P0 V! 2 K+ V5 y5 f% w; R22) It is unfair to conclude from one survey suggesting that _0 j6 Q/ C9 i2 Z# d, R$ w7 h% u3 z% X4 Z3 - B: 23) Moreover, a single survey taken just prior to _ is sustainable.% 2 , E( z RB3 D6 oV0 y; b+ B. ) t Q24) Although the number of _ is relatively high, the per _(capita) number might be relatively low.- g7 p4 t0 c. f: X+ S) : : R6 5 x, U xy: d% A与B之间的关系(主要是因果关系):3 U2 H: u) C9 U; y; ?25) A bears some relation to B./(Establish) a casual re


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