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1、志愿者英语作文带翻译(精选 5 篇) 志愿者的英语作文 1In recent years,the volunteering spirit has spread amongthe Chinese people,especially among youngsters.According to asurvey,in 2021,there were about 1,700,000 volunteers whooffered service for Olympic Games.Actually,an increasing number of people bee volunteers in China

2、every year.近年来,志愿服务精神已经蔓延在中国人中传播开来了,尤其是年轻人。据调查,2021 年大约有 170 万志愿者为奥林匹克运动会带给服务。实际上,每年在中国都有越来越多的人成为志愿者。Volunteering actions are of tremendous benefits to boththose in need and the society.Olympic Games are a goodexample.As is known to all,volunteers played an active role inBeijing Olympic Games.Withou

3、t them,it would be a tough task tohold this un-precedent Olympic Games.Therefore,we can say thatit was those volunteers who ensured the success of these games.志愿行为对于那些需要帮忙的人和社会都是有极大的好处。奥运会就是一个很好的例子。众所周知,志愿者在北京奥运会中扮演了用心的主角。没有他们,这将会是一个艰巨的任务去完成这史无前例的奥运会。因此,我们能够说,是那些志愿者保证了那些运动的成功举 行。Word 文档1As modern co

4、llege students,we should get actively involvedin volunteering activities.By participating,we can learn howto work well in a team,how to improve our interpersonal skillsand organizational ability.Undoubtedly,all of these arecritical for our person growth.So,we should take this chance to learn and to

5、grow.作为现代大学生,我们就应用心的参与到志愿活动中来。透过参与,我们能够学习如何在团队中有效的工作,如何提高人际交往潜力和组织潜力。毫无疑问,所有这些都是至关重要的在我们的人生长。 所以,我们就应抓住这个机会去学习和成长。志愿者的英语作文 2Nowadays,an increasing number of people are willing toserve as volunteers especially the university students in thatthey consider that volunteering is not only a greatcontribut

6、ion to our society and those who are in need,but also improves themselves in many aspects.如今,越来越多的人愿意成为志愿者尤其是大学生,因为他们觉得志愿服务不仅仅是对社会有重大贡献还对那些有需要的人,而且还 在多方面提升了自我。For one thing,there is no doubt that volunteering makescontribution to our society and people in need.The volunteersprovide their assistance

7、without requiring any financialWord 文档2rewards.Their contributions have a great impact on harmony society contribution.一方面,毫无疑问的是志愿服务对我们的社会做贡献和有需要的人。志愿者不要求回报的带给帮忙。他们的贡献对和谐社会有很大的 影响。For another,serving as a volunteer is also beneficial tothe volunteers themselves.They can improve their municationskil

8、ls when providing help for others.One of the examples isthat the university students who serve in Canton Fair will geta great chance to practical their English and get in touch withdifferent kinds of people as well as broad their horizon.Inaddition,by serving as different kinds of volunteers,they ar

9、eeasier to understand themselves and know in which fields they are interested.另一方面,作为一个志愿者,对于志愿者自我也是有利的。在带给帮忙的同时他们能够提高自我的沟通技巧。其中一个例子是,广交会服务的大学生能够得到锻炼英语的机会,还能够接触到各种各样的.人来开阔视野。此外,成为不一样类型的志愿者,他们更容易了解自 我,明白兴趣之所在。In a word,volunteering has brought many benefits to oursociety,those who are in need as well

10、 as the volunteersthemselves.Therefore,let us enjoy the time when serving as aWord 文档3volunteer.总之,志愿服务为我们社会带来了许多好处,也给那些有需要的人以及自我志愿者带来了好处。因此,让我们好好享受作为一个志愿 者的时光吧。志愿者的英语作文 3The volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people in recent years,especially among young people。Volunteering is of trem

11、endous benefits to both those inneed and society.Take the Wenchuan Earthquake as anexample.Hundreds of thousands of volunteers play an active rolein Wenchuan quake-hit areas.And they contribute dailynecessaries,offer medical help and psychological help to the disaster relief work.Besides,volunteerin

12、g would be beneficial to the volunteersthemselvesGetting involved in volunteering,volunteers willbe exposed to a new environment,and they can learn how to workwell in a team,how to improve their interpersonal skills andorganizational skills ,all of which are critical for theirprofessional growth。As

13、a college student,I sincerely hope thateveryone would join the volunteering work.It is not only goodto our society,but also a chance for us to grow and to learn. 志愿者的英语作文 4Word 文档4I want to be a volunteer of beijing olympic games.I realizedthe time flies.I must study english very hard.Because Englis

14、his very useful and it is very important.And to be a volunteerof the olympic games is good for myself too.I can make somefriends from different countries and learn more aboutsport,about olympic.But the first thing to perpare this isstudy hard,I am confident i will to be a good volunteer and Iwill sh

15、ow the world:our country and our cities are so perfect in the world.Some of us helped clean the city park while some went toChildrens Hospital to tell stories to sick kids to cheer themup.Some students sang songs for the old in the Home for theElderly.I am good at telling stories so I went to the hospitalwith my classmates.Volenteer work is not only interesting butalso necessary because we can



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