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1、2022年考博英语-沈阳药科大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题We have overwhelmed the natural systems and created the dangerous _ that we no longer depend on a healthy environment.问题1选项A.illuminationB.imbalanceC.illusionD.indignation【答案】C【解析】考查上下文语义。A选项illumination“照明;阐明”;B选项imbalance“不平衡;不安定”;C选项illusion“错误的观念或信仰”;D选项

2、indignation“愤慨;愤怒”。句意:我们使自然系统不堪重负,创造了危险的_,即我们不再依赖健康的环境。“我们不再依赖健康的环境”是一种错误的观念,C选项illusion“错误的观念或信仰”最符合语境。因此,本题最佳选项为C。2. 翻译题各学科的发展日新月异,令人称奇,但衡量知识、能力的方法却依然如故,非常原始。迄今为止,教育工作还没有找到比考试更有效、更可靠的方法,着实有点离奇。尽管有不少人认定,考试能衡量出一个人的知识水平,但实际情况恰恰相反,这是有目共睹的。要想考察一个人死记硬背的本事和在极大压力下快速答题的技巧,考试或许是个不错的方法。然而,要想了解一个人的禀赋资质和实际能力如何

3、,考试是考不出名堂的。【答案】Various Disciplines evolve with astonishing speed, but the methods of measuring knowledge and competence remain as primitive as ever. It is a little weird that no more effective and reliable method than examinations has been found in education so far. Although many people believe that

4、 examinations can measure ones level of knowledge, it is obvious to all that the opposite is true. An examination might be a good way to test ones ability of rote memorization and skills of answering quickly under extreme pressure. However, it cannot tell you ones aptitude and practical capabilities

5、.3. 单选题Senior citizens, especially those above 70, are _ to some privileges in many countries.问题1选项A.enforcedB.engagedC.enabledD.entitled【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. enforced 强制执行 B. engaged 从事;忙于C. enabled 使能够 D. entitled 使享有权利【考查点】动词辨析【解题思路】空格处填入的是动词,与其搭配的介词为to,其宾语为privileges“特权”,D选项entitled“使享有权利”能够满足语义搭配要求

6、,且常搭配的介词为to,be entitled to sth“被赋予某种权利或享有某种资格”。【干扰项排除】A选项enforced “(enforce sth on/against sb/sth)强制执行”,与“特权”及介词to不搭配;B选项engaged “(be engaged in/on sth)从事;忙于”,与“特权”及介词to不搭配;C选项enabled “使能够”,与“特权”不搭配,语义不完整。【句意】在许多国家,老年人,尤其是70岁以上的老年人享有一些特权。4. 翻译题Now we have stepped into the information society. The in

7、formation industry develops very rapidly. However, there are also a lot of problems: the hackers, trick-playing teens and internet-based criminals. Thus, information society becomes an important issue. Information leakage may hurt a lot of departments, such as related authorities, enterprises, organ

8、izations or institutes, as well as individuals.【答案】现在我们已经步入了信息社会。信息产业发展非常迅速。然而,也有很多问题:黑客、恶作剧的青少年和网络犯罪分子。因此,信息社会成为一个重要的问题。信息泄露可能会给很多部门造成伤害,如相关当局、企业、组织或机构以及个人。5. 单选题Arriving anywhere with these possessions, he might just as easily put up for a month or a year as for a single day.问题1选项A.lastB.stayC.arr

9、angeD.manage【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. last 持续 B. stay 暂住C. arrange 安排 D. manage 管理【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】前文提到“他带着这些东西到任何地方去(Arriving anywhere)”,后文提到“_一个月或者一年和_一天一样简单”,根据句意,应该是指到某个地方去并且待一段时间,原文put up“( somewhere)留宿”,因此,B选项stay“暂住”符合句意,且与原文接近。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项不符合原文语义。【句意】他带着这些东西到任何地方去,住上一个月或一年就像住一天一样简单。6. 单选题When snow c

10、ollects on top of a building during the winter, the weight sometimes weakens the construction and occasionally causes the roof to collapse.问题1选项A.meltsB.accumulatesC.selectsD.scatters【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. melts 融化 B. accumulates 积累C. selects 选择 D. scatters 分散【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】后文提到“积雪的重量有时会削弱建筑结构(weakens th

11、e construction),有时会导致屋顶倒塌(causes the roof to collapse)”,雪花本来是很轻的,只有积累到一定程度才会很重,有使房屋倒塌的能力,原词collect“收集;聚集”,因此B选项accumulates“积累”与原词最接近。【干扰项排除】A选项melts“融化”,雪花融化了就更不可能有使房屋倒塌的影响力了,不符合句意;C选项selects“选择”,没有依据;D选项scatters“分散”,分散了的话,重量会更轻,不会使房屋倒塌,不符合句意。【句意】当积雪在冬天堆积在建筑物顶部时,积雪的重量有时会削弱建筑结构,有时会导致屋顶倒塌。7. 单选题Last y

12、ears 800-odd events have mushroomed to more than 2,100, and scores of elected and would-be elected officials, including presumptive Democratic presidential nominee John F. Kerry, have gone before the cameras to pay homage to the weeks healthcare theme.But some analysts wonder whether the lawmakers w

13、ho are rolling out new proposals and recycling old ones are more concerned about scoring political points than finding solutions to the problems generated by a fractured healthcare system.Despite the equally fervent declarations coming from every side that, as Sen. Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine) said, “

14、Now is not soon enough to get the job done,” fundamental philosophical differencesas well as the war in Iraq, terrorism fears and the federal budget deficitwill continue to determine what, if anything, comes of all the talk.Across the country, groups from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to the AFL-CIO,

15、 from the Southern Baptist Convention to the Islamic Society of North America, have sponsored workshops, town hall meetings and news conferences this week to call attention to the problems caused by rising healthcare costs and shrinking coverageand to demand government action.But in the nations capital, the policy proposals presented by separate groups of Republican and Democratic lawmakers have almost nothing in common and come wrapped in political invective directed at the other side.Fo



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