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1、福建省厦门第一中学第一学期期中考试八年级英语试卷 (满分:120分;考试时间:9分钟; 考试范畴:Uni1-7) 命题教师:林晓艳 审核教师: 严文珍 .1考生须知:本试卷分为选择题(5小题)和非选择题(669小题及短文写作)。考生需看清晰各小题的序号, 将选择题(65小题)的答案用B铅笔填涂在机读卡上, 将非选择题(65小题及短文写作)的答案用水笔或圆珠笔书写在试卷第91页的答题卷上。注意:听力的第题的五个小题(66-70小题)请写在答题卷上。(一)听力测试(共20分, 每题1分).听对话选图片:你将听到段对话和5个问题,请从A、C中选出最佳选项。每段对话念两遍,每个问题念两遍。1. B C

2、2. A B C B C4. AB C. A B C. 情景反映:听句子, 选择合适的应答。共5句,每句念两遍。6.A.One cp B. Onceonly C.w slices7. A. Yes, se likes it. BSeisl athin. . She lkglises. .A. urB.Itsr. C. 1 iles. 9. ANot at a. B.No prolem.C. Eoy yourf.10.A. Books. B. FotbalC. eat. 短文理解:听一段短文,然后选择答案完毕句子。短文念三遍。11.Mary i _er old.A 3B. 6. 912. ts

3、_ toa. A. Moda. udaC Wednsdy1 Mar s ongto_ todayA park.azoC a hop14.The weathe i_ toda. . sunnyB. ran C. winy. aryis _ now A. t hmeB. o the busC at hebu sop. 听短文,写信息:你将听到1篇短文。请根据短文内容,填写下面表格中的空缺部分。 短文念三遍。Ae_(66)Thate f birh_() tThecolr of the ne reblueand _(68)Tims _(9)Aiitieplay _(7), sig, dance ndl

4、ino musi(二)基本知识与运用(共0分,每题分).单选填空:从A、B、C三个选项中选出一种最佳选项完毕句子。16- _ an ge to thefritshop? - Onfoot .Ho B What C. Whre17. - you om t my pt? - _ . A.Sure, Id oveto You ae rgh . o, bu 8- _d you go to h mvies? - Tie a onth. HowoonB. How oftenC. ow lo1. - _? - Ihave a eadach and fever.A Whas he date B.What e

5、tme C.Whats thmtt20 -Woudyou li up of coffee? - . nt wnt . No,lease C. Yes,please2. o is _, Tomor Mike? -Tom isA. thinr. thinn C.mre thi 2. Why dotyougo outto y aketbll with us? - Becus plan _ wth y friedTo. A. to fshing B go fishing C. gngishing. - I ave a tootache - _.A. oderful. o sholdtatnythng

6、C. Yoshould se denist24 - WhatsJi doing for vacatin? - _. A. H doe s omwrka oe. ewen Beijint weekC. Hes visiting hisucle 25.- Howong dos it _yuo ge t scholfromhome yu?-It take tn ites. A. tke B kes C. tkig 26. -_ ? - t seveon unay eving.A Where s you birtha pary B. w i yu hay artyC. h is you birtday

7、part2 His granmother is wll ecaus she ofte _ . A. smokes B eercs C. sleeps28 -Lets make fruit sald. -_. A. h yo ay?B. Thats a od e C Sory, I dont29. -hat an o y? - Plase_ two aes ad ten _. A. pe;u themB. peels; cut thm u.eel; cut them up30.List! A smll nmr of sudents _ in h larom A talk .e alkig. sa

8、lkin31. It i riin hard, so s_ stayat ome an wtcTV.A. has to B. havet. had o - They hve _ homework thiweke. - Thats too bd.A. mh tB o uchC. o an33 _ ard late f school th monin.A. Th both B. oth the C. Both of hey34. _it was ate, _ they werestill in the classroo. A. Thugh; B. Togh; but /;35. oday the

9、teche is ver hap, for _ o the studnts homeorki god. A on B. mos C. a fe 完形填空:从A、三个选项中, 选择一种最佳答案填空, 使短文意思完整。Fod i ey portt. Everyone eds 6 if o sh antt hve a strong body. Our mndsalso ne akind foo. Tis kid fod is 37 e g to getknowede evn 38 we revery young Small cildren ar in everything aound tem. hey lar 4 whe y aewatci ndlisteing en the are gting lde, thy bgin to 41 stor books, science ooks anythng th lik Wh the fndsomething ew,the loveto ask uetin and 42 to fn o



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