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1、六年级英语下册课文重点知识点复习Unit1 Winter Activities一、 重点句型1、 Did you go anywhere in winter? 你冬天去了哪里? Yes,I went to see my friend 我去看望了我的朋友 We listened to music together 我们一起听音乐2、 Was it very cold there? 那里很冷吗? Yes, its cold and windy. 是的,那里又冷风又大。3、 There was a big ice city. There were many people. 那是个大冰城,那里有很多人

2、。4、 How about you? 你呢? I traveled along the Yangtze River. 我沿着长江旅游5、 I took a photo on my mobile. 我在我手机上拍了一张照片 Show me the photo, please. 请给我看照片 Look, here it is. 看,这就是。6、 Look at the snowman. 看这个雪人 It s short and fat. 它又矮又胖7、 Look at that man 看这个男人 Hes tall and thin 他又高又瘦8、 Show me the dress, pleas

3、e 请给我看下这条连衣裙 Which dress? 哪一条连衣裙 The long one 那长的一条9、 Show me the skirt, please 请给我看下这条短裙 Which skirt? 哪一条短裙 The short one 那短的一条10. Very often they get New Years money from their parents. 经常,他们从父母那拿到压岁钱11. They have a good time in winter vacation 他们度过了一个美好的寒假时光二、 重点短语1、 go(went) to 去哪里 2、climb(climb

4、ed) mountain 爬山 3、travel(traveled) along 沿着。旅游 4、take(took) photo(s) 拍照 5、listen(listened) to music 听音乐 6、go(went) back to 回到 7、have fun 获得快乐 8、make(made) a snowman 做一个雪人 9、show. 展示 10.play with sb 和。一起玩耍 11.get money from sb 从某人那里拿到钱 12.have a good time 有一个欢乐时光三、 重点介词搭配1. In winter 在冬天 2.on the lak

5、e 在湖上 3.along the Yangtze River 沿着长江 4.in the snow 在雪中 5.on mobile 在手机上 6.in January or February 在一月和二月 7.with their parents 和他们的父母精选文档Unit2 Helping Each Other一、 重点句型1. How are you today? 你今天感觉怎么样? I feel better. 我感觉好多了2. Here are some fruits for you 这里有一些水果给你3. Im worried about my lessons 我担心我的课程 D

6、ont worry. I can help you with your English. 不要担心,我会帮你补习你的英语4. What can we do to help other people? 我们能做些什么去帮助其他人呢? On the bus I can give my seat to old people. 在公交车上我可以把我的座位让给老人5. Follow me, it is as easy as you can see. 跟着我,它就像你看到的那么简单6. I know what to say when I hear this 我知道如何去说当我看到这个的时候 A:Wang

7、Tao broke his leg 王涛摔断了他的腿 B:Im sorry to hear that 我很抱歉听到这个消息7. Wang Tao didnt come to school today. 王涛今天没有来学校 He broke his leg 他摔断腿了8. What can we do to help him? 我们能做些什么去帮助他呢? Lets go to see him 让我们去看望他吧 We can take some fruits with us 我们可以带些水果去 We can help him with his lessons. 我们可以帮助他补习课程9. Is t

8、hat basket heavy? 这个篮子重吗? Let me carry it. 让我来提它吧10. Now we are ready to go. 现在我们准备好出发了。二、 重点短语1. come to school 来学校 2.break(broke) leg 摔断腿 3.take some fruits with us 我们带些水果 4.ready to go 准备好出发 5.do well 做的好/发挥的好 6.be worried about 担心 7.help sb with sth 帮助某人某事 8.be nice to sb 对某人很友好 9.be good at 擅长做

9、某事 10.give seat to old people 给老人让座 11.describe the feature 描述特征 12.say the name说出名字 三、 介词搭配1. in hospital 在医院 2.with us 和我们 3.help sb with sth 帮助某人某事 4.in high jump 在跳高比赛中 5.feel better/good 感觉好多了/很好 6.for you 给你 7.from the UK 从英国 8.at school 在学校 9.in Beijing 在北京 精选文档Unit3 Seeing a Doctor一、 重点句型1.

10、Is he in his bedroom? 他在他房间里吗? Yes ,he is. 是的,他在2. What is wrong with you? 你怎么了? I have a headache 我头疼 I will take you to hospital 我会带你去医院3. Are you thirsty? 你口渴吗? Yes,I am 是的,我口渴4. You must drink a lot of water. I will give you some medicine. 你必须喝大量的水,我会给你一些药 Thank you ,Doctor. 谢谢医生5. The light is

11、red, you mustnt cross the street. 红灯亮了,你必须不能过街了6. In the afternoon it was warm. He took off his jacket 下午天气很热,他脱下了他的外套7. But in the evening it was cold,he didnt put on his jacket .At night he had a fever. 但是晚上天气很冷,他没有穿上外套。晚上,他发烧了8. Take this medicine three times a day. And stay in bed today. 这药一天吃三次

12、,并且今天要躺在床上。二、 重点词组1. Whats wrong with sb 某人怎么了 2.have a+一种疾病 得了什么病 3.take sb to+地点 带某人去某地 4.must(mustnt) do sth 必须(必须不)做某事 5.a lot of 大量 许多 6.drink water 喝水 7.take medicine 吃药 8.cross street 过街 9.take(took) of 脱下 10.put on 穿上 11.stay in bed 躺床上 12.see a doctor 看医生 13.three times a day 一天三次 14.play c

13、hess 下象棋 15.make dumplings 做饺子 三、 介词搭配1. in the library 在图书馆内 2.in the afternoon 下午 3. in bed 在床上 精选文档Unit 4 Mothers Day一、 重点句型1. Whats the date today,Ben? 今天是几号,本? Its May 8th 今天是五月八号2. Tomorrow is Mothers Day 明天是母亲节了 What will you do for Mom? 你会为你的母亲做什么? Ill give her a card, and say,”Happy Mothers

14、 Day!” 我会给她一张贺卡,并且说“母亲节快乐!”3. What kind of surprise? 什么样的惊喜(哪一种惊喜)?4. Its the second Sunday of May. Its Mothers Day 五月的第二个周日是母亲节5. Here is a card for you 这里有一张贺卡给你6. Come and see our bedrooms. 过来看我们的卧室7. We got up early and did the cleaning 我们很早起床并且做了卫生8. What a surprise! 这真是个惊喜啊 My kids can do housework now 我的孩子现在会自己做家务了9. What an interesting book 这真是本有趣的书啊10. What a nice dog 这真是只漂亮的狗啊11. What a beautiful park 这真是一个漂亮的公园啊12. Many people do not want their mothers to cook dinner



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