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1、2022年考博英语-湖南农业大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The mission controllers say it is important to _ that the space pioneers do not go hungry.问题1选项A.ensureB.assureC.be certainD.be dependent【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项“保证,确保”;B选项“保证,担保”;C“确信,肯定”;D选项“依靠”。句意:任务团的负责人说:“()太空航天员不饿肚子是很重要的。”根据句意排除D。1. assure用来表示向某人保证某事将要发生,既可

2、以用来确证某事,也可以表示使某人确信,assure的宾语通常是人或人称代词,如He assured us of his ability to solve the problem(他向我们保证他有解决这件事的能力)2. ensure的意思是使某行为或某件事的结果得以保证,即确保某事发生(to make sure that sth. happens)。ensure后可以直接跟 that-clause,并可以用复合宾语。We must ensure that all patients have access to high quality care. (我们必须确保所有的病人都能够得到高质量的护理。

3、)3. certain 表示某人准确无疑的相信某事,如Shes absolutely certain shes going to make it in the world.(她确信自己将享誉全球。)2. 单选题Dr. Hawking has made much contribution to the theories of modem physics at the _ of his health.问题1选项A.costB.disposalC.mercyD.expenditure【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。这道题考查关于at theof的词组。A选项at the cost of“以为代价”;

4、B选项at the disposal of“任凭使用”;C选项at the mercy of“受的支配”;D选项,干扰项,因为没有at the expenditure of这种搭配,所以首先就可以排除D。句意:霍金博士对当代物理学作出了很大的贡献,这一切都是()他的健康。显然霍金的成就是以他的健康为代价的,所以答案选A。3. 不定项选择题Low wages, chronic unemployment and underemployment lead to low income, lack of property ownership, absence of savings, absence of

5、 food reserves in the home, and a chronic shortage of cash. These conditions reduce the possibility of effective participation in the larger economic system. And as a response to these conditions we find in the culture of poverty a high incidence of borrowing from local money lenders at high rates o

6、f interest, the use of secondhand clothing and furniture, and the pattern of frequent buying of small quantities of food many times a day as the need arises.People with a culture of poverty produce very little wealth and receive very little in return. They have a low level of literacy and education,

7、 are not members of political parties, generally do not participate in the national welfare agencies, and make very little use of banks, hospitals, department stores and museums. They have a critical attitude toward some of the basic institutions of the dominant classes, hatred of the police, mistru

8、st of government and those in high position. This gives the culture of poverty a high potential for protest and for being used in political movements aimed against the existing social order.People with a culture of poverty are aware of middle-class values, talk about them and even claim some of them

9、 as their own, but on the whole they do not live by them. For example, many will tell you that marriage by law, by the church, or by both is the ideal form of marriage, but few will marry. To men who have no steady jobs or other sources of income, who do not own property and have no wealth to pass o

10、n to their children, who are present-time oriented and who want to avoid the expense and legal difficulties involved in formal marriage and divorce, free unions or consensual marriages make a lot of sense. Women will often turn down offers of marriage because they feel it ties them down to men who a

11、re immature and generally unreliable. Women feel that consensual union gives them a better break; it gives them some of the freedom and flexibility that men have. By not giving the fathers of their children legal status as husbands, the women have a stronger claim on their children if they decide to

12、 leave their men. Free union also gives women exclusive rights to a house or any other property they may own.1. According to the author, a defining characteristic of poor people is that they _.2. The author uses the phrase “culture of poverty” (Para. 2) to suggest that _.3. By asserting that the cul

13、ture of poverty can be used by political movements, the author is _.4. Men and women in the culture of poverty who avoid legalized marriages _.问题1选项A.lack the skills to find decent jobsB.are constantly in a state of crisisC.are somewhat responsible for their own povertyD.are isolated from the mainst

14、ream of society问题2选项A.poor people often take pride in their povertyB.for some people poverty has become a prevailing way of lifeC.poor people share a common backgroundD.there are several levels and classifications of poor people问题3选项A.predicting an uprising by the poorB.citing a reason for eliminati

15、ng povertyC.criticizing the motives of politiciansD.alluding to a particular historical event问题4选项A.have practical and economic considerationsB.prefer to be independentC.cannot afford to marry and raise a familyD.do not trust each other like husband and wife【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:C第4题:A【解析】第1题:推理判断题。根据题干定位到第一段第一句Low wages, chronic unemployment and underemployment lead to low income, lack of property ownership, absence of savings, absence of food reserves in the home, and a chronic shortage of cash.(低工资、长期失业和就业不足导致低收入、没有财


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