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1、科教版四年级英语上册单词拼写复习针对练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图片,补全单词(1)Hesatallb_.(2)Icanseead_inthepicture.(3)Idlikesomef_andr_.(4)Myuncleisaf_.(5)Welcometoours_.(6)Thisisad_.(7)Myf_isad_.2. 根据上下文和首字母的提示补全句子所缺单词。1.I like to r_books in the library.2.The teachers w_in the classroom and the teachers room.3.The children have m_le

2、ssons in the classroom.4.My sister and I like to p_g_in the garden.5.I want to t_a shower now.6.We w_TV in the living room.7.We g_some flowers behind our house.8.There is a window b_the two pictures.9.The dog is n_to the old man.3. 按要求写单词。(1)man (复数)_ (2)there (反义词)_(3)student (同类词)_ (4)fire (复数)_(5

3、)toy(复数)_ 4. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。1. What_it?2. It is an_(橡皮).3._(是的), it is ac_(猫).5. 将下列句子补充完整。1. The music room is_the second floor.2. Its warm_Kunming now.3. Its time_go to bed.4. Its time_lunch.5. You have a lot_animals!6. 根据首字母填单词。1.The pillow is s_.2.T_ the window.3.H_ does it feel?4.The desk is

4、h_.5.Four m_ are under the tree.7. 按要求写词。(1)hot(反义词)_ . (2)thin(反义词)_ .(3)soft (反义词)_ . (4)eat(动名词)_.(5)do(第三人称单数)_ .8. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1._the housework2._songs3._a bike 4._a kite5.take_9. 按字母表顺序补全26个字母的大写或小写.10. 根据句意及首字母提示补全句子。1. I like to r_a book.2. What d_you like to do in the morning?3. These are m_

5、coats.4. She does her h_in the afternoon.11. 写出下列动词的-ing形式。1watch_ 2water_3cook_ 4dance_5sing_ 6do_12. 看图,将单词补充完整。1_an 2w_ll3l_ght 4w_ndow5d_r13. 看图组单词。(1)s,o,p,t,s,r (2)n,f,a(3)i,l,g,r (4)a,b,g(5)g,t,l,i,h (6)r,s,t,g,o,n(7)y,b.o (8)o,r,d,o(9)c,p,t,u,e,r,i (10)r,c,o,p,m,u,e,t14. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1.W_does your father do?2. Is he ad_?3. Hes at_.4. This is myf_.15. 看图片,完成句子。1This is myf_. He is an Englisht_.2This is myu_. He is af_.3This is mys_. She is an_.4This is myb_. He is ad_.页码 / 总页数


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